
Has anyone had problems running stronghold kingdoms?

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weasy Vendredi 21 Juin 2013 à 18:24

Has anyone had problems running stronghold kingdoms?

I can install it after I install mono, directx, dontnet2.
It will download the update. Then when you load it it will try to update over and over it keeps flashing the update screen. And my mac it will give me a error.
On my linux it just keeps flashing the update screen.

After much googling I didn't see anything really describing my problem other than others have had issues with stronghold kingdoms.

Has anyone else had this problem?
If so what was the resolution?

Thank you for your time,
Jim Culbreath
Cloud Server Admin

Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 21 Juin 2013 à 19:11

Dont install .NET and Mono in the same virtual drive. They conflict with eachother. One or the other. They both do the same thing; add .NET compatibility.

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