
I can't get dotnet30 to install! (32-bit wineprefix)

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realsuamor Vendredi 25 Aoüt 2017 à 9:46

Both their repositories (4 and 5) are on github. If you have small patches just create a pull request (and refer to a bug from the tracker of playonlinux). I don't see any possibility to assign tasks to yourself however.

Concerning the ressources: If you know what has to be in the download folder than you can download everything manually and still run the script (I have done this succesfully with dot40 and dot45 script). I recommend dot40 script as it does work much more reliable (f.e. it does not try to install dot30, dot35, fixes / sp all the time when you run it).

The dotnet35 and dotnet35sp1 folder only contain the exe files in my playonlinux ressources folder. However dot30 in addition contains:

- NetFx30SP1_x86.exe
- RGB9RAST_x86.msi
- XPSEPSC-x86-en-US.exe

~/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/dotnet30, ~/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/dotnet40 etc. are the folder names.

dotnet45 script however is buggy itself and you would have to create a fixed version of the script by yourself. However I have not found out where the scripts are located (or if they are hard-coded in the exe or even downloaded. In the last case we cannot use a patched script at all).

Software Developer - Private Project: Canorus - Free score editor
Urs Samedi 6 Janvier 2018 à 12:42

Ther Error still exists! I got the same!

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