inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 1:06
Ok look , i have a simple suggetions for the PlayOn{Mac,Linux,} / PlayOnPOSIX
This is the second or third time i post a ideas , but ever i just wait , can be totally ignored.
- i think i can use the PlayOn , like a Launcher for Native Videogames too .
- i am trying to solve the "playonlinux" protocol asociation -> HERE
- Another thing i think we need , its set WINEVERSION for each Shortcut , for example with "Steam Games" and "Origin Games" , and another Windows Launcher , for example i use Steam , and i have the follow games
- Steam works with too much version of Wine , the lastest version , support Steam Overlay
- Half-Life -> This have native Linux version
- Ragarnok ( Renewal / Classic ) -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.0
- RUSH -> This have native Linux version , but the native linux is too slow for me , works fine with Wine 1.7.44
- Super Crate Box -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.22
- WAKFU -> This have native Linux version
- World Of Goo -> This have native Linux version
- Serena -> This have native Linux version , but dont work the native , i am testing with all wines i have
- AirMech -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.44
- Fidding Teddy -> This have native Linux version
Because of that , i wanna set wine version for each shortcut i have on "Steam" PlayOnLinux Virtual Drive i prefer launch that game directly , and in some case launch steam just for add/remove games .
- You can add some kind of Sub-Menu , for "GOG" Games , because are a lot of they and you can add another sub menus , for easy installation , like "Steam" , "Origin" , "Desura" , "MS-D.o.s / DOSBox , Emulators ", etc . . .
an useful thing of DOSBox , if you can set the Cycles and cputype with the DOSBox internal orders
cycles = numbers
cputype = auto | 386 | 386_slow | 486_slow | pentium_slow | 386_prefetch
i know the mayor games for DOSBox , works fine its your set to 16384
with this the follow games i has test , and works fine for me :
- Maniac Mansion 1
- Maniac Mansion 2 / Day Of Tentacle
- Monkey Island 1
- Monkey Island 2 : Le'Chuck Revenge
- PCRally
- Prince Of Persia 1
- Prince Of Persia 2
- Realms Of Chaos
- Strife : No Trust One
- Supaplex
- Ultima 7
- Warcraft 1
- Warcraft 2
- Little Big Adventure 1
- Crystal Caves 1
- Wolfenstein 3D
- The Incredible Machine
- Sega Outrun
- Jungle Book
- H.u.r.l
- Commander Keen : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
- Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego
- Battle Chess
- Aladdin
i have the mayor part of that games in My Blog , but i need fix the Scripts , because dont works in any distro
But some games like "MDK" and "Blood" need a number like "131072" , and set like "pentimum_slow" and "dynamic" core , for try to work fine
i really dont know if you can set "core=dynamic" for this class of videogames and well you can test for each game if you can , test it .
This is for not use "wine + dosbox" like "dosbox launcher" , i prefer use dosbox native for my system , and someone can test , the lines i suggetions for games , in the "autoexec.bat" , or if you wanna use "DosBox + grldos" (Launcher for dos games) and put "name.bat" file for each game to set that property of dosbox before launch the game for runs game with a config i need it :D
well if someone make a script , should know , some games , can be need a manual edit , like "Tumblebugs 1/2" , and "Chuzzle Deluxe" , this game can be played using wine , but in some system , need a certain edit , you can see in spanish HERE
And finally off-topic , someone when i dont nothing to do , its possible i make the scripts for POL , for the Follow videogames from Windows :
- Agatha Cristie : And Then There Were None
- Ages Of Empires 1 : Someone has upload a script for this game
- Ages Of Empires 2 : Someone has upload a script for this game
- American McGee's Alice
- AssaultCube (Have a native for Linux / Mac )
- Big City Adventure (San Francisco , Sidney Australia , New York City Deluxe , Vancouver , etc . . . )
- Call Of Duty 1 ( This need a workaround for Nvidia users )
- Call Of Duty 2 : Someone has upload a script for this game
- Captain Claw
- Clive Barker's Undying ( Its better with 3DFX / Glide , Wrapper )
- Dofus Arena ( The game are dead right now )
- Harry Potter And : The Globet Of Fire
- Hydorah
- Mogeko Castle
- Little Big Adventure 2 ( Windows XP , Version )
- MDK 2
- MotoGP2
- Mystery Case Files ( This need Gecko and HTML Rendering)
- Need For Speed 3 : Hot Pursuit -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- Need For Speed 4 : High Stakes / Road Challange
- Need For Speed 5 : Porche Unleashed 2000
- Need For Speed 6 : Hot Pursuit 2 -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- Need For Speed 9 : Most Wanted -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- NeverWinterNights 1.69 + Expansions to 1.69
- Bejeweled 2 Deluxe
- Bejeweled 3
- Sniper Elite 1
- Starcraft + Expansion -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- Warcraft 3 + Expansion -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- The Whispered World
- Tomb Raider II -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- World Of Goo
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaos : Yugi The Destiny
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaos : Kaiba Revenge
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Power Of Chaos : Joey The Passion
- Touhou : Koumajou Densetsu Scarlet Symphony (you must install japanese support)
- Touhou : Koumajou Densetsu Stranger Requiem (you must install japanese support)
- Touhou : Super Marisa World
- Touhou : Megamari
- Silent Hill 2 -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- Silent Hill 3
- Silent Hill 4
- The Elder Scroll III : Morrowind + Expansions -> Someone has upload a script for this game
- Chuzzle Deluxe
- Peggle Deluxe
- Tumblebugs 1
- Tumblebugs 2
- Resident Evil 3
- Resident Evil 4
- Return To Castle Wolfeinstein
- Plants Vs Zombies
- Metal Gear 2 : Substance
- Star Wars : Phamtom Menace
- Star Wars : Starfighter
- Star Wars Lego 1
- Star Wars Lego 2
- Rainbow Six 3 : Raven Shield
- SafeCracker
- Zuma Deluxe
- QBeez 2
- Geometric Dash
- Peace Craft III / My Kingdom For The Princess III
- Tibia
- Zezenia
- Destruction Derby 2
- American Conquest Gold Edition
- Duelo de Hechizeros ( Magic & Mayhem )
And well that all the games i has been test under diferent version of wine of pol , without playonlinux XD , and all that games works for me :D
i can make that , ever meanwhile java are not used :D if not , i dont write the scripts for that games XD
Edité par inukaze
Quentin PÂRIS |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 1:43
Quentin PÂRIS
Ok look , i have a simple suggetions for the PlayOn{Mac,Linux,} / PlayOnPOSIX
This is the second or third time i post a ideas , but ever i just wait , can be totally ignored.
- i think i can use the PlayOn , like a Launcher for Native Videogames too .
Yes, this is a good idea
- i am trying to solve the "playonlinux" protocol asociation -> HERE
I agree that it needs to be fixed
- Another thing i think we need , its set WINEVERSION for each Shortcut , for example with "Steam Games" and "Origin Games" , and another Windows Launcher , for example i use Steam , and i have the follow games
- Steam works with too much version of Wine , the lastest version , support Steam Overlay
- Half-Life -> This have native Linux version
- Ragarnok ( Renewal / Classic ) -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.0
- RUSH -> This have native Linux version , but the native linux is too slow for me , works fine with Wine 1.7.44
- Super Crate Box -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.22
- WAKFU -> This have native Linux version
- World Of Goo -> This have native Linux version
- Serena -> This have native Linux version , but dont work the native , i am testing with all wines i have
- AirMech -> Works fine with Wine 1.7.44
- Fidding Teddy -> This have native Linux version
We were working with a per-shortcut wineversion with PlayOnLinux 3, but it creates a lot of bugs and errors. Also, the prefix is always updated each time the version changes so it can lead to a real mess. We advise you to install a different instance of Steam for each game
inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 3:21
Ok , i think in another way to make virtual drives , i am thinking in symbolic link to "Steam" (Windows) to make
a varius wineprefix , but for each game i use , and not reinstall steam , again , and over again
i think in something like
ok i have steam windows in
-> From Native Windows Partition , the fs_check , ever show me a msg
Ok i think to make virtual drives for example :
Delete manually "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Steam" , and make
ln -s "/media/windows/Steam" $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/Steam"
i can disable the "fs_check" ???
i am going to test , tomorrow that , just for testing XD :D .
Anything do i post here XD , if work fine or not XD
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 3:41
You might run into issues on things mounted on NTFS file systems being accessed by Wine. That is why the fs_check command runs. Though, I cannot think of what it may cause. I never actually do anything but access files; I have never tried to access and run binaries on another filesystem from Wine like that. Not really sure what would happen. lol.
inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 5:38
For me until the moment i dont have any error with my windows xp , ntfs , filesystem .
whatever , i can enogh space in a btrfs filesystem , for copy in there the steam windows folder .
PlayOnLinux is awesome in Python + bash , for my best luck , i hope this wine manager , never been in java , because java kill my system :D
Well , i am begin with the test right now :D
inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 6:34
Well the first try are not working , i think its because the main folder is an Symbolic Link , and then im thinking to put the simbolic link in "steamapps" , for test again XD
Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Ragnarok.exe
You have install the program in the default directory ?
Well if i make a symbolic link i recive the msg
Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Ragnarok.exe
You have install the program in the default directory ?
Ok this thing its not working , well i need separate each installation of game , by prefix , with all Steam Files + Game Files
I am trying right now
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 7:02
I always just do a virtual drive per Steam game. Steam is pretty small, and doesn't take up much space. That seems to work out the best. The disk overhead is worth the stability, in my opinion. Though, not everyone has huge amounts of disc space. LIke I said, I think that you will have issues trying to symlink to NTFS and FAT file systems (if that is still what you are trying to do).
PS: You can also turn off the 2-factor authentication with Steam so that you don't have to do an activation email for every virtual drive, which can be a pain for sure. :)
inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 7:20
The symbolic link , cause the same error in NTFS , FAT , EXT4, BTRFS , Reiser4 ,filesystem , ever i recive the same error
like i said , i think its the folder are a symbolic link .
I am preparing the data for my steam games : each installation of Steam , are 500 MB of Space disk ,
and multiply 500 x 20 = 10 GB Aprox , just for Prefix + Steam without Game.

But actually , this works how i need

But its a disk space waste .
i need a better solution :'(
If you can put the option for Shortcuts and the user can choise if a "Simple Shortcut" or "Shortcut + Specific Wine Version" ???
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 18:38
The amount of disk space that Steam takes up is small compared to the actual games, and again, you are sacraficing a little space for a lot more freedom and stability. If there was a better way to do it, it probably would have been done by now (the whole reasoning behind WINEPREFIX's is to keep apart programs with conflicting dependencies that break other programs. POL takes this a step further and allows you to assign a specific Wine version to a WINEPREFIX with ease, allowing for more control.)
I am preparing the data for my steam games : each installation of Steam , are 500 MB of Space disk ,
and multiply 500 x 20 = 10 GB Aprox , just for Prefix + Steam without Game.
Let's be real here; you really install and play 20 games at a time? :\ One of the main points of Steam is so that you DON'T have to have all of your games installed or within arms reach all of the time. Plus, let's talk about how big the actual games are. If you are worried about disk space, the amount of space that Steam takes up is SO small compared to most games (500mb per Steam install vs 1-20 GB per actual game install), so one solution is to not have every game that you own installed on your computer all at the same time.
inukaze |
Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 à 21:36
If your check my game list , you see the mayor part of my games , not occupied more 3GB , except "Portal 2" , yes i install all games of my Steam Account , because i dont know when i use it , depende the game i wanna play .
My 3 Hard , make in total 500GB , but i occupied 300GB in Music , Video Music & Animes XD and the 100GB for System , that leave me 100GB for Games / Emulators and another things , someone when venezuela have another goberment or the posibiliti to buy a hard disk with more capacity i do , but its to much expensive .
Imagine in your country , buy a 1TB hard disk , by 4200 $ USD , used , because the new , is the triple of that .
Well , for Space Reason , i just leave "Ragnarok" and "Super Crate Box" , because i played every day XD
and Serena for Testing .
I change the "Shortcut" for "Steam - Ragnarok Renewal"
From :
#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
export WINEPREFIX="/home/inukaze/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Steam_Ragnarok"
export WINEDEBUG="-all"
cd "/home/inukaze/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Steam_Ragnarok/drive_c/./Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Ragnarok"
POL_Wine Ragnarok.exe "$@"
To :
#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
export WINEPREFIX="/home/inukaze/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Steam_Ragnarok"
export WINEDEBUG="-all"
cd "/home/inukaze/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/Steam_Ragnarok/drive_c/./Program Files/Steam/"
POL_Wine Steam.exe steam://rungameid/215100 "$@"
Becase if i use the first method , i dont have access to "Steam Overlay" if i wanna use , i know with some wine versions the Overlay works , but with Wine 1.7.0 + Ragnarok Renewal + Steam Overlay = Crash , and for register the time i played some game using the steam game id
But Wine 1.7.44 + Ragnarok Renewal + Steam Overlay = Working , but ragnarok have glitches with that wine version , too much Black Screen Areas , if you use "ClassicRO" , set in the registry
and that works well for ClassicRO, but not for Renewal XD
Someone tell me , the next version of POL , maybe be in "Java" ? is truth ???
Samedi 6 Juin 2015 à 7:32
I was not aware of drive differences in price in different countries to that extent. Thanks for letting me know. I will keep that in mind.
Someone tell me , the next version of POL , maybe be in "Java" ? is truth ???
Ok, so, this news has been posted and public on our site for a few weeks. lol. Yes. It is truth. If you have a technical issue to bring up, please let us know. We want to hear as much as we can.
To be honest, there have been very few cogent arguments against it that are backed up by hard data. The reasons for the change are pretty concise, well-thought (just look at the new POL5 code), maintainable, and testable with great ease (portability is not the only reason).
Those issues are addressed in the thread listed here:
Please give us feedback, but we do ask that it is backed up with data (as in links, tests, etc., though ideas and concerns should certainly be brought up.), and that you read the whole thread before responding, so that you have a good idea of the reasoning behind the choices made (most general questions have been addressed and we don't want to repeat ourselves. Keeping it DRY. haha.).
Edité par RoninDusette
inukaze |
Lundi 8 Juin 2015 à 7:10
No , i dont have any "technical issue to bring up" the unique thing , i wanna test in java , but i really dont like java
Because on my machine is very killer of resources , if i open something :
JDownloader 1 / 2 Beta -> Download Manager
aTunes -> Music Player
Song Teacher -> Music Player
Media Info Fetcher -> Tool for extract multimedia file info
Mallemuck-ТБ-7 -> File Browser
Raccoon -> Tool from download apks from google play / google store / play store
This automatically consume 90% of Memory Ram and processor too consume the same
i can't take a screenshot . ever i wanna know why java consume too much , but i never find an answer for final user the unique post i found ( i hate google buuble ) are the follows
1 ->
2 ->
3 ->
The uniques apps , works , some decent its
Free Download Manager -> i use because JDownloader consume a lot of resources , this consume aprox the half
near 40~50% of my memory ram and the 60% of my processor , with this open i can play my native linux game Torchlight 1 without problems.
Wakfu -> Not with the Java from System , i use with the "java" provided by "ankama" , because the version java of ankama its a lot faster than i have on the system , but sometimes i have several graphical lag , for aprox 10 minutes , but its differente this is a complete videogame obviosly need a lot of resources XD , specially made in java
You can make a Poll for users ??? ,
make a question if they prefer java or another languaje ???
i can tell to the group on facebook ( )
and google+ community (
to participate , and each make a vote and you see the quantity for java or against java XD
Lundi 8 Juin 2015 à 18:30
That is odd, because I use Java on quite a few systems, and never have that happen.
You can make a Poll for users ??? ,
make a question if they prefer java or another languaje ???
i can tell to the group on facebook ( )
and google+ community (
to participate , and each make a vote and you see the quantity for java or against java XD
It's already been done. Either people just hate Java, or no one gave us solid reasons not to go with Java. It is testing faster than Python already, and that is just part of the proof. Java is faster than Python. There are a lot of other reasons, too. What you are suggesting is covered in that link that I sent. We already did that. You should read that whole thread. People's personal preference in language, outside of technical issues, is not really a factor, as personal distaste for any technology does not make a good argument against it's use (though, a lot of great, valid points where brought up by the community, and addressed in this thread) :D
inukaze |
Lundi 8 Juin 2015 à 19:16
Ever happened to us with java , and we don't know enought about a lot programming languages for make a compable tecnical reasons yet .
Some people from stackoverflows tells
i think the speed of a compiled or interpreted script(s) , depends of the hardware capacities , not from the language of programming , obviously , more hardware , more faster
In computer things can resumirme two very simple things
Increased Capacity and
Increased Speed
Well dont's matter , i am going to study programming XD , see you later :D
ravery |
Lundi 8 Juin 2015 à 19:45
One thing you could do is make prefixes by version.
ie if you have 5 steam games that play well in 1.7.0 then put them together in one prefix.
many games play well in more than one version, so you may be able to consolidate considerably.
Lundi 8 Juin 2015 à 20:10
One thing you could do is make prefixes by version.
ie if you have 5 steam games that play well in 1.7.0 then put them together in one prefix.
many games play well in more than one version, so you may be able to consolidate considerably.
The problem that you can run into is, say, 2 games work great with that wine version, but one needs .NET, and one uses wine-mono. Those are conflicting dependencies, which would require different vritual drives.
inukaze |
Mardi 9 Juin 2015 à 0:56
Ravery : Yes if you can configure a various games with the same prefix , and well the problem its when you need a different specific wine version for better gameplay . like me with Supercrafte box and Ragnarok Online
Super Crate Box -> Wine 1.7.22 + Wine DInput , DirectMusic + Direct3D configuration
Ragnarok Online International -> Wine 1.7.6 + vcrun6 + vcrun2008 + gecko + flashplayer active x + disabled steam overlay + direct3D configuration .
If you found a wine version works with you games , but you need specify a wine configuration for certain ".exe"(cutables) XD , you can do a registry file with the config you need (i put in bold the important , you need for the game without steam ) :
And import to your current wine :D to make it work fine for example in my case with my 2 games , if you wanna use the Steam Overlay , you must set
The Steam Overlay works with : Wine -> 1.7.{ 15 , 21 , 26 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 }
But cause a several fps slowdown on my machine , when i activated , i start with 30 FPS , and after activated steam overlay , the fps goes down to 1~6 FPS , because of that i prefer disabled it