
how to change keyboard en-us with wine

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lahtis Mercredi 20 Mars 2013 à 14:28

How to change keyboard in skyrim script or Wine with en-us? Console not working.
i have using fi-FI keyboad in my ubuntu.

Using Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and latest Playonlinux.
My scripts:
Ronin DUSETTE Mercredi 20 Mars 2013 à 15:43

Im not sure. Perhaps it has to be set globally? Like, maybe it takes it from your system?

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petch Mercredi 20 Mars 2013 à 20:35

Wine bases its keyboard layout on X keyboard layout, so you have to change X keyboard layout. I think it's normally global to your X session, but some programs can switch the layout as you focus different windows, emulating per-application layout. Could even be that your "desktop" has this feature already, check out if it allows more than one active layout and the way to switch between check (icon in tray, keybinding,...)

"Assume nothing" solution: You could open Skyrim shortcut (in ~/.PlayOnLinux/shortcuts/) and enclose the POL_Wine line with "setxkbmap us" and "setxkbmap fi".
It should work, automatically, but will change the keyboard layout for your whole X session though.

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