
Running .msp files through playonlinux

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akI Mardi 30 Avril 2013 à 8:45

Good morning,

im new here so please let me know if im not doing right.

Im trying to install an audio app with playonlinux based on an older wine version to see if wineasio is recognized in an older version.

I already tried wine directly but for this app there is no way to change the audio driver to wineasio.

In wine directly i need to install it like
env WINEPREFIX=/home/aki/.wine-AUDIO/ msiexec /p patch.msp

I was wondering how i can run .msp files through playonlinux. .exe and .msi files are showed up as installation files if you search some prefix for executable. But .msp files seems to be not supported.

Also im not sure how im able to link wineasio. Its installed to winelibspaths

And the third thing i was thinking about is how i can install mspatcha through winetricks as it is needed to correctly install the patch.msp

The third problem isn a big deal at all i can copy and paste it from my winepath to playonlinux but i dont see mspatcha in the install additional program section in playonlinux.

Would be nice if someone can guide me with small light :-)
rafaelnonato Lundi 26 Janvier 2015 à 3:06

I just went through the same and this is how I solved it

1) Installed winetricks (`sudo apt-get install winetricks`)

2) Located the folder of the profix I wanted to install mspatcha in.

   This will usually be `$HOME/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/NAME_OF_PREFIX`

3) installed mspatcha in it by doing

    `WINEPREFIX=/home/rafael/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/AdobeReader winetricks mspatcha`

(Needless to say, the quotes [`] aren't to be typed)

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