
troubles with new capture plugin

Auteur Réponses
chain2k Mardi 13 Mai 2008 à 13:03

first of all, thanx again, great idea and nice work
think it can be useful to add game video links to any youtube-like service in repository entries

the second:
capture is fine, no problems at all, but video conversion is not work for me:

LAME 3.97 32bits (
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), 3DNow! (ASM used), SSE, SSE2
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 18671 Hz - 19205 Hz
Encoding <stdin> to audio.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=2) j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (ca. 7.3x) qval=2
MEncoder 2:1.0~rc2-0ubuntu13+medibuntu1 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+ (Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 10)
CPUflags: Type: 15 MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
Reading from stdin...
success: format: 0 data: 0x0 - 0x0
YUV4MPEG2 file format detected.
YUV4MPEG2 Video stream 0 size: display: 1024x768, codec: 1024x768
VIDEO: [YV12] 1024x768 12bpp 30.000 fps 0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
Audio file file format detected.
[V] filefmt:65536 fourcc:0x32315659 size:1024x768 fps:30.00 ftime:=0.0333
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 16000->176400)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, osd: 1, aspect: 0.000000, round: 1
Opening video decoder: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video
VDec: vo config request - 1024 x 768 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
Could not find matching colorspace - retrying with -vf scale...
Opening video filter: [scale]
VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
Movie-Aspect is undefined - no prescaling applied.
[swscaler @ 0x8810770]SwScaler: using unscaled yuv420p -> yuv420p special converter
x264 [info]: using SAR=1/1
x264 [info]: using cpu capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 3DNow!
x264 [error]: ratecontrol_init: can't open stats file
x264_encoder_open failed.
FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver.
VDecoder init failed
Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x32315659.
Read DOCS/HTML/en/codecs.html!


I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and have mencoder (tryed with standart ubunut and with medibuntu repos) and x264 codec, but something wrong with parameters
for sure anyone can make conversion manually, but it will be not so clear

Ghostofkendo Mardi 13 Mai 2008 à 15:30

Hi chain2k,

think it can be useful to add game video links to any youtube-like service in repository entries

Quote from "chain2k"
I agree with you, just ask it to GNU_Raziel

About your problem, GNU_Raziel will certainly be more helpful but according to your error log, there is a problem with your video driver. Is it correctly installed?

Otherwise, I have problems with Capture too.
First, message to GNU_Raziel, Capture doesn't check the bc's presence. So it wasn't installed on my Arch Linux and Capture didn't work but didn't displays any error window (such as the one I had because of the lack of mencoder).

Then, Visioning a capture video doesn't work (and not even an error log by launching POL from a console)

To finish, the conversion doesn't work for me too. I have the following error:
Assuming raw pcm input file
LAME 3.97 32bits (
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE, SSE2
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 18671 Hz - 19205 Hz
Encoding <stdin> to audio.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=2) j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (ca. 7.3x) qval=2
MEncoder 1.0rc2-4.2.3 (C) 2000-2007 MPlayer Team
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7100 @ 1.80GHz (Family: 6, Model: 15, Stepping: 13)
CPUflags: Type: 6 MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
115 audio & 237 video codecs
Reading from stdin...
success: format: 0 data: 0x0 - 0x0
============ Sorry, this file format is not recognized/supported =============
=== If this file is an AVI, ASF or MPEG stream, please contact the author! ===
Cannot open demuxer.


GNU_Raziel Mardi 13 Mai 2008 à 16:21

success: format: 0 data: 0x0 - 0x0

That's the problem, you've captured nothing or file is corrupted, witch happened if you do not STOP the capture befaore leave the game !!

Also remember that Capture ONLY work with OpenGL/alsa threads, so capturing 2D will end to an empty/corrupted file and capturing OSS sound will not work.

Edité par GNU_Raziel

Ghostofkendo Mardi 13 Mai 2008 à 16:29

Also remember that Capture ONLY work with OpenGL/alsa threads, so capturing 2D will end to an empty/corrupted file and capturing OSS sound will not work.

Quote from GNU_Raziel

Okay, that's why it didn't work for me, I tested Capture with Notepad++

Thank you for the help
chain2k Mardi 13 Mai 2008 à 22:49

hi, again
as for me capture was ok, both video and sound, I tested it on HOMM5 and can play video successfully with Capture plugin
can't remember what version of plugin I tested last time with HOMM, but at home I messed with v0.6. It creates modified launcher with an error ( as I think) , that is the last line in launcher (make attention to bald words):

glc-capture -b back --out="/home/chain/POL_Capture/" wine-pthread "/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/wine-pthreadprefix/glest/drive_c/Program Files/Glest_3.1.2/glest.exe" $@

so it's not work, but then I change to:

glc-capture -b back --out="/home/chain/POL_Capture/" wine-pthread "/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/glest/drive_c/Program Files/Glest_3.1.2/glest.exe" $@

and all things are work

About conversion, I've tryed to change codec in Capture_lib to DIVX (with another resolution and without 2 passes) and it work nice.

glc-play "$CAP_FILE" -o - -y 1 | mencoder -demuxer y4m - -audiofile audio.mp3 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1000 -oac mp3lame -lameopts mode=3:abr:br=48 -zoom -aspect 4:3 -vf scale=640:480 -ffourcc DIVX -o "$CAP_VID".avi

Another one sugestion - to give user a choice of resolution and audio bitrate in convert script.

And tnx for ur attention

Edité par chain2k

GNU_Raziel Mercredi 14 Mai 2008 à 8:42


Already identify this bug,i will correct it for next release.

And I will add complete configuration page for convert options, I was just out of time last WE ^^

Stay tuned, next release expected sunday

Edité par GNU_Raziel

chain2k Mercredi 14 Mai 2008 à 13:11

thank you the great)
chain2k Samedi 17 Mai 2008 à 3:27

hi again
just want to say that new version 0.7 working brilliant, right from the box
only one thing, you forgot to remove remarks # in audio and so avi created without sound
think you can fast and easy change it)
and think that audio.mp3 have to be deleted after conversion, first time when I test version 0.7 I even didn't notice that sound conversion is not working^)
as for video all three codecs worked good for me
GNU_Raziel Samedi 17 Mai 2008 à 14:56

chain2k Vendredi 23 Mai 2008 à 21:25

Hi, again)
Today found a new bug in capture plugin ( that was really annoying because I tested TrackMania, wanted to add some game video in test and spent some hours while understand what happens)
In new launcher that plugin creates you add new path for libraries, bin's, etc.. and for sure assigned wine version not works after that.
but if I manually change the launcher and add wine path after export strings, all things begin to work right. That is an example:

source "/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/sources"
export WINEPREFIX="/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/ConquerOnline"
export WINEDEBUG="-all"
cd "/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/ConquerOnline//drive_c/Program Files/Conquer 2.0/"
message_one "Press <SHIFT>+F8 to start or stop capture" "Capture" "CaptureWarning"
export PATH="/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/plugins/Capture/software/usr/bin/:/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/plugins/Capture/software/usr/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/plugins/Capture/software/usr/lib32/:/home/chain/.PlayOnLinux/plugins/Capture/software/usr/lib32/:"
glc-capture -b back --out="/home/chain/POL_Capture/Conquer" wine-pthread "play.exe" $@
CAP_TIME=`date +%D-%T | tr "/" "-"\ | tr ":" "-"`
GAME_CAP2="`echo "Conquer Online-Capture"-"$CAP_TIME"`"
mv "/home/chain/POL_Capture/Conquer" "/home/chain/POL_Capture/"$GAME_CAP2".pid"

That was easy to notice when I tested my Conquer Online script. I used patched wine version with animated cursors support, and when the game used wrong version it was very noticeably.

And can you, please add option to change resolution of converted video? I can do it manually for sure, but GUI preferable.

Thank you)

Edité par chain2k

GNU_Raziel Lundi 26 Mai 2008 à 13:51

Already corrected in next version, create launcher "on the fly", no more special launchers, stay tuned for next release ^^
chain2k Lundi 26 Mai 2008 à 21:03

ok, i'll wait for it)

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