Command And Conquer 3 : Tiberium Wars (Kane Edition)


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Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 51713
Wine: 1.4.1

Retours d'expérience


Français :
Nous sommes en 2047, et la situation ne fait qu'empirer. Le tiberium, un minerai extraterrestre qui s'est propagé sur toute la Terre, se répand telle une aire glaciaire radioactive. Le GDI, alliance mondiale des nations les plus avancées en haute technologie, se bat pour stopper le tiberium, mais Kane, le chef excentrique du NOD, a d'autres projets pour la Terre. La société secrète de Kane, devenue une superpuissance, compte utiliser le tiberium pour asservir l'humanité et lui imposer sa vision démoniaque du futur. Désormais, c'est la guerre totale pour le tiberium qui va décider du destin de la planète.

English :
The year is 2047 when an enormous nuclear explosion marks the beginning of the third Tiberium war. The Earth has been separated into zones based on the level of the Tiberium infestation, and the majority of Earth's population lives in war-torn, ecologically devastated regions known as yellow zones. Much of the planet is completely uninhabitable, and only a small portion of the Earth's surface has been left in decent enough shape to be the last refuge of the civilized world. Unfortunately, the infamous Kane has once again returned to lead the Brotherhood of Nod in an epic invasion against the Global Defense Initiative.

Captures d'écran

Code source



Membre Messages
Belyce Jeudi 2 Juin 2016 à 17:53
Belyce Anonymous



After installing Command and Conquer Tiberium War with play on linux, I try to execute the programme, I have the start splash and yhen a message which tell : le module de securite requis ne peut etre activé ce programme ne peut pas etre execute (3000). I search on the web what would signify this message but I found nothing. Could you help me please ?


Ubuntu 16.04 playonlinux last version


galex-713 Vendredi 15 Avril 2016 à 12:11
galex-713 Anonymous


Hi, I’m trying to install CNC3 and used the install procedure on PlayOnLinux, through DVD. I tried to play it using wine 1.5.16 (when using the default version of the installer it just hangs hup after the splashscreen with nothing other). But when I launch the game I get the splashscreen, the resolution that downgrades (I know that, that’s normal and due to the default configuration of the game), the green-game-specific-arrow cursor, and sometimes a black screen, but nothing else.

The first time I also noticed at the center of the screen the cursor was changing to the “input text here” one, as it is supposed to do at the first start of the game to ask the name of the first profile. So I typed “test”, enter, and never saw it again.

So I remember long ago to had this problem under Windows Vista long time ago, but I forgot what workarround I found at the time… and testing the game on other computers with Windows it seems it shouldn’t happen… So how can I try/begin to debug that problem? Had someone already encountered this problem (I already searched to solve this problem some time ago and recall to have searched that but found nothing useful)

PS: attaching processes like CNC3.exe or cnc3game.dat to strace make them exit mysteriously, while normally I have to wait a while before they exit.

PPS: for a machine with no DVD lector, is it acceptable to use a no-CD crack if making a pseudo-DVD-device with winecfg and linking it to a directory containing the same content as the DVD doesn’t work (while having a valid key and bought the material game)? I mean can a such situation also be legitimate to ask help here according ToS (I heard when you bought the game it is legal to do so)?


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