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PlayOnLinux 2.1.0: at last !

Dimanche 6 Avril 2008 à 20:12

Today a new major version of PlayOnLinux is released!

The development of the 2.0.x branch is finished, it's now time for the 2.1.x one.

Here is the changes' list

An important enhancement of the language files

It has to be done, so we did it. Among the major changes:

No more "Polian" language
In order to help anyone to understand and find back more easily all the PlayOnLinux's features, we rename them like this:
LiveInstall become Manual Installation
Wine Booster become Advanced configuration of wine
PolShell become PlayOnLinux debugger

No more "en_EN.utf-8" in the menus
It's much more pleasant to see "Français", "English", "Italiano", isn't it?

Everything in the language files
I think the title is explicit enough, there is no more text staying in French (even after changing the language manually) in PlayOnLinux

About translated
The About window is now translated

Hungarian translation
Thank you, lisovszk

We count on you!
As you can understand, I don't speak fluently 9 languages. So I simply let in English the new translated parts, waiting for the different language files to be updated. We need you to finish translating the other language files.

You will quickly realize that the interface is became much more accessible.

A package manager!

We had a lot of notes saying: PlayOnLinux is too "Online" oriented. Indeed, it was impossible to install Steam without having internet for example.
Problem fixed! In the Installation menu, you have now an "Install a .pol package" option.

The .pol packages are functioning similarly to .deb and .rpm ones. They are archives containing a game's installation files for example and his script, his icon, his wine version, etc...

We created for you the first .pol package, the Steam's one

Click here to download steam.pol

Of course, we thought to the console adepts! You can also install a PlayOnLinux package with the following command

playonlinux-pkg -i steam.pol

A new logo!

Bored of the pixelised logo? We created a new logo to celebrate this version. Here it is:

Here is a bash script which apply the new icon in your personal folder (To be applied after updating to this version)

cd /tmp
wget http://www.playonmac.com/script_files/icones/playonlinux.png
cp playonlinux.png $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/icones/
convert playonlinux.png -resize 32 $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/icones/32/playonlinux.png
cp playonlinux.png $HOME/.local/share/icons

Goodbye Live Install

We renamed Live Install and we profited of it to improve it.
It's now named "Manual Installation" and will additionally allow you to manually suppress a wine prefixes.

Other modifications

- In order to avoid a surcharge of the menus, Wine GIT was moved inside of "Manage wine versions"
- Fixed bug during the incons' download: PlayOnLinux didn't verify if the icon already exist before downloading it. So far, you could have 20 times the same icon. To suppress useless icons, type the following command:
rm $HOME/.PlayOnLinux/icones/*.*.*
- Some improved pieces of code
- The script won't tell you anymore every 30 seconds that you don't have internet
- The icon themes are suppressed



By Tinou