
What is Rank?

Auteur Réponses
aigan Lundi 13 Mai 2013 à 1:29

Sorry. Can't find an explanation.

Would like to know if a low rank is based on the game not working or on something else.

Ronin DUSETTE Mardi 14 Mai 2013 à 17:40

You can give ratings in terms of stars (1 out of 5). 5 being the best. Its just a way to rate popularity of the game and script as a whole. If the script and game work perfect, a high rating will be nice. :)

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petch Mardi 14 Mai 2013 à 19:26

Actually it wasn't (I think) really made clear to people whether they should rate the script or the game, so in my opinion it's rather useless.
The good thing is that very few people ever give ratings (compared to the number of installations), so it doesn't matter that much :D

booman Mercredi 15 Mai 2013 à 0:45

Awe man... I wanted to rank some games... I didn't even know "ranking" existing

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 550| GeForce GTX 1650
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