
Wiki Needs Help

Components and Functions

Auteur Réponses
paradj Dimanche 23 Aoüt 2015 à 12:37

Needs the following format for each:

  • What is it?
  • What does it do?
  • When would I need it?

Not really necessary:

  • Script/Shell command
  • Links

Why? Because...

"POL_Install_Componentname" tells us nothing *what_so_ever*.
and, not many may know that "rsc" is for the "Rockstargames Social Club"...

petch Dimanche 23 Aoüt 2015 à 17:07

It doesn't need to be in the Wiki, since there's some place for function scripts already, example

If some are missing documentation then I think that's where it should be added.

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