
CD installation


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WhiteRaven Jeudi 11 Avril 2013 à 9:51

I have tried every which way and combination to successfully install my PC Star Wars Battlefront II CD onto my Macbook pro using the playonmac application. I don't know if i'm not actually supposed to. the process works up to the installation screen of the disk pops up. i click install and another window pops up saying there is an error and my CD will not install. Someone please help, I really dont want to spend $300 on windows.
Ronin DUSETTE Jeudi 11 Avril 2013 à 20:25

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WhiteRaven Vendredi 12 Avril 2013 à 8:23

i actually did read those, i'm slightly stupid so i have a hard time understanding black and white
Ronin DUSETTE Vendredi 12 Avril 2013 à 17:26

i actually did read those, i'm slightly stupid so i have a hard time understanding black and white


Ummm, OK. Well, that doesnt help if you dont follow the directions given. hahahaha. Do what those posts say, so that we can try and help you.

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