
How to install the Latin America client of League of Legends?

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PabloViollier Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 1:03


I recently installed League of Legends using PlayOnLinux. Sadly it install the EU client of the game, and I need to use the LA client.

When installing I tried using the .exe from the League of Legends Latin America website but it didn't let me use it. The other thing is that the direct download using PlayOnLinux took over two days. It finally worked great, but like I said, I need the LA client.

I'm using a Core2Duo Intel PC with a GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 graphic card, 4gigas RAM and Ubuntu 13.04

This were the instructions I used to install LOL, but how I said, installing the .exe I manually downloaded from the LoL site didn't work.

I hope there's another way.

Thanks in advance. 
petch Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 1:42

Switching server region during update is not sufficient?
PabloViollier Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 1:44

My LOL client (west eu) can change to North America and Eastern Europe, but Latin America has a different client. It's a different .exe that has to be installed.

Edité par PabloViollier

booman Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 3:00

Whoa, that sucks... why would they have a completely different client?
Two days... not cool. Do you have a slower internet connection? I had to download it at work because my internet is too slow.
Did you get any specific errors when trying to install?

I didn't download the client from the LOL site because it doesn't work. Instead I have to download the english client from here: (for EUW) (for EUNE) (for NA)
Obviously there isn't a Latin America listed, but I wonder if there is a LeagueOfLegendBaseLA

WineHQ says this:
If your region is not listed, choose any of them and then change the region in the launcher after install is complete.

Are you able to change the region in the launcher but can't join a Latin American server?

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Jayzon Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 3:17

My latest League install was done by manually installing a non listed program with PlayOnLinux. I used League's current client installer.

The select regions available are :

North America
EU West
EU Nordic & East
Latin America North
Latin America South

You may have to try it this way until it is updated for POL.

Edité par Jayzon

PabloViollier Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 3:40

Is there any specific instructions to installing it manually as a "non listed program"?
PabloViollier Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 4:15

When trying to install as an non-listed program wine just freezes (it turns a litle bit darker like it's not responding). Anyone with the same problem?

In this guide it says "Do not download the client from the website.
It would crash every time. Instead, there is an archive on the website that worked perfectly."  The thing is that there's no link to the LA client there :(

PS: This is the .exe of the Latin America client I need to install (I downloaded it from the LOL website so it's official)

Edité par PabloViollier

Jayzon Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 6:00

Personally, I used the latest client installer (within the past week) which works for me. However, I had to mess around a little bit to get it to work.

I might try to build a POL script that works with the latest League installer, but I don't want to make an effort if someone is already working on that.

As far as your issue goes with the installer, you will probably need to provide more information to get help. For example, what version of PlayOnLinux are you using? What do you mean that wine freezes? Do you mean a PlayOnLinux window freezes? Did you create a new virtual drive or try to install into an existing one? I am assuming you are using Ubuntu.

Also, you may need to install Adobe Air from the components tab to run the installer. However, I probably shouldn't post instructions because I didn't memorize all the changes that I made. If I made a POL script to do the work, it would probably be the simplest option. I don't mind making one, but it would have to be validated for use. That's why I'm not sure if I should make one because the original maintainer may be working on that already.

As far as your link from ubuntuone, that is a different installer than the one I used. However, the installer that I used for North America allows the region to be changed to Latin America as posted above. The installer I used is from
I am assuming that the language may be different between the installers, and I'm not sure what kind of problems (if any) that makes. I am bored, so I will experiment with that installer to see what happens though. If that one has too many issues, the NA installer may still work by just changing the region. The region can be changed from the client even after the game is installed.

booman Lundi 5 Aoüt 2013 à 17:34

When trying to install as an non-listed program wine just freezes (it turns a litle bit darker like it's not responding). Anyone with the same problem?
In this guide it says "Do not download the client from the website.It would crash every time. Instead, there is an archive on the website that worked perfectly."  The thing is that there's no link to the LA client there :(

PS: This is the .exe of the Latin America client I need to install (I downloaded it from the LOL website so it's official)

Quote from PabloViollier

Cool, you found my guide on
I originally had problems launching the client and installing the game when downloading it from it would crash every time.

So I would recommend downloading the NA installer as Jayzon has explained.
Then follow my guide...

If you "can" change the region after installing, then you are half-way there.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 16:27

Booman, your guide works for me, in the sense that it installs the game. But then, at the screen that "updates" the game with two steps, the first of about 350mb and the second about 2gigas it gets stuck at either step. Specially at 99% of the first step with 0:04 time remaining and says "dependencies properties, it's very frustrating.

I seem to have problems installing Gecko and Mono on PlayOnLinux (an error appears trying to install them), does that have anything to do?

I feel I'm very near of getting this game to run :P

Edité par PabloViollier

booman Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 17:45

Thanks for being so patient... its practically a requirement for installing PC Games in PlayOnLinux.

I wonder if the problem is related to the Wine 1.5.25-LeagueOfLegendsShop?
I originally did the manual installation with Wine 1.6-rc4 and then later tried 1.5.25-LeagueOfLegendsShop because ever time I clicked the shop, it crashed.

Yes, not installing Gecko and Mono could cause a problem.
Did they automatically try to install when you did the Wine Version Manager?

Also, remember to keep the Windows Version at Windows XP because you are going to install Internet Explorer 8 and it requires Windows XP to run. It also installs Service Pack 3. You may run into problems without those too.

It has to be some of those dependencies that the downloader requires. I couldn't even stop the downloader, updater and patching until it was finished.

Definitely try a different version of Wine first, don't worry about the store crashing yet.
Just get it downloaded and installed. Then we'll deal with the Store version of Wine later.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
booman Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 18:15

I was reading on WineHQ and there is no confirmation that League of Legends requires Internet Explorer 8 or Service Pack 3.... so you probably won't need them.
I added them because some online games use a browser to launch.

Mono is definitely a requirement. So I may have to update my guide and show Wine 1.6-rc4 for the install, then changing to 1.5.25-LeagueOfLegendsShop later on.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 20:06

I tried installing it with Wine 1.6-rc4

The good thing is that I got Mono installed. The bad is that I still get stuck at ""

Here is a screenshot:

If I close wine and then start League of Legends from PlayOnLinux the game start, but gets stuck on "calculando diferencias"... something like calculating differences


:( :(

Edité par PabloViollier

booman Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 20:50

I tried installing it with Wine 1.6-rc4

The good thing is that I got Mono installed. The bad is that I still get stuck at ""

Here is a screenshot:
If I close wine and then start League of Legends from PlayOnLinux the game start, but gets stuck on "calculando diferencias"... something like calculating differences
:( :(

Quote from PabloViollier

Grr... so close!
Glad you got the Latin American language Region to work.

So mono installed, did gecko install too?

Since it crashed, PlayOnLinux didn't create a shortcut for you, but the virtual drive is still there.
  1. launch PlayOnLinux
  2. Click Configure
  3. Select LeagueofLegends virtual drive
  4. General Tab
  5. Click "create a shortcut in this virtual drive"
  6. PlayOnLinux should find:  lol.launcher.admin.exe
  7. Name your shortcut
  8. I don't want to make another shortcut

Now close Configuration
This time Launch League of Legends by selecting the shortcut you created in PlayOnLinux and clicking Debug

Then, when it crashes, copy everything from the last launch in the Debug and paste here.
We should get some errors about what is missing or causing the crash.

I suggest trying from the beginning again, start with a new virtual drive and do the manual installation.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 21:34

I allmost had it! I changed the wine version to Shop, it didn't work. Then I switched back to 1.6-rc4 and it updated the game! (I had allready done the 6 steps you told me)

Finally when the loggin screen appeared and I tried to loggin in, the game crushed :(

Now if I run League of Legends again from PlayOnLinux it makes me download the updates again... this is very frustrating.

Edité par PabloViollier

PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 21:42

Now I tried running League of Legends again and it did't make me download the updates again. It showed the loggin screen, but again it crushed when trying to loggin. This is the log I get from "Debug" I hope it's usefull:

[08/06/13 15:40:03] - Running wine-1.6-rc4 lol.launcher.exe (Working directory : /home/pablo/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/lol/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
( ERROR)[15:40:04.074] RADS::Common::RegistryHelp::RegKeyValueString::RegKeyValueString: Failed to find registry value "ProgramW6432Dir" (2).
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x630020c4 at address 0x77f77316 (thread 003b), starting debugger...
err:dbghelp:pe_load_dbg_file Couldn't find .DBG file "dll\\\\wininet.dbg" ("\\xf05\\x8a{")
[08/06/13 15:40:45] - Running wine-1.6-rc4 lol.launcher.exe (Working directory : /home/pablo/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/lol/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends)
fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 240, std (d/m/y): 28/04/2013, dlt (d/m/y): 8/09/2013
( ERROR)[15:40:45.267] RADS::Common::RegistryHelp::RegKeyValueString::RegKeyValueString: Failed to find registry value "ProgramW6432Dir" (2).
fixme:ntdll:NtConnectPort (0x5b0c1170,L"\\\\ThemeApiPort",0x33facc,(nil),(nil),(nil),0x33fadc,0x33fad8),stub!
fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 240, std (d/m/y): 28/04/2013, dlt (d/m/y): 8/09/2013
booman Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 21:55

wininet could be a solution.
Go to Configure and click the Windows Packages tab
Look for wininnet and install it.

Someone on WineHQ suggested installing vcrun2005 and vcrun2008
Did you already install those libraries?

Lets talk about 64-bit... uh. a bit :)
You are using Ubuntu 13.04 but is it 64-bit or 32-bit?
This could be the over-riding problem...
When you create the virtual drive PlayOnLinux will ask you 32-bit or 64-bit.
Make sure to select 32-bit.

If you are running a 64-bit Ubuntu, then you need to install the 32-bit libraries also known as multiarch.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 22:02

I installed wininet when creating the virtual drive. If I try to install it from the Configure-> Install tab it just open and closes =/

I'm using 32bit Ubuntu, but at no stage of installing League of Legends or creating a new virtual drive does it asks me if I want 32 or 64 bits...
booman Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 22:07

ok, good. Wininet is probably already installed.
PlayOnLinux won't ask for 32-bit or 64-bit because your Ubuntu is already running in 32-bit.
This is better for gaming anyways. What about vcrun?

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
PabloViollier Mardi 6 Aoüt 2013 à 22:09

Everytime I have installed League of Legends using your guide (about 7 times so far haha) I have installed vcrum2005 and vcrun2008 at the time I create the virtual drive with POL.

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