
Age of Empires 3 Steam version

Need help getting AOE3 steam running on Macbook Pro

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CallMeBoog Jeudi 24 Décembre 2015 à 9:44

Hello, I hope this is the right place to post this, I have a macbook pro with OS X and decent specs, I'm trying to find a way to run Age of Empires 3 the complete collection on it through Steam.  I can get windows steam running and all, but where I get hung up is on first time setup since it wants to have directx.  Maybe I'm being stupid and it won't work even on Playonmac, but I've been trying Playonmac and Wine with no success.  Can somebody dumb the process down a little and explain how I might be able to install this old gem and run it?  Any way at all.  Thanks!

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