
Two erros PlayOnLinux Fedora 19.

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Ironish Dimanche 21 Juillet 2013 à 17:23

Hi I'm fairly new to Linux but I have some knowledge of computer and I managed pretty well so far, my problem is this, I installed PlayOnLinux and I get the following error when opening:

1) Error: PlayOnLinux is not able to find 32bit OpenGL libraries.

You may have problems with their games.

I try to install a game and then give me this one:

2) Error: Unable to find the CD-ROM!

Distro: Fedora 19 Gnome 64bit.
Wine: wine-1.6-rc2 32bit (I have not installed Wine64bits)
PC: Asus K53SC I5-2410M 2.3 GHz, 4GB RAM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 with NVIDIA Optimus GeForce GT 520MX.
Ronin DUSETTE Dimanche 21 Juillet 2013 à 17:34

1) Error: PlayOnLinux is not able to find 32bit OpenGL libraries.

You may have problems with their games.


Install the newest drivers by hand from Nvidia. That will install the 32 bit drivers.

As for the CD-ROM not being found, I have never gotten that error.

I suggest you read the instruction manual on how to use PlayOnLinux, so that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

Also, make sure that you are running PlayOnLinux 4.2.1, as that is the most recent stable release.

You will also need to install curl and p7zip, as those are required.

After you have read the manual, re-post and give us more detail about what game or application youre trying to run.

Also, in order to run games, you will have to use optirun, but Im not sure how to do that (you need to install bumblebee to do so).

Dont install the wine64 bit. Its not needed. Most games on POL run in 32 bit prefixes.

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booman Mardi 23 Juillet 2013 à 1:45

After messing with Diablo II 3 Disk installation, sometimes Wine has a problem with CD-ROMs mounting and unmounting.
Wine won't see the newly mounted Disk, so you have to go to Wine Configuration and click the Drives tab. Then manually mount it yourself.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ironish Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 15:45

Hi guys I finally found the solution by casualty, the problem was I didn't have the mesa drivers .i686 installed.

About the CDROM solution it's simple, you need to write the same route where the CD or DVD is mounted.

But I have another problem, I installed Call of Duty 2 and when it run I can hear the sound of the intro and the menu, but I can't see nothing at the intro and I only can see the lines between titles in the menu.
Ironish Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 16:16

By the way, I have the latest drivers Bumblebee-Nvidia, POL 4.2.1, Curl, p7zip and all that is needed... I use Bumblebee-Nvidia and Primus if I don't do, the system give me the following error: "Over current condition on port 3 and 4" because my laptop is designed to work with Optimus controling two graphic cards, the Intel HD Graphics 3000 and the Nvidia GeForce GT 520MX.

I'm telling this to you because I want to execute Call of Duty 2 with the Intel HD Graphics Card, I only use the Nvidia for the newest games like Starcraft 2...
booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 18:49

Ooh, Call of Duty 2? I have a guide on installing and configuring it with PlayOnLinux:
Call of Duty 2 on

I'm not even sure if Intel HD 3000 will run Call of Duty 2 or not, but I'm sure your Nvidia will.
Also, not sure how drivers are supposed to work with two different video devices: Intel integrated & Nvidia dedicated

This could be interesting.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 20:15

So, if you want to use it, you need to tell it to use Optimus by running:

optirun nameofgame

Though, Im not sure how to tell POL to use it.

Perhaps simply:

optirun playonlinux

and then choosing the game, but Im pretty sue you have to tell the game to use it.

Anytime you are running games, you need to use the nvidia card. Doesnt matter what. There is no reason to use the Intel graphics anyway, considering it will always underperform compared to your Nvidia. So, unless you have a specific reason, use the better card. I mean, why use a lesser card when you have a better one right there?

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booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 20:39

In that case, you could probably disable the intel chipset in the BIOS. Then you won't have to worry about conflicts in Linux

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 20:50

nah. Its integrated into the CPU. It cannot be turned off, from what I understand.

No need to anyway. If it was as simple as turning off the Intel chipset in the BIOS, Bumblebee and Primus would have never been written. :)

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booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:16

Oh right, its probably a Core i5, dang I forget about those integrated GPU in the CPU's

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:22

Yeah. I mean, they are pretty dope, but they just cause issues in Linux. They are still new though. I have to imagine the next stable releases from major distros over the next year or so will implement something more elegant than Bumblebee to deal with this issue.

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booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:24

that would be nice because I can imagine problems with games and two different video cards.
For now I've been staying away from them... to dang expensive
I prefer desktops anyways.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:27

Word. I mean, my Dell laptop has an Intel g45 mobile chipset, and really, that works fine when I want to play some games on my laptop.

Eventually (maybe next year) Im going to buy a new laptop with a newer chipset, etc etc etc., but yeah. It will for sure be nice when they figure out a fix to this issue.

I love my laptop, but when I need to kill or get something done, my desktop is what I go to. haha

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booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:32

Hear Hear!

My new PC is an Acer C7 Chromebook
I removed Chrome and put ChUbuntu on it
Not a powerhouse, but I can play Torchlight 1 on it with PlayOnLinux.
So it can do a bit of gaming.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:37

NIccccee. They are pretty sweet. My friend just got one, and he likes it a lot. Really, for the price, its hard to beat.

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booman Mercredi 24 Juillet 2013 à 21:58

Yup $226 including shipping and tax.
Its the perfect little portable machine for me.

(sorry for being off topic)

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ironish Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 à 18:08

Ohh! You guys have a nice conversation here, don't you? hahaha xD...

I want to thank you guys for helping me POL runs great and COD2 does too.

Yosha the matter with the video card it's just for take care of my laptop. I applied the warranty a year ago for problems with the Nvidia card, and all that time I was without my laptop, the manufacturer could not find the fault so they changed the motherboard, but i think that it was my fault because y was using the Nvidia card to run everything. I think that using the Nvidia card with games like Starcraft or Diablo II it's a waste.

I left Windows and started to use Linux because I wanted a fast an secure SO for working and multi-tasking not for gaming, thats why I chose Fedora too. The reason why I installed POL it's because I need microsoft office to work, gaming it's my second reason only in cases like COD2 or Halo 2 because those games doesn't work on W7. I have a partition with W7 only for gaming... Thank you for all de advices and the help!

Booman your guide it's great, very simply and helpful! I have a couple of questions: Are you installed the patch 1.3 of COD2? Did it run? I tried but doesn't work...

Versión 1.0 runs great! And like Yosha said, I need to run POL with optirun if I don't the game doesn't run. In a system with optimus you cannot disable the video cards, even in W7 the system give u a warning of posible damage...

Thanks for the help booman!

P.D: Sorry, my english is bad, i'm still learning...
booman Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 à 18:13

Glad you got it working in Linux.
I didn't try the 1.3 patch for Call of Duty. How did you install it?
Normally patches can be installed like this:
1. launch playonlinux
2. click configure
3. select your virtual drive (probably callofduty2)
4. click the miscellaneous tab
5. click "run a .exe in this virtual drive"
6. find the patch exe
7. select and open
8. patch should run and install in the virtual drive and update game

If it doesn't work, we can do some research on WineHQ and see if there are any known problems.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ironish Vendredi 26 Juillet 2013 à 18:28

No, doesn't work...

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