
Problems with 32bit drivers Radeon HD 7620G

Yes, I read the stickied post.

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FranceIsBacon Jeudi 9 Avril 2015 à 19:18

I'm running SparkyLinux LMDE x64, a Debian testing distro.

I'm at a total loss here. I have been googling this issue for days. The open drivers work, but I only get software rendering so my fps tanks. If I use the fglrx drivers from the repos I get a weird and persistent error with steam, along with the same error from POL. So I installed the beta drivers from AMD's website, fglrx-14.501.1003. Steam runs beautifully, but I get an error involving 32bit drivers from POL and can't even run the installer for League of Legends.


I have already made sure that I made my system multiarch, but it seems like the AMD installer doesn't install the 32bit driver at all.

I'm not a newbie, but I'm no Richard Stallman either. I have read and re-read the stickied post here and tried all of the troubleshooting steps included with no luck. Can anyone help me out?

Edité par FranceIsBacon

Ronin DUSETTE Jeudi 9 Avril 2015 à 19:40

You simply need to install the 32-bit libraries for your graphics driver. During the AMD driver install from their site, it usually asks if you want to install the 32-bit libraries too. At least from my recollection. If you are having trouble getting the 32-bit libraries installed, then you will need to check your distro's docs. You will continue to get the 32-bit lib error until they are present. Check the wiki, and if no info there helps you, then check with SparkyLinux and see if they do something different (honestly, I would stick with regular Debian or something a little more notable.). It is not anything against any flavour of Linux, but there may be some reason that the 32-bit libs are not being installed, or at least not being offered (The Nvidia driver does the same thing; during install, it asks if you want to install the 32-bit GL libraries, too).

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FranceIsBacon Jeudi 9 Avril 2015 à 19:54

Thank you for responding so quickly!

It unfortunately doesn't ask if I want to install the 32bit libs. I have followed official documentation on this from AMD, Debian, and I tried hitting the SparkyLinux forums but since it's such a small community my post has yet to get a response.


My understanding is that after

[code]sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386[/code] packages see my system as both. When I installed fglrx from the repos it downloaded some packages from the i386 repos. but then PlayOnLinux wasn't able to see either 32bit or 64bit openGL libs. I was hoping the problem is just that the AMD installer didn't make some symlinks...


EDIT: Ok, I feel dumb. After putting my thoughts in writing, I started to doubt whether or not things are actually detecting multiarch. They arent. A good ol' sudo dpkg --print-architecture outputs amd64. Back to the drawing board.

Edité par FranceIsBacon

Ronin DUSETTE Jeudi 9 Avril 2015 à 20:02

I believe it is that, because if the Debian POL package was broken for everyone, I am sure we would be flooded with posts. ;)

As for your post in the forums for Sparky; that is why I use something with more of a following. I would honestly switch to something else, but that is up to you. Since their forums aren't giving you an answer, and it is a Debian baby, I would just go to Debian's forums and ask there. Unfortunately, there is not much more that I can say besides install the drivers and make sure the 32-bit libs are installed. lol. It should be pretty easy to do, but I am not sure if that distro does something different than Debian for whatever reason that could be causing this. Have you considered Lubuntu or Linux Mint LMDE? 

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FranceIsBacon Vendredi 10 Avril 2015 à 5:15

I installed pure Debian Jessie and configured everything from scratch. Works perfectly! Linux Mint and my hardware have a history of not playing nice, and since Debian-based distros is all I know, I just went with debian. All of my problems disappeard.

Thanks for trying to help. Staying away from SparkyLinux for now, too many issues with my configuration.

Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 10 Avril 2015 à 6:51

Glad you got it working. :)

PS: Make sure that you report this error to that distro's team. I am sure that they would want the feedback. ;)

Edité par RoninDusette

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