
[Patch for PlayOnLinux] Add/Remove Programs Menu

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Fincer Mardi 24 Février 2015 à 21:11

Patch for including "Add/Remove Programs" launcher to PlayOnLinux program-specific right-click menu.


Reason for the patch: Easier configuration of individual program components for PlayOnLinux wineprefixes. Handy especially in situations where a single program is wanted to be removed but it's not listed on PlayOnLinux programs list. At the moment, these situations force a user to use terminal commands such as

WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/myprefix/ wine uninstaller

which are troublesome for daily usage and advanced program management.

Patch code (for PlayOnLinux 4.2.5):

PlayOnLinux must be compiled with the patch code above in order to enable Add/Remove Programs Menu functionality.

P.S. Admins, if there is a more valid or official way to send these program patches, please let me know.

petch Mardi 24 Février 2015 à 22:26


You don't need to use terminal commands for that, you can go

Configure button > (select virtual drive) > Wine tab > Uninstal button

It's quite unlikely that this feature will be better integrated in the interface, as the original way and still the recommanded way to uninstall software with PlayOnLinux is to remove its virtual drive, it has the benefit of being very reliable ;)

About the best way to submit patches, the sources are available on Github at

where you can submit changes as Push Requests.


Fincer Mercredi 25 Février 2015 à 1:27

Never noticed that uninstaller lurking in there. Anyway. Okay, so this function exists already on PlayOnLinux, it's just bit hidden.

However, I still like the right-click option but there is probably more sophisticated way to adapt it.

Thank you petch!

enssso Vendredi 31 Mars 2017 à 0:23

Hi guys!

petch, I try submit a new patch for playonlinux4 with push request, but I has access denied.

$ git push origin virtual-desktop-fullscreen
Username for '': enssso
Password for '':
remote: Permission to PlayOnLinux/POL-POM-4.git denied to enssso.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

What's wrong? What did I do wrong?

plata Jeudi 20 Avril 2017 à 13:31

You cannot push to that repository directly. You have to fork and then create a pull request for your fork.




However, PlayOnLinux 4 is not really in active development anymore due to the upcoming version 5. So I'm not sure if the patch will ever be released.

Edité par plata

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