
Ubuntu 16.04 repository

Auteur Réponses
djdb3000 Samedi 16 Juillet 2016 à 3:19

Hi, can you update the PlayOnLinux ubuntu apt repository for Ubuntu 16.04 "xenial"?

Thanks :-)
Rorohiko Samedi 30 Juillet 2016 à 23:28

Hi, since I have updated LinuxMint to Version 18, I allways get the info: ' Signature by key 74F7358425EEB6176094C884E0F72778C4676186 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)' when I do the mintupdate. It would be very good if you could update the repository.

Thank you in advance.

meirg Vendredi 12 Aoüt 2016 à 0:39

Submitted a feature request/bug report for this:

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