The Last Remnant


Créateur Messages


This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 10214
Wine: System

Retours d'expérience


Français :
Mitra, Yama, Quisiti, Sovani... Quatre espèces cohabitent en un seul monde... Un monde parsemé de Rémanences, des artefacts mystérieux issus d’une ère antique. Qui créa les Rémanences ? Quand ? Et dans quel but ? Ces questions restèrent sans réponse et les Rémanences devinrent progressivement des outils au service de la civilisation.

English :
Mitra, yama, qsiti, sovani... These four races exist in one world. A world filled with Remnants, mysterious artifacts from an ancient era. Who created the Remnant? How long ago? And for what purpose? With these questions left unanswered, the Remnants became beneficial tools used for the good of civilization. The world was at peace.


Captures d'écran


Code source



Membre Messages
Ashgur Samedi 7 Février 2015 à 19:56
Ashgur Anonymous


Doesnt run here as well =/

When i try to install the game with playonmac there is an error that tells me that something did go wrong with the installation. If im try to start the program afterwards, an error appears:

Running Wine-1.3.23 (Working directory:/ ...) wine: cannot find "

What am i doing wrong?

All the best,




lief Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 18:59
lief Anonymous


OSX version: 10.9 (Mavericks)

PlayOnMac version: 4.2.4

Your graph card 650M (Macbook pro retina 15'' 2012)

The Last Remnant is one of the supported games.
Despite this, the game is not installed properly.
I did a lot of tests before posting here, also with other wine, but I could not in any way to make the game work.
There are many problems, the first problem is the version of wine used for installation in playonmac. It does not support the ivy bridge processors and error during installation. Trying to change the version of wine with a subsequent (1.7.23) during the installation no longer gives this error.
But choosing the version from steam error saying that can not connect to the internet.
I then tried to use a version without the need for steam, but once you have finished the installation by starting the game:
appears splashscreen
splashscreen disappears
a gray window appears. and hangs around.

I tried as I have said many other ports. One of them was able to start the game for the first two initials credits then got stuck in a black screen.

I think the problem is that all ports facts have been made several years ago.

I also tried to follow the guidance:


1) Type regedit in terminal
* 2) Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D (if Direct3D does not exist create it)
* 3) Add following String values
o Multisampling = Enabled
o OffscreenRenderingMode = fbo (does not work with others atm)
o RenderTargetLockMode = readtex (or textex, readtex is recommended)
o UseGLSL = enabled

o Without readtex(textex) your game will freeze after splash screen.

You also need dotnet20 and vcrun2005. They can be installed trough Winetricks. If you get problems with MSVCRxx.dll files, dont add any native MSVCR file to Wine folder. It will broke your WINEPREFIX. To solve this issue add native MSVCPxx.dll file instead.

* 4) Wine wont handle Last Remnant resolution correctly so you should emulate desktop. If you set display settings to 640x320 then you can run without emulation.. But kinda akward play that small.
* If you get crash on various resolutions set HKCU\Software\Wine\Direct3D\VideoMemorySize = (eg. 256, 512) at registry.
Important: If you use wine-1.1.30 and newer you have to install openAL 1.10 or later or edit your ~/.alsoftrc and add the following two lines on top:
Otherwise The last Remnant will get stuck on the splash screen as show in the bug 20724



but I just can not understand the last part (OpenAL and / or alsoftrc). I do not know if you can solve with that method in case you wonder if you can illustrate in detail in mac (I also tried without success to install OpenAL).

Since it is not in evidence and is among the supported games I hope you can solve the problem. If you can not I ask you to remove it from the games supported (otherwise someone might buy it without knowing).

I thank you because all the other games that I've installed so far (the witcher and hitman from gog 1-2) worked perfectly. You have also helped me to have no more crashes with the witcher (with version wineskin officer crashed constantly and it was slow).

Unfortunately, I imagine that porting from steam is much more difficult than to get them from gog (in fact, even other games that are not on playonmac, taken from gog were easy to install on mac). This is the first time I take a game from steam, from now on, given the problems playing mac, I will avoid.

I hope that, if you can not do anything, my message is helpful.


Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 19:00

Thank you for your feedback, it is always helpful.

I've just fixed the steam internet issue.

Can you try to reinstall it from scratch? Thank you :)
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:19
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:19
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:19
Still nothing.
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:19
No wine app lauched here?
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:22
Also I tried to put my foder of windows installation and I get the same error as before:
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:23
This error (i read online) is a bug from wine 1.3
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:23
This error should not be a real problem. Does steam run? That's the most important thing to check
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:23
No wine app lauched here? -> I'm sorry I don't understand the question
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:24
steam stay black. When it start (after update) it stay black
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:27
wait, now I get steam work.
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:27
Steam stay black? Can you send a screenshot?
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:27
but only if you terminate x11 during the installation
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:28
this is the screenshot of steam black during the installation
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:29
I had to terminate x11 before I can get it work. After that I change wine (for the error of cpu) and after that steam works. For the game I don't know.
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:30
Can you try with wine 1.7.23 ?
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:33
I have try. First I get the splashscreen of the game: after that I get the game gray:
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:33
steam seem work
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:34
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:39
the game doesn't work.
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:39

Now I have done several tests. I appreciate your help. At this time I can not do other tests because I do not have time for today. I hope that thanks to my tests it is possible to fix the problem.
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:41
Well, I'll try to see if we can buy the game and fix the problem. For the moment, it's written "testing". Thank you for reporting
Lundi 4 Aoüt 2014 à 21:43
thank you

Edité par Tinou

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