Starcraft II Wings of Liberty


Créateur Messages


Cet installateur a été accepté par l'équipe.


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 280024
Wine: 3.19-staging

Retours d'expérience


Français :
Starcraft II : Wings of Liberty est un jeu de stratégie en temps réel sur PC au sein d'une galaxie où trois factions s'affrontent sans merci. D'un côté, les Terrans, descendants de colons humains. De l'autre, les Protoss, une race très avancée technologiquement et dotée de pouvoirs psioniques. Enfin, les Zergs, hordes de créatures diverses issues de mutations biologiques et regroupées en essaim. Cet opus comprend la campagne solo Terran et tout le nécessaire pour jouer en multi.

English :
StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty features the first of three fully featured single-player campaigns, kicking things off with the terrans. Humanity's representatives in the Koprulu sector have been through a lot since they first left Earth centuries ago and have adapted to a variety of hardships while subjected to dictatorial rule, zerg invasion, and protoss cleansing. Despite these struggles, they’ve still managed to cultivate heroes, advance their technology, and-- most importantly -- survive.

Captures d'écran

Code source



Membre Messages
mourtag Jeudi 11 Juin 2020 à 17:35
mourtag Anonymous


After StarCraft updated to 4.12.0 yesterday, on every start this box appears for 4-5 minutes:

It does start afterwards. Anyone else with this problem?


Samedi 13 Juin 2020 à 0:45
Hello, yeah i have the same problem...sometimes i wait 15-20 mins -.- i tought my sys or wine is bugged. but i use lutris should be the same.

and i'm using esync-staging-pba-3.16-x86_64 as wine version.
Mardi 16 Juin 2020 à 15:39
I tried wine 3.19 and 5.10-staging but got the same result. Then yesterday it got fixed by itself, without me doing anything...
nicobzz Dimanche 24 Mai 2020 à 15:19
nicobzz Anonymous


This script doesn't work perfectly on my play on linux, but I still was able to install StarCraft 2 and run it well.

But it stays a problem: the game run on a single core of my processor, so, as my processor is not very efficient, when there is more than 120 military units in the game, it becomes to be laggy, in unpayable when theere is more than 200 units.

Has some one a trick to make it run on more than one core?


I also changed a little bit the script to make it install a 5.6 wine x86_64 rather than this old 3.19 wine x86 install.
Could I suggest you this new script?



Samedi 13 Juin 2020 à 0:49
does it work with other wine versions?! i use esync-staging-pba-3.16-x86_64, but u can add parameters to cmdline in the launcher. i've read something with "/affinity 7" or so...but not sure.
benji Mercredi 16 Octobre 2019 à 23:34
benji Anonymous

Messages does not run at all on my machine. It just freezes. No exception handling. No log file that I can reference. I have tried to reinstall several times to no avail. How do you start to troubleshoot this?


Jeudi 17 Octobre 2019 à 7:23
Because this app does auto update, the latest news are on : :
filesunknown Samedi 9 Février 2019 à 17:21
filesunknown Anonymous


I installed the core fonts and vcrun15 and that somehow got my x86_64 wine prefix working for starcraft except for a few arcade maps that I like.

If you start "warships" map on high graphics, and next select a ship, then the game will crash with this.

Also pops up a submit bug report to blizzard saying the crash was "e_gfxerrorshadercompilefailed".

I just installed it into a clean prefix via the POL5 script and version 3.19 staging x64, and same issue.

Edit: also I am not sure if this is related.

Wine version 3.19 staging x64

[02/08/19 23:41:49] - Running wine-3.19-staging SC2Switcher_x64.exe (Working directory : /home/eric/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/reddit/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/StarCraft II/Support64)

02c2:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister ({5eec90ab-c022-44b2-a5dd-fd716a222a15}, 0x14000107c, 0x140024800, 0x140024820) stub.

02c2:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventSetInformation (deadbeef, 2, 0x140020500, 43) stub

02c2:fixme:shell:SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID L"BlizzardEntertainment.StarCraftII.StarCraftII": stub

02c2:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x22fd40 (nil)): stub

02ab:fixme:wevtapi:EvtSubscribe ((nil) (nil) L"System" L"*[System[(EventID=4101)]]" (nil) (nil) 0x140d65220 1) stub

02ab:fixme:shell:SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow (0xa00c6 0x142900070 0x975f048) stub!

02ab:fixme:shell:SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow (0xa00c6 0x142900070 0x975f050) stub!

02a9:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x22fd40 (nil)): stub

02ab:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgr_ActivateEx Unimplemented flags 0x4

02ab:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgrSource_AdviseSink (0xe1d60) Unhandled Sink: {ea1ea136-19df-11d7-a6d2-00065b84435c}

02ab:fixme:d3d:debug_d3drenderstate Unrecognized 210 render state!

02ab:err:d3d:validate_state_table State STATE_RENDER(unrecognized) (0xd2) should have a representative.

02ab:fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314644 (as fourcc: DF16) WINED3DFORMAT!

02ab:fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314644) in the format lookup table.

02ab:fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314644 (as fourcc: DF16) WINED3DFORMAT!

02ab:fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314644) in the format lookup table.

02ab:fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x34324644 (as fourcc: DF24) WINED3DFORMAT!

02ab:fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x34324644) in the format lookup table.

02ab:fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x34324644 (as fourcc: DF24) WINED3DFORMAT!

02ab:fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x34324644) in the format lookup table.

02ab:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub

02ab:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgr_ActivateEx Unimplemented flags 0x4

02ab:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgrSource_AdviseSink (0xe1d60) Unhandled Sink: {ea1ea136-19df-11d7-a6d2-00065b84435c}

02ab:fixme:msctf:ThreadMgrSource_AdviseSink (0xe1d60) Unhandled Sink: {71c6e74e-0f28-11d8-a82a-00065b84435c}

02ab:fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfiles_GetLanguageList Semi-STUB:(0x342b0a0)

02ab:fixme:msctf:EnumTfInputProcessorProfiles_Next (0x342b0e0)->(1 0x975de20 (nil))

02ab:fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetActiveProfile (0x342b0a0)->({34745c63-b2f0-4784-8b67-5e12c8701a31} 0x975de90)

02ab:fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfileMgr_GetProfile (0x342b120)->(0 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} (nil) 0x975dc00)

02ab:fixme:msctf:InputProcessorProfiles_GetLanguageProfileDescription STUB:(0x342b120)

02d5:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x67ffd78): stub

02d9:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x67ffd78): stub

02dd:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x67ffd78): stub

02c9:fixme:d3d:state_linepattern_w Setting line patterns is not supported in OpenGL core contexts.

02e6:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub

02ab:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:fixme:ntdll:NtQueryDirectoryObject multiple entries not implemented

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegDecoder_CreateInstance Failed reading JPEG because unable to find

02ab:fixme:hlsl_parser:hlsl_parse Check for valued return on void function.

02ab:fixme:hlsl_parser:hlsl_parse Implicit conversion to the return type if needed, error out if conversion not possible.

02ab:err:d3dcompiler:compile_shader HLSL shader parsing failed.

02ab:fixme:nvapi:unimplemented_stub function 0xe3640a56 is unimplemented!

02ab:err:wincodecs:JpegEncoder_CreateInstance Failed writing JPEG because unable to find

02ab:fixme:ole:CoCreateInstanceEx no instance created for interface {00000103-a8f2-4877-ba0a-fd2b6645fb94} of class {1a34f5c1-4a5a-46dc-b644-1f4567e7a676}, hres is 0x80004005

00a1:fixme:heap:GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory stub: 0x33eba0

00a1:fixme:heap:GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory stub: 0x33eba0

00a1:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformationEx Relationship filtering not implemented: 0x3

00a1:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformationEx Relationship filtering not implemented: 0x3

00a1:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33fdb8 (nil)): stub


Samedi 9 Février 2019 à 21:27
Try the same map on medium graphical settings. Before I contributed to this script I've also encountered crashes on co-op games on high an above. Seems to be a wine issue.
Dimanche 10 Février 2019 à 5:32
That fixes it on Warships but not on another map. It is odd that this is even an issue of what graphics setting. The other map I mentioned is "Undead Assault chronicles", which crashes on load.

Edité par filesunknown

LinuxScripter Samedi 9 Février 2019 à 13:15
LinuxScripter Anonymous


Cette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe


Removed flashplayer and IE8 (we don't use them in POL5 script and both the app and Starcraft works), removed the registry fix and .exe file removal because none of that is an issue anymore.


Nouveau code source


LinuxScripter Dimanche 9 Décembre 2018 à 23:25
LinuxScripter Anonymous


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Using a newer Wine version to keep up with Blizzard app.


Nouveau code source


Mardi 5 Février 2019 à 21:45
I didn't have any luck with this. it seemed to exit as soon as adobe flash files mismatch.
Mercredi 6 Février 2019 à 20:59
Because the flashplayer dependency is broken (dead download link). Please try POL5 script it's more supported.
Vendredi 8 Février 2019 à 14:32
Thank you. I will try that!
LinuxScripter Mardi 15 Mai 2018 à 15:26
LinuxScripter Anonymous


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With this script I was able to run this game and play a couple of co-op matches. Multiplayer mode and campain wasn't tested but I'm sure they will work as well. You might have to try killing Agent.exe and remocing the content of Blizzard App's cache folder until your game profile will load. Once the profile loads you wont have to do that again. Also don't set graphics above medium even if your PC can run this game on higher settings on Windows. The game will most likey crash with an out-of-memory error.


Nouveau code source


Jolly Mardi 6 Février 2018 à 14:58
Jolly Anonymous



Pour jouer à Starcraft II, j'ai effectué une installation manuelle car le programme par défaut de playonlinux ne fonctionne plus (dernière mise à jour du script en 2011). Le jeu fonctionne correctement aussi bien en mode coop, campagne et multijoueurs (parties classées ou non).


To play scarcraft II, you have to install it manually in playonlinux because the script doesn't work anymore (last update in 2011). It works for me for all game modes : coop / arcade / rank games / custom games...

Info debug : ma config / my configuration

Proc i5-6500
CGU GTX 1050 Ti
2x4 Go à 2133 MHz CAS 13
Debian release 16.04 (xenial)
POL & Wine
PlayonLinux 4.2.10
Windows W7


Required packages



1) Téléchargez / download Windows Bnet.exe :

2) Installation manuelle d'un nouveau programme sur un nouveau disque / Manually install a new program on a new drive

-> Wine Config

  • "accélération graphique CMST" activée dans l'onglet "staging"
  • Windows 7

-> Required components / Composants requis

  • Core Fonts M$
  • FontsSmoothRGB
  • gdiplus
  • gecko

-> Select the file previously downloaded at the step 1

-> Wait for the login screen of the wizzard. Attendre la fenêtre de connection Blizzard.

  • Ne pas se connecter / Do not log-in
  • Continue without log-in (offline mode) / Continuer sans se connecter (mode hors-ligne)

-> Quitter l'application / Exit the launcher

-> Dans un terminal, taper la commande suivante / In a terminal, write the following command :

  •   killall Agent.exe

-> Créer le raccourci de / Create a shortcut for

3) Optimisation in Config > Display / Optimisation de la configuration de l'affichage

GLSL Enabled
Direct Draw Renderer OpenGL



Mardi 6 Février 2018 à 17:02
On travail déjà à une mise à jour qui marcherait chez tout le monde. Pour le moment on a des soucis avec le Helper qui crash chez certain mais pas tout le monde.
Mardi 6 Février 2018 à 18:03
Je confirme avoir moi aussi des messages d'erreur (non bloquants) venant de Helper.exe et de SystemSurvey.exe. Je peux fournir les détails si besoin pour enquête...
Mercredi 7 Février 2018 à 23:45
Tried your guide and when I'm in game and enter my username and password and click the login button nothing happens. The debug log is filled with helpter.exe crashes.
Mercredi 7 Février 2018 à 23:46
I test an update these week-end
LinuxScripter Vendredi 2 Février 2018 à 17:21
LinuxScripter Anonymous


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I've just made this game work. I tested it in a single co-op game and it works. Keep in mind that due to how Wine works and the diffirences between linux and windows GPU drivers you might experience decreased performance and have to turn the graphics settings down a notch. Also you must install vcrun2015 manually via winetricks since POL dosen't have an installer for this dependency.  The in-game patcher is broken no matter how you ste up the mshtml. So I had to go around this problem by killing all update processes (I dont know their exact names so the script will kill all *.exe proceses, will change that once I remember the names), then downloading the patcher (it's pretty hard to find a link that will work in a script since a lot of them have tokens with limited lifespan, please let me know if this link is dead so I can look for a replacement).

I'm not sure if the sound fix is necesseary anymore. I left it just in case. Also changed the name of the game/prefix because when you download updates for WoL you also download files for the expansions and as such, the old title is no longer accurate.


Nouveau code source


Dimanche 4 Février 2018 à 16:35
Avoid using that patch executable. And btw all user don't install in english.
Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 11:05
I'm gonna look for other, more relaible link.
Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 21:17
I've been looking for a diffirent link for the script for last 2 hours and nothing. And with the in-game patcher being broken in wine it's hard to test how the game works.
Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 21:51
It's only the one with the DVD. Maybe we can use only the installer version and invit the usrr to download it. A connection is required and that avoid to wait an installation + two update. No ?
Aital Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 18:41
Aital Anonymous


I got this working as far as offline goes. Installed battlenet and then starcraft 1 but it should work for starcraft II.

I had to use wine-2.19-Staging to get the window to appear that lets you use offline mode to isntall games. It technically works for other versions but it's invisible and you have to click the mouse on the gear at the login screen and then move the mouse over the correct position for it to appear. But if you want to see it the easy way use 2.19-Staging. I have gotten offline mode to work for starcraft 1 and am dling starcraft 2. But I'm saying this for the battlenet thing. Offline for starcraft I gives error 6:3.

I installed a few other things like gecko and mono and wininet. I don't think they contributed but I could be wrong. Do NOT install winhttp or it will start saying to reinstall because it cannot find a dll. Removing winhttp from the libraries in wine config will stop this problem.

Sorry for the inclusion of SC1 but I'm still testing and downloading SC2. This was the first hurdle for SC2 play. I'm waiting to see how networking works or if it is like SC1.


wine 2.19-Staging

Windows 7

Possilble others:(may not be needed)



Vcrun 2015.

I forgot. I also installed the bottle initially with this installer. So anything it does as well. I will have to test SC1 access with higher versions of wine now that I know how to get into offline regardless of wine versions.


Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 18:42
I also tried the registry edit in the below post. I'm not sure it made a difference. Although I have no idea either way. And where did the edit options go?!
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 18:44
I'll correct myself. It was 2.21-staging. But 2.19-staging also works.
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 18:45
And there is an issue with the login button not working and a possibly accompanying error. I bypass it by simply minimizing it and ignoreing it atm. It will continue to pop up otherwise.
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 19:20
In the SC2 trying to play a custom db saga match.
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 19:28
Having some problems with maps downloading and other things loading slowly but it works so far.
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 20:22
NVM, I keep getting crashes to desktop...
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 21:16
NVM, I removed the registry addition. The crash was from the core memory problem it can introduce. It has stopped crashing.
Dimanche 28 Janvier 2018 à 22:33
Still getting occasional crashes now. But they are pretty far spread apart at this point.
LinuxScripter Jeudi 11 Mai 2017 à 18:42
LinuxScripter Anonymous


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I have redone this script. After more than 10 hour of testing I am 100% sure that this game/it's patcher and/or app requires vcrun2015 and since there is no vcrun2015 on wiki I can assume there is no POL function for it but I included it anyway.

If you are installing from DVD and the patcher crashes before patch 1 from 24 is installed (or the app cant login if you sellected an online instalation), close all POL windows and install vcrun2015 and corefonts (I think links used by POL to download them are down but I haven't checked it yet) via winetricks.

After doing all of this I managed to get working, I logged in and started downloading patches. Now the only problem with app its improper scalling (the bar with the window's name have to be removed but I haven't figured out how).

The game itself tries to launch but only displays a black square and the crashes with "the graphics device is not avaiable". But maybe it will work once the download bar will turn green. So this script isn't 100% working as you can see but I post it in case someone who is better at scripting will figure something up.


Nouveau code source


Jeudi 11 Mai 2017 à 19:48
err:xrandr:xrandr12_set_current_mode Resolution change not successful -- perhaps display has changed?
Jeudi 11 Mai 2017 à 20:11
this is the error I get in debugger
Vendredi 12 Mai 2017 à 0:17
full log:
Jeudi 18 Mai 2017 à 13:58
UPDATE: I managed to get this game to run. Go to "Config" then "Others" and launch shell. Type regedit. Then go to HKEY_current_user > software > wine > X11 Driver (the last one might not be there, create it). Inside the X11 Driver key create a new string value and name it UseXRandR. Then double-click the newly createt value and type "N". Quit regedit. Now the game should run but all the GUI is invisible (you can still click it).
Jeudi 18 Mai 2017 à 17:26
UPDATE2:The GUI now works after switching GLSL to Enable. But it might crash with "Core:Out of memory" error if your graphics settings are higher than "High". Keep in mind that this applies to 32bit wineprefix. I haven't tested it on x64 yet.
lacton Samedi 18 Mars 2017 à 11:09
lacton Anonymous


This installer doesn't work anymore.

The game installs properly. However, starting the game produces a crash with the error message "Error in main StarCraft II Wings of Liberty crashed." The debug log says

Running wine-1.5.10 StarCraft II.exe (Working directory : /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/SC2_WoL/drive_c/Program Files/StarCraft II)
err:winediag:wined3d_dll_init The GLSL shader backend has been disabled. You get to keep all the pieces if it breaks.
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33dca0): stub
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x19c0

Even with GLSL enabled, the game crashes, with the following log:

Running wine-1.5.10 StarCraft II.exe (Working directory : /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/SC2_WoL/drive_c/Program Files/StarCraft II)
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation ((nil),0x33dca0): stub
err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x19c0


What is the procedure to get this installer removed or replaced?


lacton Lundi 23 Janvier 2017 à 21:47
lacton Anonymous


Thanks, JWP. With the official script, SC2 would install but would freeze at the beginning. With your script, I was able to install and play the game. The installation from the DVD failed, because the file referenced by your script isn't on the DVD. But it doesn't matter, since the installation from the web site worked. Thanks a million for your contribution!


Mardi 9 Mai 2017 à 15:28
I'm glad I could help!
jwp Jeudi 3 Novembre 2016 à 22:24


I had to make a few changes to the POL to make it work again, I also included some stuff inteded to make Diablo work, but did not test Diablo...

This is working for Starcraft 2 on Ubuntu 16.10 with default AMDGPU driver.

# Date : (2016-11-03 10-00)
# Last revision : (2016-11-03 21:00)
# Wine version used : 1.9.21-staging
# Distribution used to test : Debian Testing x64
# Author : JWP
# Licence : Retail
# Only For :
## Staging version is now required for as per: - Bug 2

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" == "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE="StarCraft II"
DEVELOPER="Activision / Blizzard Entertainment"

# Starting the script
POL_GetSetupImages "" "" "$TITLE"

# Starting debugging API

POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITdLE" "$DEVELOPER" "" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
# Setting prefix path
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"

# Downloading wine if necessary and creating prefix
POL_System_SetArch "$WINEARCH"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Installing (mandatory - considering Diablo as well) dependencies
POL_install_msxml3 , 4 , and 6
POL_install RegisterFonts
POL_install riched20
POL_install riched30
POL_install tahoma
POL_install tahoma2
POL_install vcrun2010
POL_Install_vcrun2005 # Fix "Zeratul Missions" crash
POL_Wine_InstallFonts # Fix "Custom map" crash

POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "dnsapi"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "mshtml" # Fix "Updater" crash - part 2
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "msvcr80"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0" # Fix "Call from to unimplemented function"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "ucrtbase"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin" "vcruntime140"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin""d3dx11"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin""directmusic"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin""directplay"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native,builtin""dotnet40"
POL_System_TmpCreate "$PREFIX"
POL_SetupWindow_menu "Please Select your language/region" "$TITLE" "English (US)~Español (AL)~Português (BR)~English (EU)~English (SG)~Español (EU)~Deutsch~Français~Italiano~Polski~???????~???~????~????" "~"
    if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "English (US)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-enUS.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Español (AL)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-esMX.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Português (BR)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCaft-II-Setup-ptBR.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "English (EU)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-enGB.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "English (SG)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-enSG.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Español (EU)" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-esES.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Deutsch" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-deDE.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Français" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-frFR.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Italiano" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-itIT.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Polski" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-plPL.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "???????" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-ruRU.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "???" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-koKR.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "????" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-zhTW.exe"
    elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "????" ]
      then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-zhCN.exe"

# Choose between DVD, Digital LOCAL and DOWNLOAD version
POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod "DVD,LOCAL,DOWNLOAD"
    cd "$HOME"
    POL_SetupWindow_browse "Please select the installation file to run." "$INSTNAME"
    POL_SetupWindow_wait "Installing $TITLE." "$TITLE"
    POL_Wine start /unix "$APP_ANSWER"
    cd "$POL_System_TmpDir"
    POL_Download "$DLURL"
    POL_SetupWindow_wait "Installing $TITLE." "$TITLE"
    POL_Wine start /unix "$POL_System_TmpDir/$INSTNAME"
elif [ "$INSTALL_METHOD" == "DVD" ]
    INSTNAME="StarCraft II Setup.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Please insert game media into your disk drive\nif not already done.')" "$TITLE"
    POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "$INSTNAME"
    POL_Wine start /unix "$CDROM/$INSTNAME"
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

# Asking about memory size of graphic card

# Set Graphic Card information keys for wine

# Making shortcut
POL_Shortcut "StarCraft II.exe" "$TITLE"
POL_Shortcut "StarCraft II Editor.exe" "$TITLE Editor"

POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'If you have a runtime error when running the game, open a terminal and type:\nsudo sed -i 's/kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 1/kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0/' /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf\nsysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf\n
There also some other errors in the log file that can be fixed with:\nsudo apt-get install p11-kit-modules:i386 libp11-kit-gnome-keyring:i386')"



Vendredi 12 Mai 2017 à 11:01
I'm afraind your script dosen't work anymore. The game crashes with the exact same error I was having when using the original script redone by me.
RedSoxFan13 Samedi 15 Octobre 2016 à 2:06
RedSoxFan13 Anonymous


It installed, but that's about as far as it got. When I open StarCraft II, it tries to download and install updates, but it's stuck at 27%. Is anyone else having this problem?


BloodyIron Lundi 1 Février 2016 à 15:16


Can we get this updated? WoL hasn't been current for over 15 years... (not really, but quite a few years now).


Also, there's way newer versions of wine than 1.5.10


Mardi 2 Février 2016 à 3:17
Try my script (you will have to run it locally) - it works with Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm, it should work with StarCraft2...
4402927 Jeudi 31 Décembre 2015 à 15:19
4402927 Anonymous


Installer doesn't work... Game works with


samueldg Mercredi 7 Octobre 2015 à 23:36
samueldg Anonymous


Using wine 1.7.19-staging. All fine for some months .... and .... PATCH 3 BORN!!!! ..... and SC2 doesn't want run.

Now appears a dialog saying that now Starcraft II requires a video card with "vertex shader 3.0", and ... I were playing without problems yesterday!!!!!!

I need help guys, as you know the Blizzard Support for these issues are worst!!!.




Mercredi 7 Octobre 2015 à 23:38
I tried 1.7.52-staging and so on with the same problem.
Jeudi 8 Octobre 2015 à 3:27
That has been reported in the PlayOnLinux forum too
Jeudi 8 Octobre 2015 à 15:52
Thanks, I'll follow that thread and write here the solution latter.
aclarembeau Dimanche 9 Aoüt 2015 à 0:05
aclarembeau Anonymous


Feedback for Linux Mint 17.2

I tried to run the pre-made installation but I had a message: "Unable to create graphic context".

I switched from Wine 1.5.10 to 1.7.49 and the problem has been solved.

Then, because I used the "nouveau" free driver for my graphic card (hybrid Intel processor graphic / Geforce 635M), the game launches but there's a very strange coloured screen, probably a graphic bug. I Installed Nvidia-311 proprietary driver and all was solved.

So, my solution:

- install proprietary driver

- use a newer wine version (maybe it must be set to 1.7.49 as default, wouldn't it be easier).

PS: Excuse me for my poor English.


(en français)

Si quand vous lancez le jeu, vous avez un message relatif à un problème de contexte

de carte graphique -> utiliser la version 1.7.49 de wine (dans menu configurer)

Si vous avez des images étranges, iclinées, qui ne représentent rien de particulier

-> pensez à utiliser le pilote propriétaire adéquat (et non pas le pilote libre de base, "nouveau")


Anyway, PlayOnLinux is a marvellous software. Keep on doing

support for our preffered games <3


Naminal Jeudi 30 Juillet 2015 à 21:17
Naminal Anonymous


Bonjour à tous,

Jje rencontre un problème quand j'installe SCT 2 WINGS OF LIBERTY la fenêtre SUDO s'ouvre (au bout de quelques étapes) est me demande mon mot de passe... je l'écrit mais rien ne s'affiche dans la fenêtre, je valide au cas où mais sa ne fonctionne pas.

Cela empêche l'installation de ce terminer correctement! Je débute avec cette OS.

Que je trouve bien au passe, léger, efficace, jolie et gratuit.

Merci pour votre aide.


Jeudi 30 Juillet 2015 à 23:31
Quelle OS ?
Vendredi 31 Juillet 2015 à 17:36
Linux Unbuntu 14.04
samueldg Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 10:47
samueldg Anonymous


Here is a sound problem.

I had the program running fine with an INTEL GRAPHICS CARD with 128 and/or 256 video ram whith this script:


export force_s3tc_enable=true

/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "StarCraft II" $1

My problem is with the sound. On first time, when I run SC2 i have no sound issue, but, after a time playing the sound and the voice chat goes off and/or distortioned (I cannot hear it fine, with no known sounds).

On second time, I can observe that launching TeamSpeak 3 before SC2, directly the sound where distortioned, and is not usable.

Fine, I observe that if I launch the POL WINECFG over SC2 installation, I have all my PC sound hardware selectable, but if I launch it with TeamSpeak 3 (for linux, obviously) running, POL WINECFG lost my default sound hardware and the sound test were distortioned.

I have CENTOS 6 x64.

I think I have any type of conflict with Pulseaudio and/or snd_hda_intel, because my system need the same driver for the normal audio (REALTEK ALC887-VD).

I cannot find that model on my /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.6.32/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt file to see what are the exact parameters to allow me use it without problems.

Please, help me a bit with this issue, I need use TS3 for multiplayer when I play SC2 with my friends.



Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 12:51
You can see the alsa-info report here:
Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 12:51
Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 12:58
Do you have the problem with an other version of wine ? try the 1.7.39
Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 16:25
(fyi plain Wine does not support PulseAudio
Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 20:46
All the versions tried had de same simptoms, when I run POL-WINECFG while TS3 is running, I cannot select the correct OUTPUT DEVICE and when I launch the game, the sound goes distortioned.
Lundi 11 Mai 2015 à 21:02
Tried: 1.7.39, 1.7.39-staging, 1.7.42, 1.7.42-staging, 1.7.19, 1.7.19-staging, 1.5.10 and 1.4. All with the same simptoms, the real output device is not recogniced when TS3 is running and then, the output sound goes distorioned.
Mardi 12 Mai 2015 à 22:32
With 1.7.19-staging, wine cannot detect fine the audio device used, but putting the "system default" the audio doesn't go bad at first run. All appears fine now, but when I exit SC2 and enter again I have no sound. All appears to be fine now, but I have this issue that force me to reboot system to allow me play with sound again.
Yuoso Samedi 10 Janvier 2015 à 15:46
Yuoso Anonymous


Hello all.  I am having difficulty installing SC2- WOL on Ubuntu with PlayOnLinux.  

The error I get is "Internal error - invalid parameters recieved"
POL Version: 4.2.5

OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Machine: Sony Vaio VPCF23JFX

What information is needed to help track this down?  



Jeudi 7 Mai 2015 à 21:19
It's a error ? I think the wine version is no more compatible with him. The error append at the start of the application ?
bodtx Mercredi 26 Novembre 2014 à 23:28
bodtx Anonymous


Hello I'm trying this on linux mint 15

It goes untill the download of starcraft and the switch the screen and says wine received invalid parameters

looks like a gaphic problem

I have  a

VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 630] (rev a1)

and official nvidia drivers

here is the playonlinux log:

thx for any help




Jeudi 27 Novembre 2014 à 7:16
[11/26/14 22:59:22] - Running wine-1.5.10 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles%
%SystemDrive%\Program Files
The virtual drive is corrupted, remove it and reinstall from scratch. By the way PlayOnLinux 4.1.1 is obsolete (released May 20th, 2012)
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 8:34
Hi thx, indeed, I've upgraded playonlinux to 4.2.5 but same error: after clicking on install SC2 (when it is supposed to DL the 15GB).
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 8:35
Here are the logs:
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 8:43
I think these errors are about résolution not found:
fixme:d3d9:D3DPERF_GetStatus (void) : stub
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33c470,0x00000000), stub!
err:wgl:glxdrv_wglSetPixelFormat Couldn't set format of the window, returning failure
err:d3d:context_create Failed to set pixel format 1 on device context 0x348.
err:d3d:context_choose_pixel_format Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat
fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x585e338,0x585e938): stub
err:wgl:glxdrv_wglSetPixelFormat Couldn't set format of the window, returning failure
err:d3d:context_create Failed to set pixel format 1 on device context 0x514.
fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format WINED3DFMT_R24_UNORM_X8_TYPELESS (0x49) in the format lookup table
fixme:d3d:getDepthStencilBits Unsupported depth/stencil format WINED3DFMT_UNKNOWN.

I've already try to enable emulate virtual device in wine, but it did not change the error
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 14:51
Do you have deleted the old wineprefix and reinstall StarCraft 2 ?
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 15:52
Yes I've deleted this directory:
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 15:53
and the screen I have is this one
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 18:03
and the link, can you give me the link (the error code), so I can check the problem
Vendredi 28 Novembre 2014 à 22:06
I'm experiencing the same problem. I have just installed POL so I guess it's the latest version, installed SC1 and now tried to install SC2. Same error as above.
Samedi 29 Novembre 2014 à 22:40
ok here is the link:

I've made it work!, well I wanted to try with wine 1.7.31, but each time I launch the install playonlinux.cfg was overwritten and wine version was set to 1.5.10
So i've changed the file after starting the install and it works
may be trying to set it readonly and change the wine version could work.
Anyway no I've set the wine version with playonlinux config menu and it stays on 1.7.31.
SC2 seems to work perfectly now
thx for the job
Samedi 29 Novembre 2014 à 22:44
I will check that version soon :) (sorry but I'm busy)
Jeudi 7 Mai 2015 à 19:18
i changed wine in the sc2 prefix to windows 7 and verson 1.7.40, it is now running battlenet and downloading sc2, installing ... so far so good :) assuming it will work for now, unless you hear from me again here; glhf
Jeudi 7 Mai 2015 à 19:21
oh, i chose, 'run exe in this virtual space' or what it says there, in the configurator for play on linux and sc2... so i was able to x-out the playonlinux windows and battlenet is still installing sc2; though it does not show in playonlinux as being installed or installing
Jeudi 7 Mai 2015 à 19:43
able to play a game, though graphics were mostly stuck on low; game locked up computer when my tank started firing, or when enemy group started destroying our buildings, not sure which; it showed halfway through the tank blast though; was able to ctrl+alt+del but not init 1; going to attempt a reinstall using playonlinux but this time with 1.7.40 wine, i hope
Jeudi 7 Mai 2015 à 20:07
yeah, it is fried, scrapping; maybe do from scratch if anyone has a good howto
Tutul Vendredi 13 Juin 2014 à 15:31


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Dimanche 27 Juillet 2014 à 8:55
I'm so frustrated i would really love your help.
Dimanche 27 Juillet 2014 à 9:00
I have used both your scripts after trying to install starcraft, and they seem to be working, i know there must be something small that is stopping me from enjoying my game. My problem is i can't see my mouse pointer. I have managed to get sound working, but the game, when i start it, comes up on screen, but behind it i can see the desktop has shrunk to a smaller size. This and the mouse becoming invisible make it a little hard to play. I know other people have got it working i would really love some help please. I am about to try uninstalling wine 1.7 and using your original script again to see if that makes a difference. Please help. I'd be very grateful. Thank you in advance.
Dimanche 3 Aoüt 2014 à 15:53
And with wine 1.7.20 or 1.7.22 ?
Vendredi 12 Décembre 2014 à 23:38
With this updated version I can install Starcraft II with Debian Testing / Jessie.
Jeudi 30 Juillet 2015 à 23:25
This worked great for me on Bodhi 3.0 (based on Ubuntu 14.04). AMD graphics, Intel CPU. I tinkered with a lot of things before trying this: I wish I would have tried it first and saved some time!

Thanks again for posting this.
rashintawak Vendredi 13 Juin 2014 à 15:30
rashintawak Anonymous


J'ai juste du passer à une version plus récente de wine que la 1.5 mais tout fonctione bien, et j'en suis d'ailleur le premier surpris, les parties classés me sont possible dans le sens où je n'ai pas de handicap majeur suplémentaire, tout s'affiche et est fluide ! ( même si il doit y avoir quelque FPS en moins, rien de perseptible pour le comun des mortelles de mon coté).


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