
resizing installed program window

After Open GL Fix for OSX and not opening in full screen

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moshebagelfresser Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 13:05

Is there a way of resizing an installed programme window after other install of Open GL Fix to inhibit Full Window.

I would like to increase the size of the window displaying the programme opened in it.

moshebagelfresser Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 13:56

1. Selected game in POL.
2. Left click on Configure.
3. In Configure, Left click Wine Button and Configure Wine.
4. In Wine Configuration, left click on Graphics.
5. Removed the tick in Allow the window manager to control windows.
6. Increased the size from 800x600 to 1000x700 see 2nd picture.

moshebagelfresser Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 14:00

Picture 2

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