
First Use Wizard - Installing Microsoft Fonts


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Thur N Back Agn Lundi 18 Février 2013 à 8:42
Thur N Back AgnAnonymous

I just recently installed PlayOnMac. After the XQuartz download and system restart, the First Use Wizard picks up with installing Microsoft fonts. The Wizard stays on this download window without updating. The download completion bar remains empty and the process claims to be "Downloading: andale32.exe..."

In the debugger it says under the default virtual drive "[02/18/13 02:33:58] - ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----"

Not sure if there was some error in my POM install or if this InstallFonts function is exceedingly slow..

Thanks in advance!
Thur N Back Agn Lundi 18 Février 2013 à 21:48
Thur N Back AgnAnonymous

It also might be worth noting that I can access the main window, and I have downloaded applications. It's just that the installer wizard launches every time that I open POM.
petch Lundi 18 Février 2013 à 23:26

In a VM, installing fonts took me less than 3 minutes.
Can you download in a browser? That's the URL it tries to fetch.

And those fonts must be installed for the "corefonts" component to work, and it's used in many program installations, so it will retry until it succeeds.

Thur N Back Agn Mardi 19 Février 2013 à 2:00
Thur N Back AgnAnonymous

I am able to download it via my browser. But then when I then click on the .exe it tells me that I have to wait for the first installer to finish..
petch Mardi 19 Février 2013 à 8:57

The goal was to test your connectivity, those .exe are not executed during fonts installation.
That's really strange then, that you can install applications yet this specific download blocks, I don't know what to suggest.
AwDeOh Mardi 5 Mars 2013 à 6:17

I'm having the same problem here using PlayOnLinux. The download starts on Andale32.exe, waits a while, and ends with 'Error while installing fonts'.
davebold370 Mercredi 24 Avril 2013 à 22:28

I'm having the same problem as well. It fetches each font, but then it is unable to install. I have used wine 1.5.26,27,28 and none of these wish to install the font package. I tried to install the above directly into the system using mis>run .exe in drive and it failed.

I'm trying to run word for my class and without these fonts word will not load.

Is there a fix yet. I have uninstalled and re-installed pol twice with the same problem.

OS: Linux Mint 14 cinnamon.

Thanks for any help you may have.
nullguy Lundi 6 Mai 2013 à 0:25

Same issue here. Fails to download Andale32.exe after waiting for a while. Downloading file in browser does not work too.
I'm also unable to use ttf-mscorefonts-installer because it fails to download required files.
ack0329 Vendredi 16 September 2016 à 19:18


First the problem in detail.  When creating a prefix or running a program in a prefix it may/often says:

"you need Microsoft Core Fonts ... I will instgall them for you" it seems to work but neve actually does and the error always comes back as if it isn't done ... it isn't.

So I found this solution.  Simply go about it another way.  In POL search for Core Fonts in installable Apps and find it/ select to install/ then it will prompt/ask you where to put it/ and install THEM into the prefix you are having the issue in.

You will finally see that after the common downloading ... it actually FINISHES and says FONTS are INSTALLED,

Reply if this help, open source rocks.

cinematik Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024 à 16:28

I dunno if it still actual problem, but there is solution "how-to pass andale32.exe installation":

1. download andale32.exe file

2. create directory in playonlinux directory and put file in it:


cp andale32.exe ~/.PlayOnLinux/ressources/corefonts


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