Nextion Editor 0.53


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Wine: 3.2-staging

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Nextion Editor is a development software for Nextion HMI screen from ITEAD.

Note: HMI = Human Machine Interface.

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Dadu042 Samedi 2 Novembre 2019 à 11:36


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Lundi 10 Aoüt 2020 à 23:09
Hello, I'm having some issues with the serial port whenever I don't use a physical port. I have a PTY serial port I created using SOCAT which I can access fine using putty inside the same wineprefix but I get an error when trying to use it on the Editor. I think it might be something related to .NET Framework. Here is the erro message:

"The given port name is invalid. It may be a valid port, but not a serial port. Parameter name: portName"
Lundi 10 Aoüt 2020 à 23:57
I needed this because I am using qemu to emulate my MCU and it outputs its serial comms on PTY
Dadu042 Samedi 2 Novembre 2019 à 11:33


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See changelog.


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Heikoho Dimanche 20 Octobre 2019 à 22:40
Heikoho Anonymous



a great THANK YOU.
All ist running well (Ubuntu 18.04).

But can you please tell me, how i can update the Nextion Editor from 0.53 to 0.58.
I made thome Code but runs on the 0.58 Editor. So i can't edit in in 0.53.





stewartad1 Vendredi 12 Juillet 2019 à 19:19
stewartad1 Anonymous


Hi everyone, when installing nextion 0.53, it fails when it gets to installing internet explorer 8, it says it cannot install as there is a newer version of IE already installed. Do you have any suggestion? I figured I’d post this request here since it is bundled in the nextion install but I could see this also belonging under the IE8 forum. Thanks in advance!


c0rvux Samedi 11 Mai 2019 à 15:00
c0rvux Anonymous


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Hi! Have some problems with installation on Fedora 29 x86_64. So I made several script edits:

  • Changed WINEVERSION value to "3.2-staging", because in Wine 1.8-staging there are problems with freetype fonts
  • Removed 'com*' links creation, because since version 2.8 Wine removes manually created links
  • Zip archive with Nextion Editor has changed therefore the installation process has changed too
  • Removed trailing whitespaces




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Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 1:27
Hi, this is my first time using PlayOnMac, when trying to install Nextion Editor 0.53, it gets stuck trying to install IE8. The error is, Install Windows Internet Explorer 8, setup cannot continue because a more recent version of internet explorer has been detected on this computer. Any suggestions?


Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 6:14
Perfect work, c0rvux!
Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 6:33
Could you provide 2 or 3 screenshot of this app please ?
Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 12:26
Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 14:15
These screenshots are for the latest version of script. With all changes made by c0rvux.
Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 14:16
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.
Working OK.
Lundi 8 Juillet 2019 à 21:31
Any ideas what I can do for my Internet Explorer Error?
v3xX Mardi 20 Novembre 2018 à 11:57
v3xX Anonymous


I wanted to upgrade from 0.42 to 0.53.

Your script for the older versions works perfect, but with version 0.53 I get an MD5 Mismatch error.


Is there a new version on the Checksum

MD5 in file: 182a2829ed88df6d53d54daa15b981b4

My local number: 70461da8b94c6ca5d2fda3260c5a8c3b


I am using Playonlinux, Wine1.8, Ubuntu 16.04


Edité par Dadu042

Chassa Mardi 5 Juin 2018 à 7:54
Chassa Anonymous


Hi, hopefully you can suggest an answer as the install on my Mac failed during the Nextion editor load with the error

Error in POL_Download_Resource

MD5 sum mismatch !



klukonin Samedi 17 Février 2018 à 12:16


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Fix. latest YES/NO section.


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klukonin Samedi 17 Février 2018 à 8:40


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Some question changes.


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Tutul Lundi 12 Février 2018 à 15:25


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Repost contribution from klukonin


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Lundi 12 Février 2018 à 15:28
I'm just a bit surprise you need it for dot30 but install dot45 (not quite the same). And why other don't need it ? Where did you find that you NEED that ? As far as I know it's only at runtime that may be useful so you can just display a message to the user and don't do it. And the last POL_SetupWindow_question is bad. You need to ask if it's ok to use usermod. But you display a message about instructions that arn't here!
Mardi 13 Février 2018 à 8:47
Ok. I understand.
dot45 requires dot30 to be installed and call dotnet30 winetricks script. That's why I need to deal with dotnet30 installation process.

What do you think about this question?
" It is necessary to give access rights and add your current user to the dialout/serial group for proper USB serial adapter work. If this is your first installation or you have no information about your user rights, please click "YES" and follow the instructions.
If you did this already or you want to do it yourself with "sudo usermod -aG dialout,serial $(whoami)" command, please click "NO" "
klukonin Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 7:40


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1) Some Set_OS switch and PREFIX improvements according to Tutul recommandations.

2) Migration to the new download link.


Smoke testing shows that the script is OK.


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Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 15:27
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Nextion software is based on dotnet platform. Dotnet30 installation process require sudo operation. Please follow the instructions. Use middle mouse button to copy-paste terminal text. ')" "$TITLE"

# Just a solution to install dotnet30 clearly
POL_Call POL_Function_RootCommand "echo 0|sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope; exit"
Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 15:28
You don't show any code, juste execute it.
Lundi 12 Février 2018 à 9:31
Sorry. I forgot about "yes/no" choice.
Lundi 12 Février 2018 à 9:33
This code will be shown in the sudo terminal after "YES" answer. So I think it's fine. Am I right?
Lundi 12 Février 2018 à 15:29
Your next post was bad, so I repost it for you, see my message
klukonin Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 13:15


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Some modifications acording to Tutul remarks.


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Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 14:43
Not every system need ptrace_scope hack and as I said, it disable important system protection for the all system (not just for that process). So I think it's better to ask before and let the user cancel the installation (

Ok for the hack if needed.

$PREFIX/drive_c/Nextion : Because if one day someone want to update script, change prefix for one or an other, It will be more easy to just change one line instead of all bash lines + prefix no ?
Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 14:56
Thank you for another remark.
I'll rework this script with yes/no choise for sudo commands.
Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 14:57
And with dynamic $PREFIX also =)
Dimanche 4 Février 2018 à 17:41
Btw I patch the POL/POM corefonts function so now it should work fine
Dimanche 4 Février 2018 à 17:43
When your rework is here, I'll valid it as testing
Lundi 5 Février 2018 à 7:41
Ok. Just commited required changes.
klukonin Mercredi 31 Janvier 2018 à 13:06


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Mercredi 31 Janvier 2018 à 16:48
I'm concern by disabling security system. ptrace_scope is there to avoid process to access other process that arn't child. Is it really required ? If yes, I suggest you to inform the user before and ask (yes / cancel). Same for updating user permission.


And it's strange to use win7 ton install dot40 and after going to winxp. I assume there are a good reason ?


Instead of using ~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Nextion/drive_c/Nextion, maybe you can use $PREFIX/drive_c/Nextion ?
Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 9:50
ptrace_scope is a hack for dotnet installation process.
Please see a comment in script before.
# Just a solution to install dotnet30 clearly

Switching to win7 is a trick to avoid some bugs in XP mode.

Why do you think
Jeudi 1 Février 2018 à 9:51

Why do you think $PREFIX/drive_c/Nextion is better?

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