
Assembly information

Reading assembly information and POL as default program that runs exe

Auteur Réponses
Lachu Samedi 22 Avril 2017 à 10:25

My ideas are:

- Add support to POL for reading assembly information from *.exe files

- Download install script matched to assemby information

- Set POL assemblies reader program as default to open *.exe files

EleanorRobbins Mardi 19 September 2017 à 11:49

Microsoft Windows working frameworks enable several properties to be set for papers. The accessible properties shift as per the record sort. For .NET congregations that are incorporated to executables or dynamic connection libraries (DLL), they incorporate subtle elements of the get together while assignment writing, including the name of the program or library, a portrayal and up to three form numbers. They can likewise incorporate data about the designer or organization that made the product.

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