
[Issue] Might & Magic: Heroes VII through Uplay

I've been able to open and browse Uplay, but fail to download Heroes 7

Auteur Réponses
hakonmarcus Jeudi 22 Octobre 2015 à 20:38

Hi there!

First of all, I'm completely new to this forum, so please go easy on me if I make mistakes in regards to posting. I've read the sticky posts and figured that this might be the right place to post my ailments.

Long story short, I want to get a relatively new game I bought, Heroes 7, running on my Mac Pro. This is made tough by the fact that it's not supported, and tougher still by the fact that it needs to be run through Ubisofts game launching suite Uplay. I posted on reddit a couple of days ago to find out if anyone else had been able to get the game running through Vine or POM, and got in touch with a dev. After consulting with a programmer, he told me that if I was able to run Uplay and directX9, I should be good to go.

So I bought the game, but it seems I can't even download it. What should I do?


Mac Pro
OSX Yosemite (10.10.3)
3,7 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5
12 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 ECC
AMD FirePro D300 2048 MB

Steps taken:

1. Installing Uplay
I had no trouble installing, opening and browsing UPlay, and the app recognised my game key (which I bought through Steam). MMH7 is now listed as the only game in my library.

2. Downloading the game
When I proceed to try to download the game, it opens a little download window. It struggles for a good 10 seconds on the "initializing download"-screen, before it tells me:

  • Failed to start download
  • Uplay is unable to start download. Check that you have an active internet connection and sufficient space on your hard drive then try again.

When I close this window, the Uplay app crashes. It gives me a prompt that it has detected an unrecoverable error and must shut down, and that a crash dump has been created at "C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher/crashes". When I locate this file it is in a .dmp format which I know nothing about. Opening it in textedit yields gibberish.

3. Installing components
Now I have been searching these forums for people with similar problems, and found mostly stuff related to Assassins Creed 2. Unlike me, these people had trouble opening Uplay in the first place, and subsequently struggled with launching the game. I nevertheless saw that these posts mentioned the installation of a couple of components. I don't know what this does, but I've tried installing every one I've seen mentioned, 

Windows XP – could not find this
IE8 – installed fine
Service Pack 3 – could not find
msxml3 – installed through IE8
msls3  – installed through IE8
vcrun2008 – installed
vcrun2010 – installed
corefonts – installed though IE8
tahoma – installed
d3dx9 – installed
crypt32 – installed
directx9 – installed

I also found that someone had gotten results by disabling GLSL support, so I've tried that.
None of this has furthered my cause.


I opened the debugger and extracted this text from the "Uplay" Virtual Drive.

PE    94e0e000-94e19000    Deferred        tcc

PE    94e0e000-94e19000    Deferred        tcc

PE    95869000-95871000    Deferred        libpam.2.dylib

PE    9586d000-958d1000    Deferred        remoteviewservices

PE    9586d000-958d1000    Deferred        remoteviewservices

PE    9586d000-958d1000    Deferred        remoteviewservices

PE    95bc8000-95bcf000    Deferred        libsystem.b.dylib

PE    95bca000-95bde000    Deferred        libz.1.dylib

PE    95bd9000-95bec000    Deferred        libbz2.1.0.dylib

PE    95be7000-95dfe000    Deferred        audiotoolbox

PE    95be7000-95dfe000    Deferred        audiotoolbox

PE    95e0f000-95e17000    Deferred        applicationservices

PE    95eca000-95f00000    Deferred        libxslt.1.dylib

PE    95f0b000-95f4d000    Deferred        libdispatch.dylib

PE    962ca000-962fe000    Deferred        libsystem_kernel.dylib

PE    963d5000-963ee000    Deferred        libcommoncrypto.dylib

PE    963e2000-963f2000    Deferred        libcopyfile.dylib

PE    963ec000-963ef000    Deferred        accelerate

PE    963ed000-963f3000    Deferred        libradiance.dylib

PE    963f0000-9649a000    Deferred        corewlan

PE    963f0000-9649a000    Deferred        corewlan

PE    963f0000-9649a000    Deferred        corewlan

PE    963f0000-9649a000    Deferred        corewlan

PE    963f0000-9649a000    Deferred        corewlan

PE    9664e000-9667f000    Deferred        generationalstorage

PE    9664e000-9667f000    Deferred        generationalstorage

PE    9668e000-967b7000    Deferred        libjp2.dylib

PE    967bd000-9694f000    Deferred        uifoundation

PE    967bd000-9694f000    Deferred        uifoundation

PE    96a85000-96aa8000    Deferred        corebluetooth

PE    96a85000-96aa8000    Deferred        corebluetooth

PE    96b8b000-96c64000    Deferred        colorsync

PE    96c61000-97050000    Deferred        coreimage

PE    96c61000-97050000    Deferred        coreimage

PE    97329000-97377000    Deferred        gss

PE    9739a000-9758a000    Deferred        coreui

PE    9739a000-9758a000    Deferred        coreui

PE    9739a000-9758a000    Deferred        coreui

PE    974c9000-974d9000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib

PE    974c9000-974d9000    Deferred        libgfxshared.dylib

PE    9756c000-97611000    Deferred        coresymbolication

PE    9756c000-97611000    Deferred        coresymbolication

PE    97636000-97650000    Deferred        crashreportersupport

PE    97636000-97650000    Deferred        crashreportersupport

PE    97636000-97650000    Deferred        crashreportersupport

PE    97652000-9766d000    Deferred        speechrecognitioncore

PE    97810000-97815000    Deferred        liblangid.dylib

PE    97812000-9781b000    Deferred        libgif.dylib

PE    97817000-978b2000    Deferred        heimdal

PE    97817000-978b2000    Deferred        heimdal

PE    9788d000-98aa6000    Deferred        appkit

PE    9788d000-98aa6000    Deferred        appkit

PE    9788d000-98aa6000    Deferred        appkit

PE    9788d000-98aa6000    Deferred        appkit

PE    984c9000-9865a000    Deferred        desktopservicespriv

PE    984c9000-9865a000    Deferred        desktopservicespriv

PE    985e0000-985f8000    Deferred        protocolbuffer

PE    985e0000-985f8000    Deferred        protocolbuffer

PE    98b20000-98c25000    Deferred        iobluetooth

PE    98b20000-98c25000    Deferred        iobluetooth

PE    98b20000-98c25000    Deferred        iobluetooth

PE    99597000-99601000    Deferred        libfontregistry.dylib

PE    995e1000-995ef000    Deferred        print

PE    995e7000-995f7000    Deferred        libcgcms.a.dylib

PE    995e7000-995f7000    Deferred        libcgcms.a.dylib

PE    995f0000-99653000    Deferred        opencl

PE    997d2000-9984e000    Deferred        htmlrendering

PE    99937000-99e94000    Deferred        hitoolbox

PE    99937000-99e94000    Deferred        hitoolbox

PE    99937000-99e94000    Deferred        hitoolbox

PE    99dca000-9a13e000    Deferred        carboncore

PE    99dca000-9a13e000    Deferred        carboncore

PE    99dca000-9a13e000    Deferred        carboncore

PE    99dca000-9a13e000    Deferred        carboncore

PE    9a124000-9a175000    Deferred        libglu.dylib

PE    9a124000-9a175000    Deferred        libglu.dylib

PE    9a124000-9a175000    Deferred        libglu.dylib

PE    9a124000-9a175000    Deferred        libglu.dylib

PE    9a16e000-9a18b000    Deferred        opendirectory

PE    9a27e000-9a334000    Deferred        systemconfiguration

PE    9a2fe000-9a385000    Deferred        hiservices

PE    9a2fe000-9a385000    Deferred        hiservices

PE    9a353000-9a383000    Deferred        libpng.dylib

PE    9a353000-9a383000    Deferred        libpng.dylib

PE    9a353000-9a383000    Deferred        libpng.dylib

PE    9a3ba000-9a3f7000    Deferred        libsystem_info.dylib

PE    9a4ce000-9a4d5000    Deferred        libquarantine.dylib

PE    9a4d1000-9a675000    Deferred        imageio

PE    9a6e0000-9ab20000    Deferred        liblapack.dylib

PE    9a6e0000-9ab20000    Deferred        liblapack.dylib

PE    9ab24000-9ab47000    Deferred        libgl.dylib

PE    9ab24000-9ab47000    Deferred        libgl.dylib

PE    9ab35000-9ab66000    Deferred        kerberos

PE    9ac46000-9ac50000    Deferred        libcorevmclient.dylib

PE    9ac4b000-9acf4000    Deferred        corewifi

PE    9ac4b000-9acf4000    Deferred        corewifi

PE    9ac4b000-9acf4000    Deferred        corewifi

PE    9ace7000-9ad39000    Deferred        applejpeg

PE    9b08a000-9b1a4000    Deferred        libvdsp.dylib

PE    9b198000-9b419000    Deferred        quartzcore

PE    9b198000-9b419000    Deferred        quartzcore

PE    9b3fe000-9b469000    Deferred        languagemodeling

PE    9b5d8000-9b5df000    Deferred        loginsupport

PE    9b64c000-9b685000    Deferred        libarchive.2.dylib

PE    9bf89000-9bff2000    Deferred        libtiff.dylib

PE    9c01a000-9c03d000    Deferred        libsystem_asl.dylib

PE    9c032000-9c093000    Deferred        libsystem_network.dylib

PE    9c078000-9c08e000    Deferred        opengl

PE    9c09b000-9c0a7000    Deferred        iosurface

PE    9c09b000-9c0a7000    Deferred        iosurface

PE    9c111000-9c160000    Deferred        dictionaryservices

PE    9c141000-9c189000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib

PE    9c141000-9c189000    Deferred        libglimage.dylib

PE    9c182000-9c193000    Deferred        libsystem_notify.dylib

PE    9c1eb000-9c2c3000    Deferred        osservices

PE    9c306000-9c405000    Deferred        libiconv.2.dylib

PE    9c306000-9c405000    Deferred        libiconv.2.dylib


process  tid      prio (all id:s are in hex)

0000000e services.exe

    0000003c    0

    0000001c    0

    00000016    0

    00000014    0

    00000010    0

    0000000f    0

00000012 winedevice.exe

    0000001b    0

    00000018    0

    00000017    0

    00000013    0

00000019 plugplay.exe

    0000001f    0

    0000001e    0

    0000001a    0

00000026 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe

    0000002a    0

    00000027    0

00000028 explorer.exe

    00000029    0

0000002b (D) C:\f9933033c281f7d7a70b\update\iesetup.exe

    00000030    0

    0000002f    0

    0000002c    0 <==

[10/22/15 20:17:28] - Running wine- wineboot (Working directory : /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac/ressources)

[10/22/15 20:17:28] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_ie8 -----

[10/22/15 20:18:21] - ----- Starting function POL_Install_corefonts -----

[10/22/15 20:18:22] - ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----

[10/22/15 20:18:22] - ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----

[10/22/15 20:18:22] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_corefonts -----

[10/22/15 20:23:57] - Running wine- regedit /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /Applications/

[10/22/15 20:23:57] - Content of /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/regkey.reg






[10/22/15 20:24:47] - Running wine- Uplay.exe (Working directory : /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Uplay_/drive_c/Program Files/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher)

[1022/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] WriteFile: Pipe not connected. (0xE9)

[1022/] RawChannel write error

[10/22/15 20:25:59] - Running wine- Uplay.exe (Working directory : /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Uplay_/drive_c/Program Files/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher)

[1022/] ReadFile: Error (0x13D) while retrieving error. (0x2A4)

[1022/] RawChannel read error (unknown)

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] ChildThreadImpl::EnsureConnected()

[1022/] ChildThreadImpl::EnsureConnected()

[10/22/15 20:26:28] - Running wine- Uplay.exe (Working directory : /Users/hakonmarcus/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Uplay_/drive_c/Program Files/Ubisoft/Ubisoft Game Launcher)

[1022/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] Running without renderer sandbox

[1022/] WriteFile: Pipe not connected. (0xE9)

[1022/] RawChannel write error

[1022/] ReadFile: Error (0x13D) while retrieving error. (0x2A4)

[1022/] ReadFile: Error (0x13D) while retrieving error. (0x2A4)

[1022/] ReadFile: Error (0x13D) while retrieving error. (0x2A4)

[1022/] RawChannel read error (unknown)

[1022/] RawChannel read error (unknown)

[1022/] RawChannel read error (unknown)



hakonmarcus Jeudi 22 Octobre 2015 à 21:29

Oop! Forgot to add that my POM version is the newest, 4.2.9, and that I'm using Wine version 1.7.26.

I've also attempted to port forward MMH7s ports and to turn off all firewalls.

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