
[Script] Steuer (Buhl)

German Tax Software from Buhl same as ALDI LIDL Steuer

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Deleted account Dimanche 24 Aoüt 2014 à 23:05
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This script is for installing german tax software from Buhl Software.

The program names vary: "t@x", "Steuer 2013" or "Steuersparer 2013".

It will install the "Konz" program before the Steuer program, so you dont have to do this afterwards.



The warning about missing a PDF-viewer can be ignored, since the system viewer will be used.

On my PC POL could not detect that the installer still runs and says it probably crashed. In this case wait for the installer to finish and press next.

If you want to update the program with its internal updater it may not work. If this happens you have to try again. Sometimes it needs some times to make it work - seems to be some bug in the updater itself.


Please test and give me your feedback. For now I did test it on POL on Fedora.

Would be nice if you can provide: the OS, the Year and the Version ("t@x", "Steuer 2013" or "Steuersparer 2013").

# Date : 2014-08-22
# Last revision : 2014-08-22
# Distribution used to test : Fedora 20 (64bit)
# Author: Lassie Lemon
# Wine version used: 1.7.24

# This should work with the german "t@x" programs from Buhl
# and its derivated versions from Lidl "Steuersparer" and ALDI "Steuer"
# tested with the ALDI Version "Steuer 2013"

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"



POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "BuhlSteuer" "" "Lassie Lemon" "BuhlSteuer"

# Let the user select a CD

#Find the Steuer setup
STEUEREXE="$(find $CDROM/ -maxdepth 2 -iname start.exe | tail -n 1)"

if [ -z "$STEUEREXE" ]
    POL_Debug_Fatal "Could not find Setup while looking for CD at location $CDROM "

#For optional KONZ Setup we need to install the AIMEngine first or it will fail during install
AIMEXE="$(find $CDROM/ -iname aimsetup.exe | tail -n 1)"
KONZ_SETUP_PATH="$(find $CDROM/ -type d -iname konz | tail -n 1)"

# create prefix
POL_System_SetArch "x86"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# install dependencies
POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2008
POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2010
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet35sp1
POL_Call POL_Install_ie8

#if we found the AIM Engine setup we initiate its setup.
#this step maybe optional
if [ -n "$AIMEXE" ]
    POL_Debug_Message "Found AIMEngine at $AIMEXE trying setup"
    POL_Wine "$AIMEXE"
    POL_Debug_Message "Could not find AIMEngine. Skipping."

#if we found KONZ we try to install before Steuer
#this step maybe optional
if [ -n "KONZ_SETUP_PATH" ]
    POL_Debug_Message "Found KONZ at $KONZ_SETUP_PATH trying setup"

    #cd into the subdir, otherwise the install fails
    pushd "$(dirname "$KONZ_SETUP_PATH")"
    POL_Wine "$KONZ_SETUP_PATH/Autorun.exe"
    POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
    POL_Debug_Message "Could not find KONZ. Skipping."

POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

# Use native PDF viewer
POL_Call POL_Function_SetNativeExtension "pdf"

# create shortcut for the executables
# because the names contain the year, we find the installed program file and use this as shortcut
INSTALLFILENAME="$(find $MYINSTALLDIR/ -iname stman*.exe | tail -n 1)"
POL_Shortcut "$(basename "$INSTALLFILENAME")" ""

INSTALLFILENAME="$(find $MYINSTALLDIR/ -iname Konz*.exe | tail -n 1)"
POL_Shortcut "$(basename "$INSTALLFILENAME")" ""

POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Installation finished sucessfully. \nPlease note: if the internal STEUER update function is not working, please repeat.\nSometimes it will take many tries.')" "$TITLE"



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