
Add New Steam Shortcuts to an Existing Virtual Machine

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Haravikk Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 13:50

Okay, so I recently tried to install the Steam version of Fallout 3 with the provided PlayOnMac installer, but there seems to be something wrong with it at present (nothing happens after Steam has been updated).


However, one of my existing virtual drives, also for a Steam game, can run Fallout 3 just fine, so I'm just using that instead.

But this doesn't give me a shortcut to the game; if I choose the "Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive" option then I can't select Steam.exe as the target, which means I can't add any arguments for launching my game.


Is there some other way I can go about creating a new shortcut so I can launch more than one Steam game from the same virtual drive?

ravery Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 21:30

If I remeber right, the steam client launces the game. So make the short cut pointing to steam (without arguement). When steam opens, go to your library and launch the game you want.

This way both games can be launched with one icon (provided steam was used to install both games).

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