
Cubeworld (new game)

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gezze Jeudi 11 Juillet 2013 à 17:29

hey i thought we could maybe open up a new thread for that new game called cubeworld because i guess many guys like to play that adventureing game

so what i got out of other threads:

you need .net 4, xact addon and something else with rendering

i got the game working until the playbutton, when it has to starts nothing happens then so that was also the problem of the other guys, i try to get some debuginfo later

see you
gezze Jeudi 11 Juillet 2013 à 17:31

so here i am again it already told me some debug info

[07/11/13 17:30:21] - Running wine- wineboot (Working directory : /home/benjamin/.PlayOnLinux)
[07/11/13 17:30:24] - Running wine- CubeLauncher.exe (Working directory : /home/benjamin/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Cubeworld/drive_c/Program Files/Cube World)
read gui.plx
wine: Unhandled exception 0x40000015 at address 0x86327c (thread 0028), starting debugger...
izberion Jeudi 11 Juillet 2013 à 19:06

As far as I know, that's as far as anyone can get. If you're willing to wait, Wollay is likely to make a Linux version.
gezze Vendredi 12 Juillet 2013 à 1:04

ok thats fine i guess, if i find out anything else i will post it here
ilcontegis Dimanche 28 Juillet 2013 à 16:19

I am trying to make it work...but I am failing...anyone any suggestion?
ilcontegis Dimanche 28 Juillet 2013 à 16:23

As far as I know, that's as far as anyone can get. If you're willing to wait, Wollay is likely to make a Linux version.

Quote from izberion

Can you confirm this?
All I could find is that there will be a Mac version. Probably a Linux server, I have read nowhere about a Linux Desktop version..
sobelin Mardi 30 Juillet 2013 à 10:56

There was a note about a planned linux version. But it's gone now. The game is directX dependent. So i guess the linux version is not one of the next milestones. I would also appreciate a playonlinux solution.
xpander Mardi 30 Juillet 2013 à 19:57

currently only works with crossover 12.2.2

hopefully those changes will be pushed to wine soon, so we can play it with PoL as well

Edité par xpander

Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 30 Juillet 2013 à 20:37

So, try using Wine 1.6 32 bit, DONT install .NET (wine-mono will automatically be installed), but install d3dx9 in to a fresh virtual drive, as well as vcrun2008, and then install the game.

Very little information is given about your system types and all of that, so its hard to tell.

If it will work with crossover, there is very little reason it shouldnt work with POL/Wine.

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xpander Mercredi 31 Juillet 2013 à 5:06

it doesnt work with wine yet.
the fixes were made specialy for crossover.
i dont know maybe the fixes are pushed into wine git already.

with latest wine you dont make it work. it will crash with thread errors.
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 31 Juillet 2013 à 5:16


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ilcontegis Jeudi 1 Aoüt 2013 à 21:49

I tried to install with crossover. I can install and login, but the game is far from being playable. I tried to set everything to minimum, but it didn't help......

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