
Redstone Online

This is a suggestion for PlayOnMac

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Ysls93 Dimanche 22 Février 2015 à 18:39

It's a game that I really love, but now that I am using a mac I'm sad that I can't make it work :/

Ronin DUSETTE Dimanche 22 Février 2015 à 18:55

Have you searched ?

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Ysls93 Dimanche 22 Février 2015 à 19:26

Yes, the problem is that WineHQ has an older version of Red Stone...

Red Stone has changed host a few times and is now owned by GameNGame.


Maybe it is just extremely simple to make it work, but I really don't know how to lol

I have tried to use PlayOnMac anyways and I got as far as the installer... As soon as I select a directory for the SetupRS to do it's job, I get the following error message:

I really don't understand anything about it lol I'm such a newbie in this kinda thing, so I thought you guys would help :)

Edité par Ysls93

Ronin DUSETTE Dimanche 22 Février 2015 à 19:30

That looks like something that might need to be fixed directly through Wine. You should file a bug report at WineHQ, and give them all of the information that they ask for. If it is something that needs a patched version of Wine to fix, that is the place to get it done. File that report, and work with them, and let us know what you find. If your bug report turns up a solution, we can implement it into POL/POM so that you can use it here. 

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