
The Contribute Button

is misleading

Auteur Réponses
Xenos5 Mardi 31 Mars 2015 à 19:55

I think it's misleading that feedback on how effective the script is has to be given by clicking the Contribute button. Maybe this is the reason nobody really gives feedback much.
I mean, League of Legends, a script that's been around for many years, is very popular, and yet only has about 60 votes for or against it compared to its 600000 downloads. There are a lot out there with exactly 0. Who knows how many of those are horribly broken, if nobody reports their failure?

What the optimal solution would be, in my opinion, is following the general online convention of having an open "Write a comment..." text field at the bottom, much like commenting on an existing "contribution" works right now. People are used to commenting on everything online, but not so much Contributing with a capital C. Then the Contribute button is left to do just script modifications. At the moment, this change isn't really possible because of the ridiculous number of comments that get rendered, but maybe with pagination or something.


Quentin PÂRIS Vendredi 3 Avril 2015 à 21:46
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Yeah I agree with you that we need to rethink a little this section.

A simple "like" button would be great I think

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