
Says My graphics card isnt supported.

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tomronny Lundi 14 Avril 2014 à 6:20

Hello! I'm new to the linux world, and also playonlinux. I installed linux lite, and the proprietary ATI drivers for my AMD Radeon HD 7770 graphics card. I opened play on linux, installed steam, and also a few games. I installed Torchlight 2, Trackmania, Fallout 3, and CS: GO. I could run Torchlight, but I got wierd shadow textures, as in the shadows were square, and moved around a lot. I could also run Trackmania, But I couldn't see the car textures. I could open the fallout 3 launcher, but when I pressed play, it didn't open. When I pressed play on CS:GO, it said my graphics card didnt support it,  even though it runs it at over a 100 fps in windows. I disabled steam overlay, and have the latest 64-bit version of WINE. I really want to make the switch over to linux,  but the gaming thing is the only thing holding me back. Please help!
schumischumi Lundi 14 Avril 2014 à 14:59

try the cossover trial. I got skyrim working without any problems and I have a hd5770 GC.
tomronny Lundi 14 Avril 2014 à 23:56

Thank you, but I still would like to try to get this to work on playonlinux. I am wondering if it is a driver problem or something.
tomronny Mardi 15 Avril 2014 à 0:31

if it helps, I get this error message:
Your graphics hardware does not support all the features (CSM)
needed to run this game.

Device info:
Marked unsupported: 0
Supports PCF Sampling: 1
DriverName:"AMD Radeon HD 7700 series"
VendorID: 0x1002, DeviceID: 0x683D
DriverHigh: 0x0008000E, DriverLow: 0x000A02E
DXLevel: 95, MinDXSupportLevel: 90, MaxDXSupportLevel: 95

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