
LoL; upgrade off XP SP2 warning

League of Legends, XP SP2 Upgrade request

Auteur Réponses
terryc Jeudi 28 Avril 2016 à 15:47

I've received thius email from Riotgames about the end of Lol onXP Sp2.

Recommended proceedure?

League, Windows XP, and you

We're announcing the end of League of Legends' support for Windows XP Service Pack 2, effective 3rd of May, 2016. We detected that you've recently played from a computer running Windows XP, so we wanted to give you a warning ping in case you needed to upgrade to Service Pack 3 or a newer operating system. Otherwise, League of Legends may fail to run on your machine.

If you've already upgraded to Service Pack 3, you're in the clear for now. That said, we recommend looking into upgrading off of XP anyway to keep your computer -- and your League account -- secure. Check the support article for information on how to upgrade:

To find out what service pack you're running, follow the steps outlined here:

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