Hi everyone!
Thanks for the awesome Wine GUI. thanks! Really! :)
I've had a problem with Skyrim.
At this particular moment the last installation script from Repo doesn't work for Steam installation - e.g. it just fails to start Steam no matter what I do (including Hack Steam fix from Configure menu).
This is fixable with little change to current script:
Nextly, it installs just fine, but gives a non-pretty black screen right after intro. Controls probably work (when I try to access steam overlay, it doesn't show up visually, but shows my systemwide cursor).
This, actually, is a bumblebee problem.
Somehow in the logs I see that my Intel videocard is used when I try to run Skyrim from POL.
As I've found on the forums, primus was never integrated into playonlinux, thus I've ran the playonlinux itself using primusrun.
When I export Wineprefix to ~/.playonlinux/wineprefixes/Skyrim & execute
$primusrun wine blah blah
Skyrim runs without a problem.
Any ideas what am I missing?