I am working on a script for the GOG-Version of Seven Kingdoms - Ancient Adversaries. Unfortunately, the games only seems to work on Linux if the exe provided on 7kfans.com is used (e.g. http://sourceforge.net/projects/skfans/files/Seven%20Kingdoms%20AA/Executables/7kaa-patch-2.13.2.zip/download). Note that the game is under GPL and thus it is legal to use this exe. Is it possible to streamline this in the installation script, i.e., after the normal installation automatically download the exe-file, unzip it and copy it in the folder, where the games was installed?
In the following is my script so far (basically copy/paste from another GOG-script, but aside from the issue descriped above it works)
# Date : (2013-12-07 10-47)
# Wine version used : 1.4.1
# Distribution used to test : Ubuntu 12.04.2
# Author : markus_s
# Script licence : GPL v.2
# Program licence : Retail
# Depend :
[ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE="GOG.com - Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries"
SHORTCUT_NAME="Seven Kingdoms"
POL_GetSetupImages "" "" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1228
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Enlight Software / Enlight Software" "http://www.gog.com/gamecard/$GOGID" "markus_s" "$PREFIX"
POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" "a8578d2554cbcea4cf2e2f06f2dab771"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
#fake sdbinst.exe(this is from HoMM3 script made by petch)
#installer otherwise gives error message regarding sdbinst.exe
POL_Call POL_Install_nop "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/sdbinst.exe"
POL_Call POL_GoG_install
# GoG work!
Set_OS winxp
POL_SetupWindow_VMS "16"
# Doesn't hurt ;)
POL_Shortcut "7k.exe" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "" "" "Game;StrategyGame;"
POL_Shortcut_QuietDebug "$SHORTCUT_NAME"
POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$GOGROOT/Seven Kingdoms - Ancient Adversaries/manual.pdf"
exit 0
22x22: http://imgur.com/5VaHyma,dvjSCM6#1
44x44: http://imgur.com/5VaHyma,dvjSCM6#0
Are there some generic images available for top and front? (since I am not really talented in doing graphical stuff)
Regarding the screenshot, I have not figured out yet how to make one.