Excel 2007 freezes at start screen
Lubuntu netbook at Toshiba 520 Netbook
Auteur | Réponses |
jsg-inet | Mercredi 6 Novembre 2013 à 10:02 |
Hello everyone and good morning : I'm starting in the world of Linux trying to migrate from Windows . Like many people, I can not get rid of some applications / programs due to compatibility issues and maintenance of applications. In my case , MS Office , specifically Excel, by a series of macros that I developed and that I must keep . The fact is that , before migrating my primary computer , I'm doing some testing on my netbook Toshiba 520. I have installed Ubuntu on it, using wubi. Then, I have installed Lubuntu using Synaptic. After that, PlayOnLinux also using Synaptic (and therefore, I guess that it have installed all the necessary about Wine). And finally I have installed MSOffice 2007 using PlayOnLinux. So far, more or less well . Anyway, when finally I tried to start Excel for the first time, it stays at the start screen , showing in the middle of the display the Excel self-advert picture. And there it is (the upper left corner is also blinking, where is the little MSOffice symbol, I do not know what it means). But not only that, but notice that window stays on screen whatever I do . And I can not close , nor end , nor kill. I have to log out and reenter. When I reboot the system and I enter again to the application, it shows: "Excel has not closed well last time ... do you want to boot into Safe Mode ? " . I say "YES " but we got almost the same (self-advert screen blocked) without blinking corner. Also I have to leave closed session . And now is when doubts attack me : 1) Is the netbook not be able to run Lubuntu-PlayOnLinux-Excel? : Seems not, because doing Ctrl -Alt -Del I can see the CPU load and memory and it is practically free . 2 ) Is it due to PlayOnLinux version?: During installation, it tells me that there is a newer version , but can not find how to update neither from the program nor from the wizard updates. 3) Is it due to Wine version or any of its components : do not know. 4) Is it something else unknown to me?: I do not know. After all, I have written here, in the forum ,in order to find some help. Thanks in advance . |
booman | Mercredi 6 Novembre 2013 à 18:02 |
I admit Wine can require more resources due to imitating Windows and its processes, but Office should still work on most computers and laptops. I have successfully run Office 2007 on an older MacMini with PlayOnMac and it ran just fine. Before I address your symptoms, I need some more information What version of Ubuntu are you using? Is your Ubuntu the 64-bit version? What Processor and how much Memory does your Toshiba 520 have? What version of PlayOnLinux are you using? Note: To install the newest version, first uninstall the current one with Synaptics Software Installer. Then go to the PlayOnLinux download page and follow the Terminal instructions for your Distro. What version of Wine was downloaded when installing Office in PlayOnLinux? Wine Version: Launch PlayOnLinux Click Configure Select virtual drive shortcut (left column) General Tab Wine Version A great feature of PlayOnLinux is that you can download any version of Wine and test it with your program. Chances are you are using an older version of Wine. Download Wine Version: Launch PlayOnLinux Click Tools Click Manage Wine Versions Select version of Wine on the left side Click the Left Arrow in the middle to download When finished, the new version of Wine will be on the left side Close Wine Manager Edité par booman † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
jsg-inet | Jeudi 7 Novembre 2013 à 8:59 |
Hello Booman and thank you for your reply.
I am now at work and I have no access to my netbook in order to answer your questions. ASAP I will check all subjets and I will show here. |
booman | Jeudi 7 Novembre 2013 à 13:35 |
Great, I didn't realize this was a netbook.
I hope the Processor isn't an ARM processor, because that would probably be the source of your problems. If its an Intel or AMD, then we might be able to figure this out. Is this your Toshiba: Tosh 520 It has an Intel Atom which is good news. It should be fine with Office and Wine. Nice netbook by the way, how much was it? † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
jsg-inet | Jeudi 7 Novembre 2013 à 19:54 |
Hello again! I am going to try to answer your questions: What version of Ubuntu are you using? Using this command line lsb_release -a It shows: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS Release: 12.04 Codename: precise When I have expertise the problem I was using Lubuntu-netbook desktop V0.38. Is your Ubuntu the 64-bit version? No, 32-bit. What Processor and how much Memory does your Toshiba 520 have? Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N570 @ 1.66GHz MemTotal: 1008068 kB (1GB) What version of PlayOnLinux are you using? PlayOnLinux 4.0.14 What version of Wine was downloaded when installing Office in PlayOnLinux? Wine 1.4 Regarding the Tosh520, I think I have purchased 3 years ago and it cost arround 280€ (I do not remember exactly). It is a nice netbook: good keyboard, not bad screen, nice-looking, and REALLY IMPRESIVE SOUND! I have used it mainly for travelling: some internet access, pictures storage, google earth, and so on... Now I have purchased a BQ Edison 2 Tablet and, for travelling it is so much better: less weight, less cables, better display, faster,... I think I will try to remove PlayOnLinux and re-install the last version. Is it better to uninstall MSOffice, uninstall Wine, uninstall PlayOnLinux or it is only necessary to uninstall PlayOnLinux? Thanks again. |
booman | Jeudi 7 Novembre 2013 à 20:00 |
Yes, install the current 4.2.1 version first
Then I recommend using a newer version of Wine. Maybe wine 1.7.5 or at least Wine 1.6 I can show you how to download Wine versions with PlayOnLinux. Also, before you install PlayonLinux, make sure to install the Wine program one time. You won't have to touch it again, but it needs to be installed before PlayOnLinux is installed. † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
jsg-inet | Vendredi 8 Novembre 2013 à 9:10 |
Ok Booman!
I shall will try and I tell (and/or ask) you! Thank you ;-) |
jsg-inet | Samedi 9 Novembre 2013 à 10:36 |
I have uninstalled: - MSO2007 - PlayOnLinux old version. - Wine 1.2.3 version Then, I have installed: - Wine 1.6 - PlayOnLinux 4.2.1 - MSO2007 When I start to install MSO2007 from PlayOnLinux, it installed again wine 1.2.3. When it finished, I have checked (Tools>Wine version manager) that both versions are installed. Finally I start powerpoint and... IT WORKS!! The blinking icon were due to the tipical first steps on MSO (asking windows about name, company, and so on). Then, I have started Excel and... IT ALSO WORKS!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! :) :) :) :) BUT... ... Excel macros crushes... :-( :-O The only thing that I need MSO running is Excel macros. I need it to mantain some macros I have developed for a little company. I'll try now to find out some help about Excel macros problems... :-/ Neverthess, I am happy to get Excel running on Lubuntu! Thank you again! |
booman | Lundi 11 Novembre 2013 à 2:19 |
Remember you can switch from wine 1.2.3 to 1.6 later on and it doesn't affect your install.
As for macro's, I don't have a lot of experience with them. That could be a deal-breaker for Wine because I don't know how macros will affect the libraries and packages we are using from Windows. Cause obviously we are really using Windows, but its close. Next step: I need to see your debug output Launch Office 2007 again but instead of clicking "Run" click "Debug" on the right. You will see a window appear and all the errors are posted there. Now copy them and paste them here. specially after you launch Execl with some macros. Don't forget Excel by default does not allow macros. So you need to go to options, trust center and macros Then click "Trust macros" † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
jsg-inet | Lundi 11 Novembre 2013 à 8:56 |
Ok Booman, I'll do that ASAP (again at work! :-( ). And... yes, I have "trusted macros" ;-);-);-) |
jsg-inet | Lundi 18 Novembre 2013 à 9:11 |
Hello Booman!
I am sorry; but last week it was impossible to me do anything about this matter. It was a very busy week (I am afraid this week it will be similar :( ). Yesterday night I would be able to do the test you told me, and the result was this: [11/17/13 23:09:02] - Running wine-1.2.3 EXCEL.EXE (Working directory : /home/jcm/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2007/drive_c/Archivos de programa/Microsoft Office/Office12) fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag 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0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d60c,0x00000000), stub! fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x10078 0x00000000 fixme:mscoree:GetRequestedRuntimeInfo ((null), L"v2.0.0", (null), 0x00000000, 0x00000051, (nil), 0x00000000, (nil), 0x32dc7c, 0x0000001e, 0x32dc74) stub fixme:mscoree:GetCORVersion (0x32dc7c, 30, 0x32dc74): semi-stub! fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully 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flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x1005c 0x00000000 fixme:ole:OleQueryLinkFromData (0x219190),stub! fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32ee34) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32ee34) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1600d6 83 1 32f48c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1600d6 47 0 32f580) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1600d6 5 0 120038) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x1600d6 3 0 0) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32db14) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x32db14) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f2 83 1 32e16c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f2 47 0 32e260) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f2 5 0 1200b2) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f6 83 1 32e16c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f6 47 0 32e260) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f6 5 0 120012) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fa 83 1 32e16c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fa 47 0 32e260) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fa 5 0 120026) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fe 83 1 32e16c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fe 47 0 32e260) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fe 5 0 1200b6) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f2 3 0 0) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100f6 3 0 0) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fa 3 0 0) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0x100fe 3 0 0) fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesW ((nil),(null),0x32c1c0,0x32c1b8,0x32c1bc),stub! fixme:wininet:INET_QueryOption INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECTED_STATE: semi-stub fixme:nls:GetGeoInfoW -1 4 0x32c5c4 8 0 fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesW ((nil),(null),0x474e570,0x474e568,0x474e56c),stub! fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (10000): STUB fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 10000 fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 10000 fixme:wininet:set_cookie persistent cookies not handled (L"expires=Fri, 17-Nov-2023 22:13:47 GMT; path=/") fixme:ras:RasEnumEntriesW ((nil),(null),0x463e570,0x463e568,0x463e56c),stub! fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (30000): STUB fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW INTERNET_OPTION_SEND/RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 30000 fixme:crypt:CRYPT_RegCloseStore Unimplemented flags: 00000001 fixme:crypt:CRYPT_MemCloseStore Unimplemented flags: 00000001 fixme:crypt:CRYPT_RegCloseStore Unimplemented flags: 00000001 fixme:crypt:CRYPT_MemCloseStore Unimplemented flags: 00000001 fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. fixme:shell:SHIsFileAvailableOffline (L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Mis documentos\\Documentos\\Pruebas Excel\\004CELSI-2012-V04.XLS", 0x3255e0) stub fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Temp\\VBE\\MSForms.exd" failed with error 2 fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x5129290,0x5129274), hack! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x512c058,0x512c03c), hack! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x512c0b8,0x512c03c), hack! fixme:shell:IPersistFile_fnSaveCompleted (0x512c220)->(L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Recientes\\004CELSI-2012-V04.XLS.lnk") fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x5129f00,0x5129274), hack! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc Unrecognized type 13. fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 0) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 0) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 2) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 2) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 3) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 3) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 4) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 4) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 5) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 5) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 6) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 6) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 7) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 7) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 8) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 8) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678288) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678289) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678290) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678291) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678292) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f8f900 1610678293) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x4f90ca0 0) stub! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetVarHelpContext (0x512c0e8,0,0), stub! fixme:netapi32:NetGetJoinInformation Stub (null) 0x32fadc 0x32fad0 fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Sessions"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0001,0x0000,0x00001b59,(nil),0x0006,0x00000000,0x324da4,(nil)): stub err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"1" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"Microsoft Office Excel" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"12.0.4518.1014" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"12.0.4518.1014" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"381" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"240" fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:mscoree:GetVersionFromProcess (0xffffffff, 0x3233c8, 30, (nil)): stub fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Diagnostics"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0004,0x0000,0x000000c9,(nil),0x0000,0x00000000,0x504000,(nil)): stub fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:OpenEventLogW ((null),L"Application") stub fixme:advapi:CloseEventLog (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:OpenEventLogW ((null),L"System") stub fixme:advapi:CloseEventLog (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity ((nil),-1,(nil),(nil),0,3,(nil),0,(nil)) - stub! fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Diagnostics"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0004,0x0000,0x000000d5,(nil),0x0000,0x00000000,0x504000,(nil)): stub fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:OpenEventLogW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Sessions") stub fixme:advapi:ReadEventLogW (0xcafe4242,0x00000009,0x00000000,0x830000,0x0007d000,0x33fd4c,0x33fd54) stub fixme:advapi:CloseEventLog (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Diagnostics"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0001,0x0000,0x00000140,(nil),0x0002,0x00000000,0x549008,(nil)): stub err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"2kgl" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"N/A" fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Diagnostics"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0004,0x0000,0x000000cd,(nil),0x0000,0x00000000,0x504000,(nil)): stub fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Diagnostics"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0004,0x0000,0x000003e7,(nil),0x0000,0x00000000,0x504000,(nil)): stub fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:netapi32:NetGetJoinInformation Stub (null) 0x33fd8c 0x33fd80 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:imm:ImmDisableIME (-1): stub fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread Cannot get kerneltime or usertime of other threads fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0001,0x0000,0x000003e8,(nil),0x0008,0x000000e0,0x300bcf54,0x7ac5ec): stub err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"excel.exe" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"12.0.4518.1014" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"45428263" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"unknown" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"00000000" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"0" err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"00000000" fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage EM_SETMARGINS: stub fixme:richedit:ME_HandleMessage EM_SETMARGINS: stub err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize err:ole:CoUninitialize Mismatched CoUninitialize err:seh:setup_exception_record stack overflow 1896 bytes in thread 0009 eip 7bc3f0bf esp 00230bc8 stack 0x230000-0x231000-0x330000 fixme:netapi32:NetGetJoinInformation Stub (null) 0x33fc0c 0x33fc00 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xe4): stub fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xec): stub fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xf4): stub fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xfc): stub fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x33ddc0) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x1 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33d60c,0x00000000), stub! fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0xa0066 0x00000000 fixme:mscoree:GetRequestedRuntimeInfo ((null), L"v2.0.0", (null), 0x00000000, 0x00000051, (nil), 0x00000000, (nil), 0x33dc7c, 0x0000001e, 0x33dc74) stub fixme:mscoree:GetCORVersion (0x33dc7c, 30, 0x33dc74): semi-stub! fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:time:GetCalendarInfoW flag CAL_NOUSEROVERRIDE used, not fully implemented fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation 0x110000 1 (nil) 0 fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x300fc 0x00000000 fixme:ole:OleQueryLinkFromData (0x1e8bc0),stub! fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. fixme:shell:SHIsFileAvailableOffline (L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Mis documentos\\Documentos\\Pruebas Excel\\004CELSI-2012-V04.XLS", 0x337420) stub fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x2008c stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x200a4 stub! fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance Untranslated charset 255 fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x200a4 stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x200a4 stub! err:ole:TLB_ReadTypeLib Loading of typelib L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Temp\\VBE\\MSForms.exd" failed with error 2 fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x3ae1790,0x3ae1754), hack! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x3aead58,0x3ae17fc), hack! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x3aeadb8,0x3ae17fc), hack! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetTypeDescAlias (0x3aef7c8,0x3aeefa4), hack! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc Unrecognized type 13. fixme:shell:IPersistFile_fnSaveCompleted (0x39195a8)->(L"C:\\users\\jcm\\Recientes\\004CELSI-2012-V04.XLS.lnk") fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 0) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 0) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 2) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 2) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 3) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 3) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 4) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 4) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 5) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 5) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 6) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 6) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 7) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 7) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 8) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 8) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678288) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678289) stub! fixme:typelib2:ctl2_encode_typedesc PTR vartype, may not work correctly. fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678290) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678291) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678292) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x3925430 1610678293) stub! fixme:ole:ITypeInfo_fnGetMops (0x39267d0 0) stub! fixme:typelib2:ICreateTypeInfo2_fnSetVarHelpContext (0x3aeade8,0,0), stub! fixme:ole:OleQueryLinkFromData (0x3ab06c0),stub! fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x33ee34) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:DllGetClassObject ({c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} 0x33ee34) err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111 err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {c1ee01f2-b3b6-4a6a-9ddd-e988c088ec82} could be created for context 0x401 fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Activate Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_FilterClientWindows Stub fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0xd0108 83 1 33f48c) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0xd0108 47 0 33f580) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0xd0108 5 0 12006f) fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_OnDefWindowProc Stub (0xd0108 3 0 0) fixme:ole:OleQueryLinkFromData (0x3ab7c78),stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x200a4 stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x2008c stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x2008c stub! fixme:ole:OleQueryLinkFromData (0x249f600),stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_DeleteTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x2008c stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_AddTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_AddTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:shdocvw:taskbar_list_ActivateTab iface 0x249fb98, hwnd 0x300fc stub! fixme:msimtf:ActiveIMMApp_Deactivate Stub fixme:ole:DllDebugObjectRPCHook stub fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L"Microsoft Office 12 Sessions"): stub fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0004,0x0000,0x00001b58,(nil),0x0006,0x00000000,0x33f314,(nil)): stub fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub fixme:wtsapi:WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0xa0066 I hope it means something to you! Best regards. |
booman | Mardi 19 Novembre 2013 à 0:34 |
Wow, lots of repetitive errors there.
I'm not exactly sure what they all mean, but which version of Wine did you use with this Office debug? Have you tried some newer versions? I noticed a crypt and wininet errors in there. Its easy to install wininet through "Install Packages" and crypt32.dll can be setup in Wine configuration. In the libraries tab. Not that this will fix your problems, but its worth a try † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
jsg-inet | Mardi 19 Novembre 2013 à 8:57 |
I do not know why, but when I have quit 1.2.3 verison of wine from Play On Linux and still alone version 1.6, and then I have launch Excel, Play on Linux installs again the 1.2.3 version and it uses for running MSO applications. :-O I will try to install wininet, and then I will tell you. Thanks. |
booman | Mardi 19 Novembre 2013 à 19:30 |
wininet probably won't fix your problem but will fix something that flagged those errors.
So you are saying when you launch Office PlayOnLinux will automatically start installing Wine 1.2.3? Or are you saying Office reverts back to Wine 1.2.3? † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
drag0ns0ul | Mercredi 29 Avril 2020 à 18:10 |
thanks guys it helps a lot. solved my problem by running powerPoint before excel in first time |
booman | Mercredi 29 Avril 2020 à 18:23 |
Really? I wonder how that fixed it? Thanks for posting your solution! † Booman † Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650 Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained |
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