
Any ideas how to make Blacklight Retribution run faster ?

Performance issues.

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Arkzyw Lundi 18 Mai 2015 à 11:59

As I am out of ideas I decided to ask here.
Game works quite smoothly only in 800x600 and lowest settings, but still with micro lag. Did anyone manage to make it work better ?
My specs:
HD 6870
Phenom II x4 965
Mint 17.1(proprietary drivers)/Ubuntu 15.04(gallium nine) - works the same way on both.
Tried tweaking .ini files, and modifiyng appcompat in them, but no visible change in performance.
Also managed to run it in 64bit prefix(Windows set to 2003, and IE 8(required to run launcher) 64bit for Windows server 2003) - works slightly better, but the difference is minor.

To run it I used clean prefix, and installed it through Steam.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Ronin DUSETTE Lundi 18 Mai 2015 à 17:31

I would keep it in a regular 32-bit prefix (they are better supported than 64-bit). For your drivers, make sure that you have the 32-bit libraries installed on your system too. And also try to switch to a -staging version of Wine (like 1.7.42-staging, from Manage Wine Versions, and enable CSMT; I have noticed fantastic performance gains.

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Arkzyw Mardi 19 Mai 2015 à 9:40

Thanks for reply.

I must have somehow overlooked this new feature, so thanks for that. Of course I have 32-bit libraries installed.

CSMT didn't give better performance though. I did some extensive Engine.ini tweaking(game is based on Unreal Engine), and it did help, though game is still barely playable. I think the problem isn't graphics related - looking at resource usage when playing it looks like the game only uses single CPU core.

Could you think of any way(if it is possible) to force game to use more cores ? Tweaking .ini didn't help in that matter. Also, since the game is known to suffer from optimization issues, I add that it worked correctly with my CPU in Windows few years ago when I was playing it(unlike some from Intel Q series, which even in Windows used only single core).

Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 19 Mai 2015 à 20:21

Not that I know of. I may be wrong, though. I don't think that Wine supports multicore features just yet. 

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