
Steam games crashing before they start

Auteur Réponses
Cuddly Kitty Mardi 1 Avril 2014 à 23:37
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Hi, I'm pretty much new to Wine, but I've been having a recurring problem when I try to run games off of PC Steam.

OS: MAC OS X 10.9
Wine version: 1.5.25
Steam version: Latest as of April 1st, 2014

I can get Steam itself to run just fine, but whenever I try to play one of my two Windows-only games, neither will work.  To be specific, the two games are "Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Rise of the Owlverlord" and "Eryi's action."  Whenever I launch the former, it crashes after the beginning screen where I can toggle the settings or choose to play the game and I get this error message saying that GSGameExe_DX9.exe encountered a serious problem and needs to close.

I saved the text report, but I don't know if it contains private information or not.  For Eryi's Action, the game just freezes while doing 1st-time installs  The closest I've gotten is a frozen Now Loading screen and a similar error that I get with "Giana Sisters," except the program is update.exe.

I've tried looking around multiple forums, but I'm completely stumped.  If someone could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you for your time.
petch Mercredi 2 Avril 2014 à 7:52

Cuddly Kitty Mercredi 2 Avril 2014 à 18:57
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Thanks for replying. I set the wine version to 1.7.15, but unfortunately, there was no change. "Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams-Rise of the Owlverlord" still had the same crashing error and "Eryi's Action" froze immediately, requiring a Force Quit. Is there any way to check if those games are among those that require patches? Also, is there a signup somewhere to be notified when the Steam problems are fixed?

Thanks again.
petch Mercredi 2 Avril 2014 à 22:05

For infos on programs compatibility with Wine you can check the AppDB.
As to Steam related questions, I don't think there's anything special, then again I'm no Steam user.

Cuddly Kitty Jeudi 3 Avril 2014 à 6:28
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Steam's stats on the database say something about the games working with DirectX9, but not DirectX10 or 11. Does that mean anything to you? I think I've seen X11 mentioned before when dealing with Wine software. Is there some way to test this out on PlayOnMac?
petch Jeudi 3 Avril 2014 à 13:00

Steams in not a game engine, each game that it wraps uses its own engine, hence its own requirements.

X11 aka X Window System is the most common protocol used for graphic display on Unixen. Wine used this protocol on Macs until quite recently (Wine 1.7.8?)
Cuddly Kitty Jeudi 3 Avril 2014 à 16:04
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Actually, that could be the solution I need and with the timing of the freezes, a problem with displaying the graphics would make sense. Is there a way to tell PlayOnMac to use the older X9 protocols?
petch Jeudi 3 Avril 2014 à 16:52

X11 has been in use since 1987, so forget about any other version, if ever released (never used any other personally).
On the other hand you could try newer versions of Wine, that's supposed to use Mac graphic API directly (if I understand correctly).
Cuddly Kitty Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 6:15
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

If that's the case, then what are they referring to in ( ) when they talk about how playing games using DirectX9 works, but not DirectX10 or 11? I don't think that Steam was around that far back.

I've already checked that I'm using the latest wine version and 1.7.15 is the latest version according to WineHQ.
petch Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 10:58

Oh, I see where you got confused.
X11 has nothing to do with DirectX11.
DirectX is a set of Windows APIs for higher performance/lower latency in different domains (Direct3D for graphics, DirectSound, DirectInput, you name it).
Wine has to translate those to equivalent APIs provided by the host APIs, mainly Direct3D into OpenGL calls. This translation currently supports DirectX9, and only partially DirectX10 and DirectX11 features. There's nothing you can do about it, short of being a Wine developer.
Cuddly Kitty Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 16:18
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Is this something that PlayOnMac already takes care of as far as the incompatibility issue with DirectX10 or 11? If not, do you know of a good place for finding resources as far as learning how to go in and fix things myself? I don't know the specific syntax, but I have taken computer language classes before, so I understand the basic concept.
petch Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 17:40

PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac is a frontend to manage Wine and programs installed with Wine, to check compatibility you can have a look at Wine's AppDB
Cuddly Kitty Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 18:34
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

I'm sorry to drag this out, but it's so frustrating because the solution seems so close. I'm pasting a bug report for the error that's been causing the crash. Could you please tell me whether this needs a patch created or if I just need to download or configure something?

Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x687bd000 in 32-bit code (0x78ab0a76).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:78ab0a76 ESP:0033de00 EBP:0033de0c EFLAGS:00210202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:0000003d ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001
ESI:57915ac0 EDI:687bcfb0
Stack dump:
0x0033de00: 687bc830 572124c0 00000800 0033de20
0x0033de10: 00782d44 687bc830 57915340 00000800
0x0033de20: 0033dea8 00783f74 687bc830 57915340
0x0033de30: 00000800 00000000 00000000 566fd2e0
0x0033de40: 57211940 00000000 00000200 00000100
0x0033de50: 00000800 00020000 64bbe030 00000200
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x78ab0a76 in msvcr100 (+0x10a76) (0x0033de0c)
1 0x00782d44 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x382d43) (0x0033de20)
2 0x00783f74 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x383f73) (0x0033dea8)
3 0x007f02ea in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3f02e9) (0x0033df8c)
4 0x007ef6dd in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef6dc) (0x0033dfd4)
5 0x007ef8d7 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef8d6) (0x0033e020)
6 0x004841af in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x841ae) (0x0033e030)
7 0x004beed9 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xbeed8) (0x0033e0b4)
8 0x004e245e in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xe245d) (0x0033e110)
9 0x0049e853 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e852) (0x0033e128)
10 0x0049e7da in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e7d9) (0x0033e590)
11 0x004d49a0 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xd499f) (0x0033e9f8)
12 0x0044bf85 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x4bf84) (0x0033ee8c)
13 0x00551f6c in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x151f6b) (0x0033f0fc)
0x78ab0a76: movq     %mm5,0x50(%edi)
Module     Address               Debug info     Name (280 modules)
ELF      0-82001000     Stabs
PE      340000- 347000     Deferred x3daudio1_7
PE      350000- 366000     Deferred xinput1_3
PE      400000- e68000     Deferred gsgameexe_dx9
PE      e230000- e2fc000     Deferred steam
PE     10000000-101ff000     Deferred d3dx9_43
PE     2ff60000-2ffee000     Deferred xaudio2_7
PE     30000000-302c1000     Deferred steam2
PE     38000000-38893000     Deferred steamclient
PE     3b400000-3b41e000     Deferred steam_api
PE     3f000000-3f0ac000     Deferred tier0_s
PE     3f600000-3f64b000     Deferred vstdlib_s
PE     40001000-401b9000     Deferred libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF     4199c000-419b9000     Deferred version
\-PE     419a0000-419b6000     \ version
ELF     419b9000-419e9000     Deferred msacm32
\-PE     419c0000-419e3000     \ msacm32
ELF     419e9000-419ff000     Deferred psapi
\-PE     419f0000-419fd000     \ psapi
ELF     41c00000-41d83000     Deferred user32
\-PE     41c10000-41d31000     \ user32
ELF     41d83000-41ec2000     Deferred gdi32
\-PE     41d90000-41e50000     \ gdi32
ELF     41ec2000-41f3f000     Deferred advapi32
\-PE     41ed0000-41f26000     \ advapi32
ELF     41f3f000-41ff4000     Deferred msvcrt
\-PE     41f50000-41fcf000     \ msvcrt
ELF     43000000-430c8000     Deferred winmm
\-PE     43010000-430b6000     \ winmm
ELF     430c8000-4324b000     Deferred ole32
\-PE     430d0000-431ff000     \ ole32
ELF     4324b000-432ef000     Deferred rpcrt4
\-PE     43250000-432c8000     \ rpcrt4
ELF     432ef000-43379000     Deferred setupapi
\-PE     43300000-43354000     \ setupapi
ELF     43379000-433a5000     Deferred dinput8
\-PE     43380000-43394000     \ dinput8
ELF     433a5000-433dc000     Deferred ws2_32
\-PE     433b0000-433d4000     \ ws2_32
ELF     433dc000-43650000     Deferred shell32
\-PE     433e0000-43606000     \ shell32
ELF     43650000-436e1000     Deferred shlwapi
\-PE     43660000-436b8000     \ shlwapi
ELF     436e1000-4372d000     Deferred d3d9
\-PE     436f0000-4371c000     \ d3d9
ELF     4372d000-438ba000     Deferred wined3d
\-PE     43730000-43895000     \ wined3d
ELF     438ba000-439f5000     Deferred opengl32
\-PE     438c0000-43992000     \ opengl32
ELF     439f5000-43a0f000     Deferred wmvcore
\-PE     43a00000-43a0b000     \ wmvcore
ELF     43a0f000-43b1c000     Deferred msvcp100
\-PE     43a20000-43ac7000     \ msvcp100
ELF     43b1c000-43b95000     Deferred dbghelp
\-PE     43b20000-43b7e000     \ dbghelp
PE     43b95000-43c22000     Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF     43c22000-43cce000     Deferred winemac
\-PE     43c30000-43ca0000     \ winemac
PE     4558d000-455c7000     Deferred familycontrols
PE     455c7000-455dc000     Deferred commercecore
ELF     45662000-4568d000     Deferred iphlpapi
\-PE     45670000-45686000     \ iphlpapi
ELF     4568d000-456aa000     Deferred imagehlp
\-PE     45690000-456a6000     \ imagehlp
ELF     468b7000-469a2000     Deferred crypt32
\-PE     468c0000-46982000     \ crypt32
ELF     469a2000-46b18000     Deferred oleaut32
\-PE     469b0000-46abf000     \ oleaut32
ELF     46b18000-46b54000     Deferred secur32
\-PE     46b20000-46b4b000     \ secur32
ELF     46b54000-46b8e000     Deferred netapi32
\-PE     46b60000-46b81000     \ netapi32
ELF     47bc1000-47c1d000     Deferred dinput
\-PE     47bd0000-47c06000     \ dinput
PE     47c1d000-47c25000     Deferred forcefeedback
ELF     47c25000-47d62000     Deferred comctl32
\-PE     47c30000-47d31000     \ comctl32
ELF     47d62000-47d9e000     Deferred uxtheme
\-PE     47d70000-47d95000     \ uxtheme
PE     48287000-48290000     Deferred applehdahalplugin
PE     48aaa000-48bc1000     Deferred unorm8_bgra.dylib
ELF     48bc1000-48bee000     Deferred mmdevapi
\-PE     48bd0000-48be2000     \ mmdevapi
ELF     49bff000-49c3d000     Deferred winecoreaudio
\-PE     49c10000-49c2b000     \ winecoreaudio
PE     49fbf000-49fde000     Deferred libexpat.1.dylib
ELF     4fb11000-4fb76000     Deferred dsound
\-PE     4fb20000-4fb5d000     \ dsound
PE     4fb76000-4fbd8000     Deferred coremidi
PE     50000000-502fb000     Deferred amdradeonx3000gldriver
PE     60000000-60021000     Deferred cserhelper
PE     78aa0000-78b5f000     Deferred msvcr100
ELF     7b800000-7ba7a000     Deferred kernel32
\-PE     7b810000-7ba3e000     \ kernel32
ELF     7bc00000-7bcf8000     Deferred ntdll
\-PE     7bc10000-7bcba000     \ ntdll
PE     90008000-90014000     Deferred commonpanels
PE     9000d000-90018000     Deferred loginuicore
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     90213000-9021d000     Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib
PE     90218000-903b7000     Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE     90218000-903b7000     Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9075d000-907bc000     Deferred libcorecrypto.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     908d6000-9095e000     Deferred printcore
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     90ac5000-90cc2000     Deferred audiotoolbox
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91af2000-91bb3000     Deferred ink
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927b8000-92888000     Deferred colorsync
PE     92862000-92875000     Deferred libgpusupportmercury.dylib
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92c39000-92c9b000     Deferred opencl
PE     92c8a000-92c99000     Deferred libcldcpuengine.dylib
PE     92fba000-92fbf000     Deferred liblangid.dylib
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     930a3000-9313c000     Deferred datadetectorscore
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93200000-93207000     Deferred libremovefile.dylib
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     933b1000-93874000     Deferred foundation
PE     93778000-93788000     Deferred libcgcms.a.dylib
PE     93a65000-93a68000     Deferred accelerate
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94381000-94389000     Deferred libsystem_configuration.dylib
PE     94384000-943fc000     Deferred coreaudio
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     9448b000-9449b000     Deferred libcompiler_rt.dylib
PE     94491000-94498000     Deferred securityhi
PE     94494000-944e4000     Deferred libglu.dylib
PE     94700000-947c4000     Deferred libcorestorage.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     94e64000-94e7a000     Deferred libxar.1.dylib
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     95244000-95296000     Deferred bom
PE     9528e000-958d7000     Deferred facecore
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     959e5000-95a2a000     Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95b49000-95bd9000     Deferred heimdal
PE     964dc000-96507000     Deferred libdispatch.dylib
PE     96526000-9652c000     Deferred libsystem_blocks.dylib
PE     96528000-96546000     Deferred sharing
PE     96598000-965b5000     Deferred librarian
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96702000-96714000     Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE     9698f000-969db000     Deferred dictionaryservices
PE     969bc000-969ec000     Deferred cfopendirectory
PE     969d5000-96a3c000     Deferred libtiff.dylib
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a8f000-96ab7000     Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE     96aad000-96af2000     Deferred libsystem_network.dylib
PE     96aec000-96af6000     Deferred libheimdal-asn1.dylib
PE     96df3000-96df9000     Deferred libdiagnosticmessagesclient.dyli
PE     96df5000-96ea3000     Deferred searchkit
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     9785a000-97983000     Deferred libsqlite3.dylib
PE     9796d000-97a91000     Deferred libjp2.dylib
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     97fe7000-9801c000     Deferred glrendererfloat
PE     982eb000-98311000     Deferred libcrfsuite.dylib
PE     98308000-98427000     Deferred discrecording
PE     983d0000-9859c000     Deferred glengine
PE     98605000-9861f000     Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98623000-9862c000     Deferred libpam.2.dylib
PE     9866c000-98787000     Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE     98759000-987c8000     Deferred scalableuserinterface
PE     98823000-98831000     Deferred netfs
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     98861000-9889d000     Deferred libsystem_m.dylib
PE     9889c000-989c2000     Deferred coretext
PE     98aa4000-98aae000     Deferred libcgxtype.a.dylib
PE     98aa4000-98aae000     Deferred libcgxtype.a.dylib
PE     98c90000-98cf5000     Deferred navigationservices
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98d58000-98d6a000     Deferred speechrecognition
PE     992d0000-992e1000     Deferred libsystem_notify.dylib
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     99650000-99660000     Deferred aosnotification
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     99780000-9985c000     Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE     99856000-9985f000     Deferred efilogin
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     998b2000-998be000     Deferred ioaccelerator
PE     9991e000-99926000     Deferred applicationservices
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99a64000-99acb000     Deferred libfontregistry.dylib
PE     99aee000-99af8000     Deferred libdyld.dylib
PE     99b48000-99b5b000     Deferred servicemanagement
PE     99b6a000-99b96000     Deferred imagecapture
PE     99bd2000-99c10000     Deferred libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     9a446000-9a473000     Deferred openscripting
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a55a000-9a976000     Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE     9ab23000-9abc0000     Deferred ats
PE     9ab99000-9ad46000     Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad56000-9adac000     Deferred coreservicesinternal
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9babd000-9baf3000     Deferred librip.a.dylib
PE     9bcb1000-9bce1000     Deferred libc++abi.dylib
PE     9bcd6000-9c072000     Deferred coreimage
PE     9c0d5000-9c0e1000     Deferred iosurface
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c313000-9c362000     Deferred systemadministration
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
     0000001d 0
     0000001c 0
     00000014 0
     00000010 0
     0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
     0000001b 0
     00000018 0
     00000017 0
     00000013 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
     0000001f 0
     0000001e 0
     0000001a 0
00000023 Steam.exe
     00000025 0
     0000003a 0
     0000003b 0
     00000037 0
     0000002b 0
     0000000b 0
     00000033 0
     00000032 0
     00000031 0
     0000002e 0
     0000002a 0
     00000028 0
     00000027 0
     0000003e 0
     00000040 0
     00000036 0
     00000042 0
     00000041 0
     00000038 0
     0000003f 0
     0000003d 0
     00000039 0
     00000034 0
     0000002c 0
     0000002f 0
     00000030 0
     00000044 0
     00000045 0
     00000046 0
     00000047 0
     00000016 0
     00000022 0
0000000d explorer.exe
     00000035 0
0000004f GSLauncher.exe
     00000052 0
00000053 (D) C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\GSTD - Rise of the Owlverlord\GSGameExe_DX9.exe
     00000061 0
     00000060 0
     0000005f 15
     0000005e 15
     0000005c 0
     0000005b 0
     0000005a 0
     00000059 0
     00000056 0
     00000055 0
     00000054 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.7.15
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 13.1.0
petch Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 18:45

Try installing vcrun2010 component.

The AppDB test does not mention its need though:

Cuddly Kitty Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 22:38
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Still no go. I tired installing it and got another error with no noticeable change. I even tried installing DirectX9, too.

Unhandled exception: C++ exception(object = 0x0033f4d4, type = 0x1009c200) in 32-bit code (0x7b82f111).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:7b82f111 ESP:0033f3c4 EBP:0033f438 EFLAGS:00000206( - -- I - -P- )
EAX:7b819481 EBX:7b82f07a ECX:00000000 EDX:00000000
ESI:100187ac EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x0033f3c4: 0033f474 0000000c 0000003c 00110064
0x0033f3d4: 001761a8 00000150 0033f450 e06d7363
0x0033f3e4: 00000001 00000000 7b82f111 00000003
0x0033f3f4: 19930520 0033f4d4 1009c200 00415ce4
0x0033f404: 7bc47153 0033f468 7bc4725e 00110060
0x0033f414: 001761a8 001761a8 0033f434 00000002
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x7b82f111 RaiseException+0xae() in kernel32 (0x0033f438)
1 0x1008188f in setupengine (+0x8188e) (0x0033f480)
2 0x10066e96 in setupengine (+0x66e95) (0x0033f4f0)
3 0x1006380b in setupengine (+0x6380a) (0x0033f510)
4 0x10061405 in setupengine (+0x61404) (0x0033f548)
5 0x10035a52 in setupengine (+0x35a51) (0x0033f5b8)
6 0x1006b83a in setupengine (+0x6b839) (0x0033fd18)
7 0x1005faa0 in setupengine (+0x5fa9f) (0x0033fd88)
8 0x100580de in setupengine (+0x580dd) (0x0033fddc)
9 0x00402928 in setup (+0x2927) (0x0033fe70)
10 0x7b85d65c call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0033fe88)
11 0x7b85d7c0 start_process+0x161() in kernel32 (0x0033fee8)
12 0x7bc829ac call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x0033ff08)
13 0x7bc829f2 call_thread_func+0x3b() in ntdll (0x0033ff98)
14 0x7bc82972 call_thread_entry_point+0x11() in ntdll (0x0033ffb8)
15 0x7bc51024 start_process+0x23() in ntdll (0x0033ffe8)
0x7b82f111 RaiseException+0xae in kernel32: subl     $4,%esp
Module     Address               Debug info     Name (244 modules)
ELF      0-82001000     Stabs
PE      400000- 415000     Deferred setup
PE     10000000-100c8000     Deferred setupengine
PE     40001000-401b9000     Deferred libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF     42282000-422ff000     Deferred advapi32
\-PE     42290000-422e6000     \ advapi32
ELF     422ff000-42482000     Deferred user32
\-PE     42310000-42430000     \ user32
ELF     42482000-425c1000     Deferred gdi32
\-PE     42490000-4254f000     \ gdi32
ELF     425db000-425f8000     Deferred version
\-PE     425e0000-425f5000     \ version
ELF     425f8000-42689000     Deferred shlwapi
\-PE     42600000-42660000     \ shlwapi
ELF     42689000-4272d000     Deferred rpcrt4
\-PE     42690000-42706000     \ rpcrt4
ELF     4272d000-427fd000     Deferred urlmon
\-PE     42730000-427d2000     \ urlmon
ELF     43000000-43274000     Deferred shell32
\-PE     43010000-4322a000     \ shell32
ELF     43274000-433f7000     Deferred ole32
\-PE     43280000-433ab000     \ ole32
ELF     433f7000-4356d000     Deferred oleaut32
\-PE     43400000-43514000     \ oleaut32
ELF     4356d000-436dc000     Deferred msi
\-PE     43570000-4367b000     \ msi
ELF     436dc000-43765000     Deferred wininet
\-PE     436e0000-43750000     \ wininet
ELF     43765000-43792000     Deferred mpr
\-PE     43770000-4378b000     \ mpr
ELF     43792000-438cf000     Deferred comctl32
\-PE     437a0000-4389e000     \ comctl32
ELF     438cf000-438f5000     Deferred cabinet
\-PE     438e0000-438f2000     \ cabinet
ELF     438f5000-43910000     Deferred userenv
\-PE     43900000-4390c000     \ userenv
ELF     43910000-43926000     Deferred psapi
\-PE     43920000-43924000     \ psapi
ELF     43926000-43976000     Deferred winhttp
\-PE     43930000-43961000     \ winhttp
ELF     43976000-439b2000     Deferred secur32
\-PE     43980000-439a9000     \ secur32
ELF     439b2000-439ec000     Deferred netapi32
\-PE     439c0000-439df000     \ netapi32
ELF     439ec000-43a17000     Deferred iphlpapi
\-PE     439f0000-43a10000     \ iphlpapi
ELF     43a17000-43a4e000     Deferred ws2_32
\-PE     43a20000-43a46000     \ ws2_32
ELF     43a4e000-43a8d000     Deferred wintrust
\-PE     43a50000-43a82000     \ wintrust
ELF     43a8d000-43b78000     Deferred crypt32
\-PE     43a90000-43b58000     \ crypt32
ELF     43b78000-43c2d000     Deferred msvcrt
\-PE     43b80000-43c08000     \ msvcrt
PE     43c2d000-43cba000     Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF     43cba000-43d66000     Deferred winemac
\-PE     43cc0000-43d38000     \ winemac
PE     43ddd000-43df2000     Deferred commercecore
ELF     455f5000-45631000     Deferred uxtheme
\-PE     45600000-45628000     \ uxtheme
PE     45708000-45742000     Deferred familycontrols
ELF     46b48000-46bb3000     Deferred msxml3
\-PE     46b50000-46b9c000     \ msxml3
PE     6cd00000-6cd24000     Deferred sqmapi
ELF     7b800000-7ba7a000     Stabs kernel32
\-PE     7b810000-7ba3e000     \ kernel32
ELF     7bc00000-7bcf8000     Stabs ntdll
\-PE     7bc10000-7bcba000     \ ntdll
PE     90008000-90014000     Deferred commonpanels
PE     9000d000-90018000     Deferred loginuicore
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     90213000-9021d000     Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib
PE     90397000-90417000     Deferred hiservices
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9075d000-907bc000     Deferred libcorecrypto.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     908d6000-9095e000     Deferred printcore
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     90ac5000-90cc2000     Deferred audiotoolbox
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91af2000-91bb3000     Deferred ink
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927b8000-92888000     Deferred colorsync
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92c39000-92c9b000     Deferred opencl
PE     92fba000-92fbf000     Deferred liblangid.dylib
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     930a3000-9313c000     Deferred datadetectorscore
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93200000-93207000     Deferred libremovefile.dylib
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     933b1000-93874000     Deferred foundation
PE     93778000-93788000     Deferred libcgcms.a.dylib
PE     93a65000-93a68000     Deferred accelerate
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94381000-94389000     Deferred libsystem_configuration.dylib
PE     94384000-943fc000     Deferred coreaudio
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     9448b000-9449b000     Deferred libcompiler_rt.dylib
PE     94491000-94498000     Deferred securityhi
PE     94494000-944e4000     Deferred libglu.dylib
PE     94700000-947c4000     Deferred libcorestorage.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     94e64000-94e7a000     Deferred libxar.1.dylib
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     95244000-95296000     Deferred bom
PE     9528e000-958d7000     Deferred facecore
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     959e5000-95a2a000     Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95b49000-95bd9000     Deferred heimdal
PE     964dc000-96507000     Deferred libdispatch.dylib
PE     96526000-9652c000     Deferred libsystem_blocks.dylib
PE     96528000-96546000     Deferred sharing
PE     96598000-965b5000     Deferred librarian
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96702000-96714000     Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE     9698f000-969db000     Deferred dictionaryservices
PE     969bc000-969ec000     Deferred cfopendirectory
PE     969d5000-96a3c000     Deferred libtiff.dylib
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a8f000-96ab7000     Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE     96aad000-96af2000     Deferred libsystem_network.dylib
PE     96aec000-96af6000     Deferred libheimdal-asn1.dylib
PE     96df3000-96df9000     Deferred libdiagnosticmessagesclient.dyli
PE     96df5000-96ea3000     Deferred searchkit
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     9785a000-97983000     Deferred libsqlite3.dylib
PE     9796d000-97a91000     Deferred libjp2.dylib
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     982eb000-98311000     Deferred libcrfsuite.dylib
PE     98308000-98427000     Deferred discrecording
PE     98605000-9861f000     Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98623000-9862c000     Deferred libpam.2.dylib
PE     9866c000-98787000     Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE     98759000-987c8000     Deferred scalableuserinterface
PE     98823000-98831000     Deferred netfs
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     98861000-9889d000     Deferred libsystem_m.dylib
PE     9889c000-989c2000     Deferred coretext
PE     98aa8000-98d02000     Deferred libicucore.a.dylib
PE     98c90000-98cf5000     Deferred navigationservices
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98d58000-98d6a000     Deferred speechrecognition
PE     992d0000-992e1000     Deferred libsystem_notify.dylib
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     99650000-99660000     Deferred aosnotification
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     99780000-9985c000     Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE     99856000-9985f000     Deferred efilogin
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     9991e000-99926000     Deferred applicationservices
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99a64000-99acb000     Deferred libfontregistry.dylib
PE     99aee000-99af8000     Deferred libdyld.dylib
PE     99b48000-99b5b000     Deferred servicemanagement
PE     99b6a000-99b96000     Deferred imagecapture
PE     99bd2000-99c10000     Deferred libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     9a446000-9a473000     Deferred openscripting
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a55a000-9a976000     Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE     9ab23000-9abc0000     Deferred ats
PE     9ab99000-9ad46000     Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad56000-9adac000     Deferred coreservicesinternal
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9bcb1000-9bce1000     Deferred libc++abi.dylib
PE     9bcd6000-9c072000     Deferred coreimage
PE     9c0d5000-9c0e1000     Deferred iosurface
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c313000-9c362000     Deferred systemadministration
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
     0000001d 0
     0000001c 0
     00000016 0
     00000014 0
     00000010 0
     0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
     0000001b 0
     00000018 0
     00000017 0
     00000013 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
     0000001f 0
     0000001e 0
     0000001a 0
00000020 vcredist_x86.exe
     00000024 0
     00000021 0
00000022 explorer.exe
     00000023 0
00000025 (D) C:\3142f97f372c86986349\Setup.exe
     00000026 0 <==
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.7.15
Platform: i386
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 13.1.0
petch Vendredi 4 Avril 2014 à 23:22

Most of the time nothing can be learned from debug dump without the sources of the program.
This is the case this time (and why we ask for full logs instead).
Cuddly Kitty Samedi 5 Avril 2014 à 16:15
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Thanks for telling me. I pasted the log from debug, this time. I tried to run Giana Sisters first and Eryi's action second. The only alterations I make were to preserve anonymity and shouldn't interfere. I hope some sense can be made of this.

[04/01/14 15:31:45] - Running wine-1.5.25 --version (Working directory : /Applications/

PlayOnMac logfile
Date: 04/01/14 15:31:45

> PlayOnMac Version
> uname -a
Darwin XXXXXXXX-iMac.local 13.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.1.0: Thu Jan 16 19:40:37 PST 2014; root:xnu-2422.90.20~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
> lsb_release -a

> wine --version
> Distribution
10.9.1 (13.1.0)
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 5670 OpenGL Engine
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)

[04/01/14 15:32:00] - Running wine-1.5.25 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /Applications/
C:\Program Files

[04/01/14 15:32:08] - Running wine-1.5.25 msiexec /i SteamInstall.msi /q (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c)
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
fixme:msi:ITERATE_CreateShortcuts poorly handled shortcut format, advertised shortcut
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_ProcessImageFileName 0x1569b8, L"C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\Steam.exe"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Name 0x1569b8, L"Steam"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_Add 0x156970, 0x1569b8
fixme:service:SERV_QueryServiceObjectSecurity 0x156de0 4 0x33f98c 512 0x33fbc0 - semi-stub
fixme:service:SetServiceObjectSecurity 0x156de0 4 0x33fb8c
Steam Client Service install completed.[04/01/14 15:32:14] - Running wine-1.5.25 regedit /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c)
[04/01/14 15:32:14] - Content of /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/regkey.reg

[04/01/14 15:32:16] - Running wine-1.5.25 regedit /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c)
[04/01/14 15:32:16] - Content of /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac//tmp/override-dll.reg

[04/01/14 15:32:43] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
[04/01/14 15:33:13] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".

ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_unknown.txt".

[2014-04-01 15:32:52] Startup

[2014-04-01 15:32:52] Verifying installation...

[2014-04-01 15:32:53] Downloading Update...

[2014-04-01 15:32:53] Checking for available update...

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:33:04] Downloading update (0 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:55] Downloading update (140 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:55] Downloading update (997 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:55] Downloading update (1,504 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:55] Downloading update (2,085 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:56] Downloading update (2,626 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:56] Downloading update (3,498 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:56] Downloading update (4,381 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:56] Downloading update (4,973 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:57] Downloading update (5,815 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:57] Downloading update (6,541 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:57] Downloading update (7,186 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:57] Downloading update (8,071 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:58] Downloading update (8,766 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:58] Downloading update (9,565 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:58] Downloading update (10,471 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:58] Downloading update (11,214 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:59] Downloading update (12,009 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:59] Downloading update (12,910 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:59] Downloading update (13,556 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:33:59] Downloading update (14,414 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:00] Downloading update (14,975 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:00] Downloading update (16,050 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:00] Downloading update (16,983 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:00] Downloading update (17,748 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:01] Downloading update (18,604 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:01] Downloading update (19,426 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:01] Downloading update (20,101 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:01] Downloading update (20,732 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:02] Downloading update (21,228 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:02] Downloading update (21,629 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:02] Downloading update (22,155 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:03] Downloading update (22,272 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:03] Downloading update (22,390 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:03] Downloading update (22,597 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:03] Downloading update (22,975 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:04] Downloading update (23,250 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:04] Downloading update (23,590 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:04] Downloading update (23,904 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:04] Downloading update (24,291 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:05] Downloading update (24,627 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:05] Downloading update (25,153 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:05] Downloading update (25,939 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:05] Downloading update (26,769 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:06] Downloading update (27,266 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:06] Downloading update (27,966 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:06] Downloading update (28,445 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:06] Downloading update (28,655 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:07] Downloading update (28,949 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:07] Downloading update (29,192 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:07] Downloading update (29,415 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:07] Downloading update (29,654 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:08] Downloading update (29,850 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:08] Downloading update (30,115 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:08] Downloading update (30,368 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:08] Downloading update (30,592 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:09] Downloading update (30,852 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:09] Downloading update (31,050 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:09] Downloading update (31,131 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:09] Downloading update (31,276 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:10] Downloading update (31,447 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:10] Downloading update (31,840 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:10] Downloading update (32,483 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:10] Downloading update (32,719 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:11] Downloading update (33,182 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:11] Downloading update (33,558 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:11] Downloading update (34,282 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:11] Downloading update (34,989 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:12] Downloading update (35,554 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:12] Downloading update (35,936 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:12] Downloading update (36,266 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:12] Downloading update (36,520 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:13] Downloading update (36,885 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:13] Downloading update (37,242 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:13] Downloading update (37,517 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:13] Downloading update (37,838 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:14] Downloading update (38,140 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:14] Downloading update (38,543 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:14] Downloading update (38,929 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:14] Downloading update (39,277 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:15] Downloading update (39,749 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
-04-01 15:34:15] Downloading update (40,253 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:15] Downloading update (41,167 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:15] Downloading update (42,082 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:16] Downloading update (42,833 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:16] Downloading update (43,584 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:16] Downloading update (44,340 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:17] Downloading update (44,862 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:17] Downloading update (45,493 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:17] Downloading update (46,145 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:17] Downloading update (46,699 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:18] Downloading update (47,296 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:18] Downloading update (47,825 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:18] Downloading update (48,249 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:18] Downloading update (48,785 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:19] Downloading update (49,226 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:19] Downloading update (49,719 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:19] Downloading update (50,259 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:19] Downloading update (50,668 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:20] Downloading update (51,201 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:20] Downloading update (51,627 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:20] Downloading update (52,408 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:20] Downloading update (53,080 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:21] Downloading update (53,559 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:21] Downloading update (54,177 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:21] Downloading update (54,720 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:21] Downloading update (55,030 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:22] Downloading update (55,523 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:22] Downloading update (55,749 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:22] Downloading update (56,053 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:22] Downloading update (56,410 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:23] Downloading update (56,809 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:23] Downloading update (57,182 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:23] Downloading update (57,680 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:23] Downloading update (58,054 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:24] Downloading update (58,364 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:24] Downloading update (58,720 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:25] Downloading update (58,780 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:25] Downloading update (59,127 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:25] Downloading update (59,551 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:26] Downloading update (59,925 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:26] Downloading update (60,179 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:30] Downloading update (60,196 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:30] Downloading update (60,451 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:31] Downloading update (60,934 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:31] Downloading update (61,283 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:31] Downloading update (61,771 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:31] Downloading update (62,115 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:32] Downloading update (62,401 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:32] Downloading update (62,687 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:32] Downloading update (62,952 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:32] Downloading update (63,148 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:33] Downloading update (63,238 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:33] Downloading update (63,412 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:33] Downloading update (63,593 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:33] Downloading update (63,726 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:34] Downloading update (63,909 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:34] Downloading update (64,087 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:34] Downloading update (64,232 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:34] Downloading update (64,413 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:35] Downloading update (64,572 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:35]fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
Downloading update (64,714 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:35] Downloading update (64,948 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:35] Downloading update (65,220 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:36] Downloading update (65,595 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:36] Downloading update (65,961 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:36] Downloading update (66,202 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:36] Downloading update (66,296 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:37] Downloading update (66,571 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:37] Downloading update (66,771 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:37] Downloading update (66,949 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:37] Downloading update (67,153 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:38] Downloading update (67,348 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:38] Downloading update (67,592 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:38] Downloading update (67,789 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:38] Downloading update (68,068 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:39] Downloading update (68,217 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:39] Downloading update (68,445 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:39] Downloading update (68,679 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:39] Downloading update (68,845 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:40] Downloading update (69,013 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:40] Downloading update (69,201 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:40] Downloading update (69,377 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:40] Downloading update (69,627 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:41] Downloading update (69,858 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:41] Downloading update (70,279 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:41] Downloading update (70,616 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:41] Downloading update (70,808 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:42] Downloading update (70,980 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:42] Downloading update (71,245 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:42] Downloading update (71,491 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:42] Downloading update (71,741 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:43] Downloading update (71,957 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:43] Downloading update (72,251 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:43] Downloading update (72,523 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:43] Downloading update (72,716 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:44] Downloading update (72,977 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:44] Downloading update (73,272 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:44] Downloading update (73,485 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:44] Downloading update (73,750 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:45] Downloading update (73,970 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:45] Downloading update (74,279 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:45] Downloading update (74,607 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:46] Downloading update (74,887 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:46] Downloading update (75,252 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:46] Downloading update (75,615 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:46] Downloading update (75,827 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:47] Downloading update (76,018 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:47] Downloading update (76,194 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:47] Downloading update (76,368 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:47] Downloading update (76,590 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:48] Downloading update (76,759 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:48] Downloading update (77,000 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:48] Downloading update (77,168 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:48] Downloading update (77,370 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:49] Downloading update (77,558 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:49] Downloading update (77,705 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:49] Downloading update (77,912 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:49] Downloading update (78,061 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:50] Downloading update (78,204 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:50] Downloading update (78,468 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:50] Downloading updfixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
ate (78,733 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:50] Downloading update (79,108 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:51] Downloading update (79,351 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:51] Downloading update (79,576 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:51] Downloading update (79,854 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:51] Downloading update (80,091 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:52] Downloading update (80,272 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:52] Downloading update (80,501 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:52] Downloading update (80,721 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:52] Downloading update (80,941 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:53] Downloading update (81,117 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:53] Downloading update (81,280 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:53] Downloading update (81,467 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:53] Downloading update (81,620 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:54] Downloading update (81,780 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:54] Downloading update (81,972 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:54] Downloading update (82,149 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:54] Downloading update (82,376 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:55] Downloading update (82,583 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:55] Downloading update (82,779 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:55] Downloading update (83,050 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:55] Downloading update (83,241 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:56] Downloading update (83,494 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:56] Downloading update (83,714 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:56] Downloading update (83,892 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:56] Downloading update (84,065 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:57] Downloading update (84,196 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:57] Downloading update (84,350 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:57] Downloading update (84,499 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:57] Downloading update (84,641 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:58] Downloading update (84,771 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:58] Downloading update (84,929 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:58] Downloading update (85,068 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:58] Downloading update (85,207 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:59] Downloading update (85,342 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:59] Downloading update (85,455 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:59] Downloading update (85,575 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:34:59] Downloading update (85,675 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:00] Downloading update (85,807 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:00] Downloading update (85,918 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:00] Downloading update (85,979 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:00] Downloading update (86,046 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:01] Downloading update (86,148 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:01] Downloading update (86,296 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:01] Downloading update (86,452 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:02] Downloading update (86,577 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:02] Downloading update (86,706 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:02] Downloading update (86,798 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:02] Downloading update (86,858 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:03] Downloading update (86,921 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:03] Downloading update (87,008 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:03] Downloading update (87,123 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:03] Downloading update (87,245 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:04] Downloading update (87,333 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:04] Downloading update (87,458 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:04] Downloading update (87,555 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:04] Downloading update (87,681 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:05] Downloading update (87,818 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:05] Downloading update (87,924 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:05] Downloading update (88,086 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:05] Downloading update (88,220 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:06] Downloading update (88,403 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:06] Downloading update (88,577 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:06] Downloading update (88,759 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:06] Downloading update (88,948 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:07] Downloading update (89,140 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:07] Downloading update (89,308 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:07] Downloading update (89,557 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:07] Downloading update (89,793 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:08] Downloading update (89,867 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:08] Downloading update (90,056 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:08] Downloading update (90,138 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:08] Downloading update (90,263 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:09] Downloading update (90,376 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:09] Downloading update (90,509 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:09] Downloading update (90,623 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:09] Downloading update (90,739 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:10] Downloading update (90,874 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:10] Downloading update (90,997 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:10] Downloading update (91,162 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:10] Downloading update (91,334 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:11] Downloading update (91,480 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:11] Downloading update (91,689 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:11] Downloading update (91,881 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:11] Downloading update (92,047 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:12] Downloading update (92,212 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:12] Downloading update (92,339 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:12] Downloading update (92,495 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:12] Downloading update (92,676 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:13] Downloading update (92,807 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:13] Downloading update (92,988 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:13] Downloading update (93,125 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:13] Downloading update (93,341 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:14] Downloading update (93,583 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:14] Downloading update (93,700 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:14] Downloading update (93,958 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:14] Downloading update (94,172 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:15] Downloading update (94,298 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:15] Downloading update (94,432 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:15] Downloading update (94,596 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:15] Downloading update (94,729 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:16] Downloading update (94,871 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:16] Downloading update (95,001 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:16] Downloading update (95,120 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:16] Downloading update (95,274 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:17] Downloading update (95,373 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:17] Downloading update (95,527 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:17] Downloading update (95,624 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:17] Downloading update (95,757 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:18] Downloading update (95,888 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:18] Downloading update (96,018 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:18] Downloading update (96,148 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:19] Downloading update (96,265 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:19] Downloading update (96,428 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:19] Downloading update (96,607 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:19] Downloading update (96,742 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:20] Downloading update (96,924 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:20] Downloading update (97,165 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:20] Downloading update (97,382 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:20] Downloading update (97,627 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:21] Downloading update (97,892 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:21] Downloading update (98,206 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:21] Downloading update (98,601 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:21] Downloading update (98,895 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:22] Downloading update (99,363 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:22] Downloading update (99,871 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:22] Downloading update (100,340 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:22] Downloading update (100,874 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:23] Downloading update (101,255 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:23] Downloading update (101,698 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:23] Downloading update (102,181 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:23] Downloading update (102,569 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:24] Downloading update (103,017 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:24] Downloading update (103,404 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:24] Downloading update (103,715 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:24] Downloading update (104,121 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:25] Downloading update (104,512 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:25] Downloading update (104,825 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:25] Downloading update (105,275 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:25] Downloading update (105,614 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:26] Downloading update (106,010 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:26] Downloading update (106,436 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:26] Downloading update (106,785 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:26] Downloading update (107,209 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] Downloading update (107,647 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] Downloading update (107,994 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] Downloading update (108,133 of 108,133 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] Download Complete.

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] uninstalled manifest found in C:\Program Files\Steam\package\steam_client_win32.

[2014-04-01 15:35:27] Extracting package...

[2014-04-01 15:35:32] Installing update...

[2014-04-01 15:35:34] Failed to clear up temporary update files used for rollback, continuing anyway

[2014-04-01 15:35:34] Cleaning up...

[2014-04-01 15:35:35] Update complete, launching...

[2014-04-01 15:35:35] Shutdown

fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".

ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_unknown.txt".

Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check

fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_unknown.txt".

[2014-04-01 15:35:36] Startup - updater built Feb 25 2014 13:45:44

[2014-04-01 15:35:37] Verifying installation...

[2014-04-01 15:35:37] Unable to read and verify install manifest C:\Program Files\Steam\package\steam_client_win32.installed

[2014-04-01 15:35:37] Verification complete

[2014-04-01 15:35:37] Downloading update...

[2014-04-01 15:35:37] Checking for available updates...

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Package file missing or incorrect size

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Downloading update (0 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Downloading update (367 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Downloading update (1,006 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:43] Downloading update (1,669 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:44] Downloading update (2,396 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:44] Downloading update (3,122 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:44] Downloading update (3,895 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:44] Downloading update (4,625 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:45] Downloading update (5,271 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:45] Downloading update (6,097 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:45] Downloading update (6,784 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:45] Downloading update (7,545 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:46] Downloading update (8,291 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:46] Downloading update (8,869 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:46] Downloading update (9,303 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:46] Downloading update (9,820 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:47] Downloading update (10,441 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:47] Downloading update (11,115 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:47] Downloading update (11,745 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:47] Downloading update (12,283 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:48] Downloading update (12,874 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:48] Downloading update (13,605 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:48] Downloading update (14,215 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:48] Downloading update (14,920 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:49] Downloading update (15,494 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:49] Downloading update (16,218 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:49] Downloading update (16,838 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:49] Downloading update (17,566 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:50] Downloading update (18,331 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:50] Downloading update (18,975 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:50] Downloading update (19,721 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:50] Downloading update (20,240 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:51] Downloading update (20,653 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:51] Downloading update (21,077 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:51] Downloading update (21,603 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:51] Downloading update (22,069 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:52] Downloading update (22,442 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:52] Downloading update (22,751 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:52] Downloading update (23,192 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:52] Downloading update (23,434 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:53] Downloading update (23,930 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:53] Downloading update (24,346 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:53] Downloading update (24,812 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:53] Downloading update (25,184 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:54] Downloading update (25,621 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:54] Downloading update (26,006 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:54] Downloading update (26,419 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:54] Downloading update (26,740 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:55] Downloading update (27,171 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:55] Downloading update (27,566 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:55] Downloading update (27,938 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:55] Downloading update (28,346 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:56] Downloading update (28,729 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:56] Downloading update (29,128 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:56] Downloading update (29,479 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:56] Downloading update (29,907 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:57] Downloading update (30,185 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:57] Downloading update (30,599 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:57] Downloading update (31,006 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:57] Downloading update (31,386 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:58] Downloading update (31,843 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:58] Downloading update (32,243 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:58] Downloading update (32,748 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:58] Downloading update (33,153 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:59] Downloading update (33,684 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:59] Downloading update (34,118 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:59] Downloading update (34,625 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:35:59] Downloading update (35,036 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:00] Downloading update (35,522 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:00] Downloading update (36,066 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:00] Downloading update (36,516 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:00] Downloading update (37,034 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:01] Downloading update (37,458 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:01] Downloading update (38,072 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:01] Downloading update (38,599 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:01] Downloading update (39,262 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:02] Downloading update (39,934 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:02] Downloading update (40,518 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:02] Downloading update (41,146 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:03] Downloading update (41,280 of 41,280 KB)...

[2014-04-01 15:36:03] Download complete.

[2014-04-01 15:36:03] uninstalled manifest found in C:\Program Files\Steam\package\steam_client_win32 (1).

[2014-04-01 15:36:03] Extracting package...

[2014-04-01 15:36:11] Installing update...

[2014-04-01 15:36:12] BCommitUpdatedFiles: renaming stale file ./crashhandler.dll.old -> ./crashhandler.dll.1.delete

[2014-04-01 15:36:18] BCommitUpdatedFiles: renaming stale file ./Steam.exe.old -> ./Steam.exe.1.delete

[2014-04-01 15:36:24] Cleaning up...

[2014-04-01 15:36:24] Update complete, launching Steam...

[2014-04-01 15:36:24] Shutdown

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x65f1c000 at address 0x78ab0a7b (thread 0067), starting debugger...
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097240, 0x10097238
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097278, 0x10097270
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097208, 0x10097200
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972b0, 0x100972a8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972e8, 0x100972e0
fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus (0x14da90): semi-stub
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x65f1c000 in 32-bit code (0x78ab0a7b).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:78ab0a7b ESP:0033de00 EBP:0033de0c EFLAGS:00210202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000080 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001
ESI:55497400 EDI:65f1bfa0
Stack dump:
0x0033de00: 65f1b020 54e154c0 00001000 0033de20
0x0033de10: 00782d44 65f1b020 55496480 00001000
0x0033de20: 0033dea8 00783f74 65f1b020 55496480
0x0033de30: 00001000 00000000 00000000 543012e0
0x0033de40: 54e14c90 00000000 00000400 00000200
0x0033de50: 00001000 00080000 40500020 00000400
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x78ab0a7b in msvcr100 (+0x10a7b) (0x0033de0c)
1 0x00782d44 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x382d43) (0x0033de20)
2 0x00783f74 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x383f73) (0x0033dea8)
3 0x007f02ea in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3f02e9) (0x0033df8c)
4 0x007ef6dd in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef6dc) (0x0033dfd4)
5 0x007ef8d7 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef8d6) (0x0033e020)
6 0x004841af in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x841ae) (0x0033e030)
7 0x004beed9 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xbeed8) (0x0033e0b4)
8 0x004e245e in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xe245d) (0x0033e110)
9 0x0049e853 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e852) (0x0033e128)
10 0x0049e7da in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e7d9) (0x0033e590)
11 0x004d49a0 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xd499f) (0x0033e9f8)
12 0x0044bf85 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x4bf84) (0x0033ee8c)
13 0x00551f6c in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x151f6b) (0x0033f0fc)
0x78ab0a7b: movq     %mm6,0x60(%edi)
Module     Address               Debug info     Name (53 modules)
ELF      0-82001000     Stabs
PE      340000- 347000     Deferred x3daudio1_7
PE      350000- 366000     Deferred xinput1_3
PE      400000- e68000     Deferred gsgameexe_dx9
PE      e70000- f2b000     Deferred gameoverlayrenderer
PE      f610000- f6dc000     Deferred steam
PE     10000000-101ff000     Deferred d3dx9_43
PE     30000000-302c1000     Deferred steam2
PE     38000000-38893000     Deferred steamclient
PE     3b320000-3b3ae000     Deferred xaudio2_7
PE     3b400000-3b41e000     Deferred steam_api
PE     3f000000-3f0ac000     Deferred tier0_s
PE     3f600000-3f64b000     Deferred vstdlib_s
PE     401c0000-401c4000     Deferred version
PE     401e0000-401e3000     Deferred wmvcore
PE     40590000-40594000     Deferred advapi32
PE     42090000-42099000     Deferred msacm32
PE     420c0000-420c8000     Deferred winspool
PE     43880000-4388e000     Deferred setupapi
PE     43a10000-43a4a000     Deferred user32
PE     43b80000-43b87000     Deferred gdi32
PE     43cc0000-43cc4000     Deferred msvcrt
PE     43d70000-43de2000     Deferred winmm
PE     43e30000-43e38000     Deferred ole32
PE     43fa0000-43fa4000     Deferred dinput8
PE     43fd0000-43fd4000     Deferred ws2_32
PE     44810000-44814000     Deferred rpcrt4
PE     448b0000-44a09000     Deferred shell32
PE     44b10000-44b18000     Deferred shlwapi
PE     44ba0000-44bce000     Deferred comctl32
PE     44cd0000-44cd4000     Deferred d3d9
PE     44d20000-44d24000     Deferred wined3d
PE     44ea0000-44ea4000     Deferred opengl32
PE     44fd0000-44fd4000     Deferred dbghelp
PE     45040000-45044000     Deferred psapi
PE     45060000-45064000     Deferred imm32
PE     45110000-45114000     Deferred winex11
PE     45360000-45364000     Deferred uxtheme
PE     45390000-453cb000     Deferred crypt32
PE     45470000-45474000     Deferred iphlpapi
PE     454a0000-454a3000     Deferred imagehlp
PE     454c0000-454c8000     Deferred oleaut32
PE     45630000-45633000     Deferred secur32
PE     45660000-45663000     Deferred netapi32
PE     468c0000-468c4000     Deferred mmdevapi
PE     46c10000-46c13000     Deferred winecoreaudio
PE     46cb0000-46cba000     Deferred dinput
PE     5f700000-5f704000     Deferred dsound
PE     60000000-60021000     Deferred cserhelper
PE     78050000-780b9000     Deferred msvcp100
PE     78aa0000-78b5f000     Deferred msvcr100
PE     7b810000-7b867000     Deferred kernel32
PE     7bc10000-7bc14000     Deferred ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
     00000066 0
     0000001e 0
     00000015 0
     00000010 0
     0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
     0000001c 0
     00000019 0
     00000014 0
     00000013 0
0000001a plugplay.exe
     00000020 0
     0000001d 0
     0000001b 0
00000021 explorer.exe
     00000022 0
0000003f Steam.exe
     0000003e 0
     0000004a 0
     00000052 0
     0000005c 0
     00000059 0
     00000054 0
     00000053 0
     0000002d 0
     00000037 0
     0000003b 0
     0000003d 0
     00000038 0
     00000039 0
     0000003a 0
     0000002f 0
     00000035 0
     00000031 0
     00000034 0
     00000033 0
     00000029 0
     0000002e 0
     0000002b 0
     0000002a 0
     0000002c 0
     00000018 0
     00000017 0
     00000026 0
     00000027 0
     00000024 0
     00000009 0
     00000023 0
     0000000b 0
     0000000d 0
     0000000c 0
     00000047 0
     00000046 0
     00000045 0
     00000044 0
     00000040 0
0000005b GSLauncher.exe
     00000048 0
00000050 (D) C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\GSTD - Rise of the Owlverlord\GSGameExe_DX9.exe
     00000075 0
     00000074 0
     00000072 15
     00000071 15
     00000030 0
     00000041 0
     0000003c 0
     0000004b 0
     0000004e 0
     0000001f 0
     00000067 0 <==
00000051 GameOverlayUI.exe
     00000073 0
     0000006f 0
     0000006e 0
     0000006d 0
     0000006c 0
     0000006b 0
     0000006a 0
     00000069 0
     00000068 0
     0000004d 0
     00000032 0
     00000065 0
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x0, 0x0): stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[04/01/14 16:00:14] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
CreateService SUCCESS.

CreateService: Failed to set Service description. Error: 0x3e6

wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00610057 at address 0x7bc3b876 (thread 001f), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00610057 in 32-bit code (0x7bc3b876).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:7bc3b876 ESP:0033ba30 EBP:0033ba38 EFLAGS:00010206( R- -- I - -P- )
EAX:00000074 EBX:7bc3f606 ECX:0017ab48 EDX:00610053
ESI:00000000 EDI:00000001
Stack dump:
0x0033ba30: 00110000 0017ab28 0033ba78 7bc3b7a3
0x0033ba40: 0017ab50 00000010 00000002 7bc2826d
0x0033ba50: 00110064 00000001 0017ab28 0017ab48
0x0033ba60: 00110064 00000002 0017ab48 00110014
0x0033ba70: 00000001 0107d0a2 0033bab8 7bc3bb18
0x0033ba80: 00110014 0017ab28 00000020 00000000
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x7bc3b876 in (+0x7bc3b876) (0x0033ba38)
1 0x7bc3b7a3 in (+0x7bc3b7a2) (0x0033ba78)
2 0x7bc3bb18 in (+0x7bc3bb17) (0x0033bab8)
3 0x7bc3f6f6 in (+0x7bc3f6f5) (0x0033bb18)
4 0x44df166d in (+0x44df166c) (0x0033bb58)
5 0x44e05558 in (+0x44e05557) (0x0033bbb8)
6 0x0105ac6c in update (+0x5ac6b) (0x0033f25c)
7 0x0104a895 in update (+0x4a894) (0x0033fdcc)
8 0x0106becc in update (+0x6becb) (0x0033fe70)
9 0x7b85a47c in kernel32 (+0x4a47b) (0x0033fe88)
10 0x7b85a5e0 in kernel32 (+0x4a5df) (0x0033fee8)
11 0x7bc75bcc in (+0x7bc75bcb) (0x0033ff08)
12 0x7bc75c12 in (+0x7bc75c11) (0x0033ff98)
13 0x7bc75b92 in (+0x7bc75b91) (0x0033ffb8)
14 0x7bc484e6 in (+0x7bc484e5) (0x0033ffe8)
0x7bc3b876: movl     %eax,0x4(%edx)
Module     Address               Debug info     Name (36 modules)
ELF      0-82001000     Stabs
PE      490000- 498000     Deferred spcustom
PE      1000000- 1134000     Deferred update
PE     401c0000-401c4000     Deferred version
PE     401e0000-401e3000     Deferred imagehlp
PE     40590000-40594000     Deferred advapi32
PE     42290000-422be000     Deferred comctl32
PE     423c0000-423fa000     Deferred user32
PE     42540000-42547000     Deferred gdi32
PE     42670000-426ab000     Deferred crypt32
PE     42750000-42754000     Deferred dbghelp
PE     427d0000-427d4000     Deferred psapi
PE     427e0000-427e3000     Deferred updspapi
PE     44680000-4468a000     Deferred mpr
PE     446b0000-446b4000     Deferred msvcrt
PE     44750000-44758000     Deferred ole32
PE     448d0000-448d4000     Deferred rpcrt4
PE     44970000-44978000     Deferred oleaut32
PE     44ad0000-44c29000     Deferred shell32
PE     44d40000-44d48000     Deferred shlwapi
PE     44dd0000-44dde000     Deferred setupapi
PE     44e50000-44e58000     Deferred winspool
PE     44f30000-44f34000     Deferred winex11
PE     45180000-45184000     Deferred uxtheme
PE     451b0000-451b4000     Deferred cabinet
PE     451e0000-451e4000     Deferred wintrust
PE     45220000-45223000     Deferred newdev
PE     45230000-45233000     Deferred sxs
PE     45250000-45253000     Deferred clusapi
PE     453b0000-453b4000     Deferred rsaenh
PE     45510000-45514000     Deferred imm32
PE     45530000-45535000     Deferred localspl
PE     45560000-45563000     Deferred spoolss
PE     45580000-45583000     Deferred sfc
PE     7b810000-7b867000     Deferred kernel32
PE     7bc10000-7bc14000     Deferred ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
0000000e services.exe
     0000009f 0
     00000087 0
     0000008f 0
     00000082 0
     00000030 0
     0000001e 0
     00000015 0
     00000010 0
     0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
     0000001c 0
     00000019 0
     00000014 0
     00000013 0
0000001a plugplay.exe
     00000020 0
     0000001d 0
     0000001b 0
00000021 explorer.exe
     00000022 0
0000003f Steam.exe
     0000008a 0
     00000091 0
     00000090 0
     0000008c 0
     0000008e 0
     0000008d 0
     0000003e 0
     0000004a 0
     00000052 0
     0000005c 0
     00000059 0
     00000054 0
     00000053 0
     0000002d 0
     00000037 0
     0000003b 0
     0000003d 0
     00000038 0
     00000039 0
     0000003a 0
     0000002f 0
     00000035 0
     00000031 0
     00000034 0
     00000033 0
     00000029 0
     0000002e 0
     0000002b 0
     0000002a 0
     0000002c 0
     00000018 0
     00000017 0
     00000026 0
     00000027 0
     00000024 0
     00000009 0
     00000023 0
     0000000b 0
     0000000d 0
     0000000c 0
     00000047 0
     00000046 0
     00000045 0
     00000044 0
     00000040 0
0000005b GSLauncher.exe
     00000048 0
00000092 SteamService.exe
     00000093 0
00000094 dotnetfx35.exe
     00000096 0
     00000095 0
00000032 dotNetFx35setup.exe
     00000065 0
     00000068 0
0000007f setup.exe
     0000006f 0
     00000081 0
     00000089 0
     0000007e 0
00000074 svchost.exe
     00000088 0
     00000077 0
     00000050 0
     00000076 0
     0000006a 0
     0000006c 0
     0000004d 0
     0000006e 0
     0000006b 0
     00000073 0
     0000007b 0
     00000066 0
     00000097 0
     00000067 0
     0000004e 0
     0000004b 0
     00000075 0
0000007d XPSEPSC-x86-en-US.exe
     00000085 0
     00000083 0
00000072 (D) C:\dd2860de80713fa51070ab2323ae\update\update.exe
     0000003c 0
     0000001f 0 <==
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 282 requests (282 known processed) with 5 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 58 requests (58 known processed) with 1 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 58 requests (58 known processed) with 1 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 10 requests (8 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 58 requests (58 known processed) with 1 events remaining.

XIO: fatal IO error 35 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server "/tmp/launch-Om9aun/org.macosforge.xquartz:0"

after 50417 requests (50417 known processed) with 8 events remaining.

Install script executed.[04/01/14 16:05:21] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
[04/01/14 16:05:26] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
[2014-04-01 16:05:32] Startup - updater built Feb 25 2014 13:45:44

Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check

[2014-04-01 16:05:33] Checking for update on startup

[2014-04-01 16:05:33] Checking for available updates...

[2014-04-01 16:05:38] Download skipped: /client/steam_client_win32 version 1393366296, installed version 1393366296

[2014-04-01 16:05:38] Nothing to do

[2014-04-01 16:05:38] Verifying installation...

[2014-04-01 16:05:38] Performing checksum verification of executable files

[2014-04-01 16:05:40] Verification complete

[2014-04-01 16:05:40] Shutdown

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x65f1d000 at address 0x78ab0a7b (thread 0053), starting debugger...
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097240, 0x10097238
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097278, 0x10097270
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097208, 0x10097200
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972b0, 0x100972a8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972e8, 0x100972e0
fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus (0x14da90): semi-stub
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x0, 0x0): stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[0401/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0401/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

[04/01/14 16:40:53] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
[04/02/14 09:34:41] - Running wine-1.5.25 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus (0x1720f0): semi-stub
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
[0402/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x499e178, overlapped 0x4738190): stub
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x499e278 0x00000ff0 0x499e2c0) Stub!
[0402/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_get__NewEnum 0x2001c0, 0x595ed58
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_ProcessImageFileName 0x200ad8, L"C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steam.exe"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Name 0x200ad8, L"Steam"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Enabled 0x200ad8, -1
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_Add 0x2001c0, 0x200ad8
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x15ef00c, overlapped 0x15ef010): stub
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100b4, filter=0x647f19c,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x100b6, 0x64c0b10): stub
[04/02/14 11:40:22] - Running wine-1.7.15 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
wine: configuration in '/Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac//wineprefix/Steam' has been updated.
[0402/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0402/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.[0402/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

[0402/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x69eb6000 at address 0x78ab0a76 (thread 0059), starting debugger...
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097240, 0x10097238
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097278, 0x10097270
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x1003e710, 0x10097208, 0x10097200
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972b0, 0x100972a8
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x1003e710, 0x100972e8, 0x100972e0
fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus (0x153008): semi-stub
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x69eb6000 in 32-bit code (0x78ab0a76).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:78ab0a76 ESP:0033de00 EBP:0033de0c EFLAGS:00210202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000080 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001
ESI:611bacc0 EDI:69eb5fb0
Stack dump:
0x0033de00: 69eb5030 60b394c0 00001000 0033de20
0x0033de10: 00782d44 69eb5030 611b9d40 00001000
0x0033de20: 0033dea8 00783f74 69eb5030 611b9d40
0x0033de30: 00001000 00000000 00000000 600222e0
0x0033de40: 60b38a30 00000000 00000400 00000200
0x0033de50: 00001000 00080000 41b00030 00000400
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x78ab0a76 in msvcr100 (+0x10a76) (0x0033de0c)
1 0x00782d44 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x382d43) (0x0033de20)
2 0x00783f74 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x383f73) (0x0033dea8)
3 0x007f02ea in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3f02e9) (0x0033df8c)
4 0x007ef6dd in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef6dc) (0x0033dfd4)
5 0x007ef8d7 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef8d6) (0x0033e020)
6 0x004841af in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x841ae) (0x0033e030)
7 0x004beed9 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x
Cuddly Kitty Samedi 5 Avril 2014 à 16:25
Cuddly KittyAnonymous

Sorry, I didn't realize that it kept everything. Here's a pasting of just the most recent session with the same actions.

[04/05/14 09:19:53] - Running wine-1.7.15 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/YYYYYYYYYY/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:process:SetProcessShutdownParameters (00000100, 00000000): partial stub.
fixme:imm:ImmGetOpenStatus (0x16fc30): semi-stub
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
[0405/] Failed to load C:\Program Files\Steam\bin\chrome.pak

Some features may not be available.

fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x483e168, overlapped 0x45a7ee8): stub
fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x483e268 0x00000ff0 0x483e2b0) Stub!
[0405/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_get__NewEnum 0x1fcd20, 0x647ed48
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_ProcessImageFileName 0x1fc130, L"C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steam.exe"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Name 0x1fc130, L"Steam"
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_app_put_Enabled 0x1fc130, -1
fixme:hnetcfg:fw_apps_Add 0x1fcd20, 0x1fc130
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {e2b3c97f-6ae1-41ac-817a-f6f92166d7dd} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x142f00c, overlapped 0x142f010): stub
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x50096, filter=0x70af18c,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported
err:display:macdrv_GetMonitorInfo invalid monitor handle
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x10098, 0x6de5bb0): stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer unsupported flags
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0x40532334, 0x2167c0, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, 0x0, 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0x40532334
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer unsupported flags
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 0x40532334, 0x2167d8, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, 0x0, 0x00000000
fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 0x40532334
fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl The DISK_PARTITION_INFO and DISK_DETECTION_INFO structures will not be filled
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
fixme:wbemprox:enum_class_object_Next timeout not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
err:ole:create_server class {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} not registered
fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {dff32fea-3331-48da-a272-ccfc238695be} could be created for context 0x17
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x100bc, filter=0x33e070,flags=0x00000004) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33d514,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33d524,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33d6fc,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),1,0x33d6fc,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x50112, filter=0x898f610,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:UnregisterDeviceNotification (handle=0xcafeaffe), STUB!
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0xa0112, filter=0x898f610,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: Invalid parameter.

Install script executed.fixme:wincodecs:PngDecoder_Block_GetCount stub
fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_CopyPalette (0x33fe41c,0x33decc0): stub
fixme:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_Frame_CopyPalette (0x341df04,0x3406a08): stub
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f06c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),1,0x33f06c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:gdiplus:GdipGetLineSpacing ignoring style
fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00004100
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x3395d4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:wmvcore:WMCreateReader (0x0, 0, 0x4d9b91a8): stub
err:d3d:resource_init Failed to allocate system memory.
fixme:wmvcore:WMCreateReader (0x0, 0, 0x4d9b91a8): stub
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x687bc000 at address 0x78ab0a76 (thread 0016), starting debugger...
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x687bc000 in 32-bit code (0x78ab0a76).
Register dump:
CS:001b SS:0023 DS:0023 ES:0023 FS:1007 GS:000f
EIP:78ab0a76 ESP:0033de00 EBP:0033de0c EFLAGS:00210202( R- -- I - - - )
EAX:00000000 EBX:00000080 ECX:00000000 EDX:00000001
ESI:57893ac0 EDI:687bbfb0
Stack dump:
0x0033de00: 687bb030 572124c0 00001000 0033de20
0x0033de10: 00782d44 687bb030 57892b40 00001000
0x0033de20: 0033dea8 00783f74 687bb030 57892b40
0x0033de30: 00001000 00000000 00000000 566fd2e0
0x0033de40: 57211a80 00000000 00000400 00000200
0x0033de50: 00001000 00080000 40600030 00000400
0200: sel=1007 base=7ffc0000 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw-
=>0 0x78ab0a76 in msvcr100 (+0x10a76) (0x0033de0c)
1 0x00782d44 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x382d43) (0x0033de20)
2 0x00783f74 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x383f73) (0x0033dea8)
3 0x007f02ea in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3f02e9) (0x0033df8c)
4 0x007ef6dd in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef6dc) (0x0033dfd4)
5 0x007ef8d7 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x3ef8d6) (0x0033e020)
6 0x004841af in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x841ae) (0x0033e030)
7 0x004beed9 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xbeed8) (0x0033e0b4)
8 0x004e245e in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xe245d) (0x0033e110)
9 0x0049e853 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e852) (0x0033e128)
10 0x0049e7da in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x9e7d9) (0x0033e590)
11 0x004d49a0 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0xd499f) (0x0033e9f8)
12 0x0044bf85 in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x4bf84) (0x0033ee8c)
13 0x00551f6c in gsgameexe_dx9 (+0x151f6b) (0x0033f0fc)
0x78ab0a76: movq     %mm5,0x50(%edi)
Module     Address               Debug info     Name (280 modules)
ELF      0-82001000     Stabs
PE      340000- 347000     Deferred x3daudio1_7
PE      350000- 366000     Deferred xinput1_3
PE      400000- e68000     Deferred gsgameexe_dx9
PE      e120000- e1ec000     Deferred steam
PE     10000000-101ff000     Deferred d3dx9_43
PE     30000000-302c1000     Deferred steam2
PE     38000000-38893000     Deferred steamclient
PE     3b400000-3b41e000     Deferred steam_api
PE     3f000000-3f0ac000     Deferred tier0_s
PE     3f600000-3f64b000     Deferred vstdlib_s
PE     40001000-401b9000     Deferred libwine.1.0.dylib
ELF     41a9c000-41ab9000     Deferred version
\-PE     41aa0000-41ab6000     \ version
ELF     41ab9000-41ae9000     Deferred msacm32
\-PE     41ac0000-41ae3000     \ msacm32
ELF     41ae9000-41aff000     Deferred psapi
\-PE     41af0000-41afd000     \ psapi
ELF     41c00000-41d83000     Deferred user32
\-PE     41c10000-41d31000     \ user32
ELF     41d83000-41ec2000     Deferred gdi32
\-PE     41d90000-41e50000     \ gdi32
ELF     41ec2000-41f3f000     Deferred advapi32
\-PE     41ed0000-41f26000     \ advapi32
ELF     41f3f000-41ff4000     Deferred msvcrt
\-PE     41f50000-41fcf000     \ msvcrt
ELF     43000000-430c8000     Deferred winmm
\-PE     43010000-430b6000     \ winmm
ELF     430c8000-4324b000     Deferred ole32
\-PE     430d0000-431ff000     \ ole32
ELF     4324b000-432ef000     Deferred rpcrt4
\-PE     43250000-432c8000     \ rpcrt4
ELF     432ef000-43379000     Deferred setupapi
\-PE     43300000-43354000     \ setupapi
ELF     43379000-433a5000     Deferred dinput8
\-PE     43380000-43394000     \ dinput8
ELF     433a5000-433dc000     Deferred ws2_32
\-PE     433b0000-433d4000     \ ws2_32
ELF     433dc000-43650000     Deferred shell32
\-PE     433e0000-43606000     \ shell32
ELF     43650000-436e1000     Deferred shlwapi
\-PE     43660000-436b8000     \ shlwapi
ELF     436e1000-4372d000     Deferred d3d9
\-PE     436f0000-4371c000     \ d3d9
ELF     4372d000-438ba000     Deferred wined3d
\-PE     43730000-43895000     \ wined3d
ELF     438ba000-439f5000     Deferred opengl32
\-PE     438c0000-43992000     \ opengl32
ELF     439f5000-43a0f000     Deferred wmvcore
\-PE     43a00000-43a0b000     \ wmvcore
ELF     43a0f000-43b1c000     Deferred msvcp100
\-PE     43a20000-43ac7000     \ msvcp100
ELF     43b1c000-43b95000     Deferred dbghelp
\-PE     43b20000-43b7e000     \ dbghelp
PE     43b95000-43c22000     Deferred libfreetype.6.dylib
ELF     43c22000-43cce000     Deferred winemac
\-PE     43c30000-43ca0000     \ winemac
PE     4550b000-45545000     Deferred familycontrols
PE     45545000-4555a000     Deferred commercecore
ELF     455e0000-4560b000     Deferred iphlpapi
\-PE     455f0000-45604000     \ iphlpapi
ELF     4560b000-45628000     Deferred imagehlp
\-PE     45610000-45624000     \ imagehlp
ELF     46835000-46920000     Deferred crypt32
\-PE     46840000-46900000     \ crypt32
ELF     46920000-46a96000     Deferred oleaut32
\-PE     46930000-46a3d000     \ oleaut32
ELF     46a96000-46ad2000     Deferred secur32
\-PE     46aa0000-46ac9000     \ secur32
ELF     46ad2000-46b0c000     Deferred netapi32
\-PE     46ae0000-46aff000     \ netapi32
PE     4830a000-48312000     Deferred forcefeedback
PE     48aaa000-48bc1000     Deferred unorm8_bgra.dylib
ELF     48bc1000-48bfd000     Deferred uxtheme
\-PE     48bd0000-48bf4000     \ uxtheme
ELF     49bff000-49c5b000     Deferred dinput
\-PE     49c10000-49c44000     \ dinput
ELF     49c5b000-49d98000     Deferred comctl32
\-PE     49c60000-49d67000     \ comctl32
ELF     4ff23000-4ff50000     Deferred mmdevapi
\-PE     4ff30000-4ff44000     \ mmdevapi
PE     4ff50000-4ff59000     Deferred applehdahalplugin
PE     50000000-502fb000     Deferred amdradeonx3000gldriver
ELF     5ff6e000-5ffd3000     Deferred dsound
\-PE     5ff70000-5ffba000     \ dsound
PE     5ffd3000-5fff2000     Deferred libexpat.1.dylib
PE     60000000-60021000     Deferred cserhelper
ELF     61ab4000-61af2000     Deferred winecoreaudio
\-PE     61ac0000-61ae0000     \ winecoreaudio
PE     61af2000-61b54000     Deferred coremidi
PE     78aa0000-78b5f000     Deferred msvcr100
ELF     7b800000-7ba7a000     Deferred kernel32
\-PE     7b810000-7ba3e000     \ kernel32
ELF     7bc00000-7bcf8000     Deferred ntdll
\-PE     7bc10000-7bcba000     \ ntdll
PE     7fed0000-7ff5e000     Deferred xaudio2_7
PE     90008000-90014000     Deferred commonpanels
PE     9000d000-90018000     Deferred loginuicore
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     900ce000-900e6000     Deferred crashreportersupport
PE     90213000-9021d000     Deferred libcorevmclient.dylib
PE     90218000-903b7000     Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE     90218000-903b7000     Deferred libglprogrammability.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     903e7000-9040a000     Deferred libpng.dylib
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9040e000-90436000     Deferred generationalstorage
PE     9075d000-907bc000     Deferred libcorecrypto.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     907ae000-908fb000     Deferred libfontparser.dylib
PE     908d6000-9095e000     Deferred printcore
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     90933000-9093c000     Deferred libutil.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     9095e000-90ad9000     Deferred libblas.dylib
PE     90ac5000-90cc2000     Deferred audiotoolbox
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91ad5000-91b03000     Deferred ubiquity
PE     91af2000-91bb3000     Deferred ink
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     91b8a000-92d34000     Deferred appkit
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927a9000-927be000     Deferred libcsfde.dylib
PE     927b8000-92888000     Deferred colorsync
PE     92862000-92875000     Deferred libgpusupportmercury.dylib
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92b65000-92bc3000     Deferred iconservices
PE     92c39000-92c9b000     Deferred opencl
PE     92c8a000-92c99000     Deferred libcldcpuengine.dylib
PE     92fba000-92fbf000     Deferred liblangid.dylib
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     92fc2000-93069000     Deferred securityfoundation
PE     930a3000-9313c000     Deferred datadetectorscore
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93198000-931af000     Deferred libsasl2.2.dylib
PE     93200000-93207000     Deferred libremovefile.dylib
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     93202000-93464000     Deferred quartzcore
PE     933b1000-93874000     Deferred foundation
PE     93778000-93788000     Deferred libcgcms.a.dylib
PE     93a65000-93a68000     Deferred accelerate
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94227000-9422a000     Deferred cocoa
PE     94381000-94389000     Deferred libsystem_configuration.dylib
PE     94384000-943fc000     Deferred coreaudio
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     943da000-943e3000     Deferred libgif.dylib
PE     9448b000-9449b000     Deferred libcompiler_rt.dylib
PE     94491000-94498000     Deferred securityhi
PE     94494000-944e4000     Deferred libglu.dylib
PE     94700000-947c4000     Deferred libcorestorage.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     947ef000-947fe000     Deferred libgfxshared.dylib
PE     94e64000-94e7a000     Deferred libxar.1.dylib
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     951e2000-95272000     Deferred symbolication
PE     95244000-95296000     Deferred bom
PE     9528e000-958d7000     Deferred facecore
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     956c5000-956fc000     Deferred chunkinglibrary
PE     959e5000-95a2a000     Deferred libglimage.dylib
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95a42000-95b86000     Deferred launchservices
PE     95b49000-95bd9000     Deferred heimdal
PE     964dc000-96507000     Deferred libdispatch.dylib
PE     96526000-9652c000     Deferred libsystem_blocks.dylib
PE     96528000-96546000     Deferred sharing
PE     96598000-965b5000     Deferred librarian
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     965fc000-96651000     Deferred libcurl.4.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96651000-96657000     Deferred libodfde.dylib
PE     96702000-96714000     Deferred libbz2.1.0.dylib
PE     9698f000-969db000     Deferred dictionaryservices
PE     969bc000-969ec000     Deferred cfopendirectory
PE     969d5000-96a3c000     Deferred libtiff.dylib
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a60000-96aa7000     Deferred debugsymbols
PE     96a8f000-96ab7000     Deferred libresolv.9.dylib
PE     96aad000-96af2000     Deferred libsystem_network.dylib
PE     96aec000-96af6000     Deferred libheimdal-asn1.dylib
PE     96df3000-96df9000     Deferred libdiagnosticmessagesclient.dyli
PE     96df5000-96ea3000     Deferred searchkit
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     977c4000-9787e000     Deferred libsystem_c.dylib
PE     9785a000-97983000     Deferred libsqlite3.dylib
PE     9796d000-97a91000     Deferred libjp2.dylib
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97bdd000-98070000     Deferred coregraphics
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     97fd6000-97fdc000     Deferred audiounit
PE     97fe7000-9801c000     Deferred glrendererfloat
PE     982eb000-98311000     Deferred libcrfsuite.dylib
PE     98308000-98427000     Deferred discrecording
PE     983d0000-9859c000     Deferred glengine
PE     98605000-9861f000     Deferred libbsm.0.dylib
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98618000-9862b000     Deferred directoryservice
PE     98623000-9862c000     Deferred libpam.2.dylib
PE     9866c000-98787000     Deferred libxml2.2.dylib
PE     98759000-987c8000     Deferred scalableuserinterface
PE     98823000-98831000     Deferred netfs
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9882b000-98873000     Deferred libssl.0.9.8.dylib
PE     98861000-9889d000     Deferred libsystem_m.dylib
PE     9889c000-989c2000     Deferred coretext
PE     98aa4000-98aae000     Deferred libcgxtype.a.dylib
PE     98aa4000-98aae000     Deferred libcgxtype.a.dylib
PE     98c90000-98cf5000     Deferred navigationservices
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98ccf000-98d2d000     Deferred libcups.2.dylib
PE     98d58000-98d6a000     Deferred speechrecognition
PE     992d0000-992e1000     Deferred libsystem_notify.dylib
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     992da000-997b5000     Deferred hitoolbox
PE     99650000-99660000     Deferred aosnotification
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     996d3000-9978a000     Deferred libvmisc.dylib
PE     99780000-9985c000     Deferred libvdsp.dylib
PE     99856000-9985f000     Deferred efilogin
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     99879000-998c5000     Deferred gss
PE     998b2000-998be000     Deferred ioaccelerator
PE     9991e000-99926000     Deferred applicationservices
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     9995f000-9996c000     Deferred print
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99971000-99a12000     Deferred coresymbolication
PE     99a64000-99acb000     Deferred libfontregistry.dylib
PE     99aee000-99af8000     Deferred libdyld.dylib
PE     99b48000-99b5b000     Deferred servicemanagement
PE     99b6a000-99b96000     Deferred imagecapture
PE     99bd2000-99c10000     Deferred libsystem_kernel.dylib
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99bf9000-99c41000     Deferred mediakit
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ccb000-99ce1000     Deferred opengl
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     99ceb000-99e2a000     Deferred backup
PE     9a446000-9a473000     Deferred openscripting
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a462000-9a598000     Deferred libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
PE     9a55a000-9a976000     Deferred liblapack.dylib
PE     9ab23000-9abc0000     Deferred ats
PE     9ab99000-9ad46000     Deferred desktopservicespriv
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9acd1000-9b554000     Deferred performanceanalysis
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad1d000-9ad62000     Deferred ldap
PE     9ad56000-9adac000     Deferred coreservicesinternal
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b3ba000-9b4f6000     Deferred diskimages
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b599000-9b5d9000     Deferred corevideo
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9b8d8000-9b909000     Deferred kerberos
PE     9babd000-9baf3000     Deferred librip.a.dylib
PE     9bcb1000-9bce1000     Deferred libc++abi.dylib
PE     9bcd6000-9c072000     Deferred coreimage
PE     9c0d5000-9c0e1000     Deferred iosurface
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c0da000-9c13f000     Deferred remoteviewservices
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c1dc000-9c208000     Deferred libjpeg.dylib
PE     9c313000-9c362000     Deferred systemadministration
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 Steam.exe
     00000046 0
     00000045 0
     00000044 0
     00000043 0
     00000040 0
     0000003f 0
     0000003e 0
     0000003d 0
     0000003c 0
     0000003b 0
     0000003a 0
     00000039 0
     00000038 0
     00000037 0
     00000036 0
     00000035 0
     00000034 0
     00000032 0
     00000031 0
     00000030 0
     0000002f 0
     0000002e 0
     0000002d 0
     0000002c 0
     0000002b 0
     0000002a 0
     00000029 0
     00000028 0
     00000027 0
     00000026 0
     00000025 0
     00000009 0
0000000e services.exe
     0000001d 0
     0000001c 0
     00000014 0
     00000010 0
     0000000f 0
00000012 winedevice.exe
     0000001b 0
     00000018 0
     00000017 0
     00000013 0
00000019 plugplay.exe
     0000001f 0
     0000001e 0
     0000001a 0
00000020 explorer.exe
     00000021 0
00000041 GSLauncher.exe
     0000000d 0
0000000b (D) C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\GSTD - Rise of the Owlverlord\GSGameExe_DX9.exe
     0000004c 0
     0000004b 0
     0000004a 15
     00000049 15
     0000000c 0
     00000022 0
     00000033 0
     00000047 0
     00000023 0
     00000042 0
     00000016 0 <==
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:win:WINNLSEnableIME hwnd 0x30148 enable 0: stub!
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33e3f4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33e704,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:d3d9:d3d9_device_SetMaximumFrameLatency iface 0x2403d08, max_latency 1 stub!
fixme:ddraw:ddraw7_WaitForVerticalBlank iface 0x240c1e0, flags 0x1, event 0x0 stub!
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:state_fillmode Unrecognized fill mode 0.
fixme:d3d:gl_compare_func Unrecognized compare function 0.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
fixme:d3d:resource_check_usage Unhandled usage flags 0x8.
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Nofixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl ignoring keepalive interval and timeout
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {47a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab30, 0x3f03ab28
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {58a9201e-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361bc70}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03ab68, 0x3f03ab60
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {3fa9201e-73b0-43fe-9821-7e145359bc6f}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aaf8, 0x3f03aaf0
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {1432afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b433}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03aba0, 0x3f03ab98
fixme:advapi:EventRegister {4372afee-73b0-42ce-9821-7e134361b519}, 0x3f005a30, 0x3f03abd8, 0x3f03abd0
fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub
fixme:advapi:EventUnregister deadbeef: stub

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