
Where is the Debian Wheezy Source List?!

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mjdtjm Mardi 23 Juillet 2013 à 17:17

I can't find the playonlinux_wheezy.list file.
Where is it?!
Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 23 Juillet 2013 à 17:26

So, no need to use exclamation points, unless you are actually trying to yell. Its considered rude.

I dont see it on there, which is odd, but you can always simply download the .deb file. We dont do updated super often, and you will be notified upon opening POL of any updates. So for now, use the .deb file. I will look into the repo issue.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention

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petch Mardi 23 Juillet 2013 à 19:47

There's a feature request already, time to bump it:

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