
Debian 8+ support?

Auteur Réponses
asahi55 Jeudi 26 Mai 2016 à 10:19

I noticed that the download page does not list Debian Jessie. Does this mean that it is not officially supported?
Quentin PÂRIS Jeudi 26 Mai 2016 à 22:56
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

It is. The repository are all the same basically

asahi55 Vendredi 27 Mai 2016 à 7:30

Thanks for the reply!

So if I install on Jessie should I use
wget (not listed on the download page)
wget (newest version listed on download page)
Quentin PÂRIS Samedi 28 Mai 2016 à 18:04
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Just go for jessie, it should work fine

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