
Step 1: Wine Crashes

baby steps

Auteur Réponses
afd_rulez Mercredi 16 Juillet 2014 à 23:09

Hello dear community of POL

This is my second time writing this, because of my clumpsy fingers.

This program is awesome, I knew I had to get it when I discovered it, but it has been a journey of one problem after another. Problems are concerned with: Wine, Steam, and .NET (whatever that is). Let's start with the first one, and more to the others (This might take a couple of threads). enjoy the ride.

Error in POL_Wine
Wine seems to have crashed
If your program is running, just ignore this message

According to this post (yes I read it, hope it helps): I want to add some more information:

- I use Ubuntu 14.04

- I've installed Wine1.6 from Ubuntu software center, after installing Wine1.7 since 1.7 is still in beta

- I'm new to Linux, but I think my desktop is unity

- So here is what happens:

I choose to install the game (Magicka) --> open installer --> Wine 1.5.20 is being downloaded --> Wine is being extracted --> I choose "Use Steam store version" --> "Please wait while DirectX runtime is installed" --> "Registering Libraries, please wait//(it can take a while)" --> "Please wait while . NET Framework 2.0 is installed" --> ERROR, Sad Face, and the message above appears.

- I don't know what to put for computer specifications

Thanks for the help :)

New to this, and Loving it.
booman Lundi 21 Juillet 2014 à 2:32

Hey AFD_Rulez, i'm glad you are persistant about getting help with PlayOnLinux.  I just noticed your posts today.  Please refer to your other posts with my suggestions.

Don't give up, your persistance will pay off!

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
kvanegas Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 12:48

Booman is not at all explicit to solutionate it. Please, may somebody refer me to a real solution? I have the same problem, with the following antecedents:

1. Because I'm new Linux user, so I need step-by-step

2. I'm using Linux Mint Debian 5.6.6 Mate

3. XEon processor with AsRock M77 Board 16 MG

4. Problems with any Win program: FireFox, prince of Persia, Age of Empire II and III

Thank you,

petch Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 13:26

Something more up-to-date than a 2007 post would be the Wiki:

Still, it talks about pasting debug logs but not how to get them. So,

- select the application shortcut

- click on "Debug" in the side panel

- let the problem happen again

- go to the PoL debugger window, click on "Locate this log file" button

- open the log file with your favorite text editor so you can copy/paste its whole content

dominiclesaber Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 16:07

i am havins same issue here is log file pls someone help :}


[01/22/16 21:39:00] - Running wine-1.7.18 --version (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wine/mono)

PlayOnLinux logfile
Date: 01/22/16 21:39:00

> PlayOnLinux Version
> uname -a
  Linux daddy-Aspire-E5-511 3.13.0-76-generic #120-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 18 15:59:10 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version
> Distribution
  Zorin OS 9
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
      GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer,
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Bay Trail
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)

[01/22/16 21:57:58] - Running wine-1.7.18 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wine/mono)
C:\Program Files (x86)
[01/22/16 21:59:03] - Running wine-1.7.18 start /unix /home/daddy/dead pool (Working directory : /home/daddy)
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Success.

[01/22/16 21:59:46] - Running wine-1.7.18 regedit /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/daddy)
[01/22/16 21:59:46] - Content of /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[01/22/16 21:59:47] - Running wine-1.7.18 regedit /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg (Working directory : /home/daddy)
[01/22/16 21:59:47] - Content of /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg

[01/22/16 22:01:25] - Running wine-1.7.18 regedit /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
[01/22/16 22:01:25] - Content of /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[01/23/16 10:44:55] - Running wine-1.7.18 /home/daddy/Desktop/Play Deadpool.desktop (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-amd64)
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x103e2b8, overlapped 0x103e2d0): stub
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x10fe890, overlapped 0x10fe89c): stub
wine: configuration in '/home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame' has been updated.
wine: Bad EXE format for Z:\home\daddy\Desktop\Play Deadpool.desktop.
[01/23/16 11:36:57] - Running wine-1.7.18 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-amd64)
fixme:urlmon:InternetBindInfo_GetBindString not supported string type 20
err:process:__wine_kernel_init boot event wait timed out
C:\Program Files (x86)
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xdde338, overlapped 0xdde350): stub
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xdce8b0, overlapped 0xdce8bc): stub
wine: configuration in '/home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame' has been updated.
[01/23/16 11:40:15] - Running wine-1.7.18 start /unix /home/daddy/Deadpool1/Deadpool_nosTEAM.part1.exe (Working directory : /home/daddy)
fixme:shell:SHAutoComplete stub
fixme:ieframe:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x1699d0)
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0xe5e8b0, overlapped 0xe5e8bc): stub
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x1007c, 0x1789a8): stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x3358f4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:ieframe:BrowserService_GetTravelLog 0x16b470 0x33651c
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 84 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x169a88)->((null) 1 0x336520 (nil))
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus command_0: 27, 0x0
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 84 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x169a88)->(0x3364fc)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x1919d0)->(0x335c60)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x1919d0)->(0x335480)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x169a88)->(0x33735c)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_Cancel (0x1919d0)->(804b0002)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x169a88)->(0x33871c)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x191938)->(0x3385b0)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x191938)->(0x337dd0)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:PropertyNotifySink_OnChanged unimplemented dispid 1005
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_Cancel (0x191938)->(804b0002)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x169a88)->(0x33871c)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x192420)->(0x338160)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x192420)->(0x337980)
fixme:ieframe:PersistStreamInit_InitNew (0x16b238)
fixme:ieframe:BrowserService_GetTravelLog 0x192388 0x33651c
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 84 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus (0x16b2f0)->((null) 1 0x336520 (nil))
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_QueryStatus command_0: 27, 0x0
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 84 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x16b2f0)->(0x3364fc)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x194f60)->(0x335c60)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x194f60)->(0x335480)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x16b2f0)->(0x33735c)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_Cancel (0x194f60)->(804b0002)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x16b2f0)->(0x33871c)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x194ec8)->(0x3385b0)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x194ec8)->(0x337dd0)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:PropertyNotifySink_OnChanged unimplemented dispid 1005
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 37 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_Cancel (0x194ec8)->(804b0002)
fixme:ieframe:ClientSite_GetContainer (0x16b2f0)->(0x33871c)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDisposition (0x193100)->(0x338160)
fixme:mshtml:nsChannel_GetContentDispositionHeader (0x193100)->(0x337980)
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x169a88)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x169a88)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x169a88)
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x16b2f0)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x16b2f0)
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 25
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:DocHostUIHandler_GetDropTarget (0x16b2f0)
fixme:dwmapi:DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo ((nil) 0x33f718)
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x6aee5270, 0x19a3bf0, {509962e0-406b-46f4-99ba-5a009f8d2225}, 3, 0x19dae40, (null), (null), 0x19a3c20): stub
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:PropertyNotifySink_OnChanged unimplemented dispid 1005
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:ieframe:PropertyNotifySink_OnChanged unimplemented dispid 1005
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 69 of CGID_Explorer
fixme:resource:GetGuiResources (0xffffffff,0): stub
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 103 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 2315 of group {de4ba900-59ca-11cf-9592-444553540000}
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 35
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 28
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 26
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 103 of CGID_ShellDocView
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 2315 of group {de4ba900-59ca-11cf-9592-444553540000}
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 35
fixme:ieframe:ClOleCommandTarget_Exec Unimplemented cmdid 28
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000180
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000180
fixme:ieframe:ControlSite_OnFocus (0x16b2f0)->(0)
fixme:ieframe:InPlaceSite_OnInPlaceDeactivateEx fNoRedraw (1) ignored
fixme:mshtml:HlinkTarget_SetBrowseContext (0x190978)->((nil))
fixme:ieframe:OleInPlaceObject_UIDeactivate (0x16b238)
fixme:ieframe:OleInPlaceObject_InPlaceDeactivate (0x16b238)
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
[01/23/16 11:43:11] - Running wine-1.7.18 regedit /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/daddy)
[01/23/16 11:43:11] - Content of /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[01/23/16 11:43:17] - Running wine-1.7.18 regedit /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg (Working directory : /home/daddy)
[01/23/16 11:43:17] - Content of /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/VGA_ID_fix.reg

[01/23/16 11:43:36] - Running wine-1.7.18 DP.exe (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame/drive_c/Games/Deadpool/Binaries)
[01/23/16 11:44:20] - Running wine-1.7.18 DP.exe (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame/drive_c/Games/Deadpool/Binaries)
[01/25/16 08:56:51] - Running wine-1.7.18 DP.exe (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame/drive_c/Games/Deadpool/Binaries)
[01/25/16 09:00:32] - Running wine-1.7.18 DP.exe (Working directory : /home/daddy/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DeadpoolTheGame/drive_c/Games/Deadpool/Binaries)
err:module:attach_process_dlls "wined3d.dll" failed to initialize, aborting
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Games\\Deadpool\\Binaries\\DP.exe" failed, status c0000005

petch Lundi 25 Janvier 2016 à 19:05


 [01/22/16 21:59:03] - Running wine-1.7.18 start /unix /home/daddy/dead pool (Working directory : /home/daddy)
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Success.

You selected a random file (or even a directory?) as an installer, so it fails to install.
"Shit in, shit out".

 > OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)
 (and more nothing)

Ubuntu packages do not contain video autotests, so I can't confirm your video subsystem is correctly installed.

err:module:attach_process_dlls "wined3d.dll" failed to initialize, aborting

... but maybe it isn't


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