Opera 9.64


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thib25 Anonymous


Cet installateur a été accepté par l'équipe.


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Téléchargements : 146277
Wine: System

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Web browser (2009 ?).

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Ueliton Mercredi 10 Juin 2015 à 15:58


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
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I made this suggestion because this script is 6 years without updates, the download link does not work.


Nouveau code source


Mercredi 10 Juin 2015 à 18:11
Looks good, but one question; is it possible to download the installer directly from the developer's site? The only reason that I ask is, because of licenses, it may actually not be legal to distribute their software like that. Plus, if the installer gets update, then the updates would need to be reflected on a separate server. Just something to look at to see if it is possible to get it directly from them (plus, it makes it easier to maintain as future releases come out. Other than that, it looks fine. :)
Mercredi 10 Juin 2015 à 18:40
I was also wondering if it made more sense to keep installing version 9.62, or install a newer version, given that the main use of such script, from what I understand, is to test web sites with different browsers, for web developers...
Given that I'm not doing web development, I'm not sure what's best
Mercredi 10 Juin 2015 à 18:49
For web development, as far as I understand (and follow), the newest browsers should be used to test web development, and using shims and whatnot for older browsers. 9.64 looks like it was released in 2009, so you wouldn't be able to test any of the new CSS, HTML5, and JS stuff that has been added since then. And normally, things like HTML5shim, Modernizr, and normalize.css are used to grant backward compatibility for browsers that don't support it.

The current version of Opera is 30, but it runs native through Linux, so I am not sure if this of any use anymore anyway. As far as I know, Opera, unlike IE, should be pretty platform-agnostic. I could be wrong though (I don't use it; I just test sites through whatever the newest version is.).
TJMcK Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 à 19:05
TJMcK Anonymous


I'm new to using Playonlinux.  I installed Playonlinux and the most recent wine version.  Then I tried installing Opera.  It won't even start (tried several variations).  Debug didn't help solve the problem... neither did looking for answers on the POL forum.  Then I tried installing Safari... it loaded all kinds of dependancies in the process, but it worked... so I'm wondering if there are depenancies that are unmet when using a clean install of Playonlinux?  I don't know bash, and don't have enough knowledge of POL to submit an improvement -- I wanted to try POL because the web reviews that I read said it was a simple wine frontend...


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