Origin from OriginLab


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Téléchargements : 31614
Wine: 1.9.1

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Origin from OriginLab is a plotting and analysis software widely used in science. You can enter your measurements, plot and analize them with fit functions that are derived from your theory.

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Stitchz Mercredi 21 Novembre 2018 à 13:07
Stitchz Anonymous


I've been trying to rum Origin lab using Wine for a few years now. While not immediately obvious, there are some problems running this program.

You can easily tell the graphical interface is not running like in Windows, by minimizing any window inside OriginLab. Instead of minimizing to window-like mini-toolbar as it should, in Wine the window minimizes to an icon. Other minor, but eventually use-breaking graphical glitches follow. Is there a solution for this?



Scindix Vendredi 22 Janvier 2016 à 20:45


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A Mac user told me that Origin crashes sometimes for her. We fixed the problem by switching to wine 1.9.1
For Linux there's no difference between using 1.8-rc2 and 1.9.1
Therefore I updated the script.


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Samedi 24 Novembre 2018 à 9:06
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Samedi 24 Novembre 2018 à 9:06
The information you have shared with us is really interesting. thanks for publishing. https://www.dollaronewebhosting.com/
Samedi 24 Novembre 2018 à 9:06
The information you have shared with us is really interesting. thanks for publishing. https://www.dollaronewebhosting.com/
petch Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 13:32


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Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 14:06
A shit, I think I made a mistake.
When creating the installer the website asked me if "No-cd [is] needed". Of course you don't need a cd as you can only download this program. So I ticked it without realizing that no-cd patches for drm protected software were meant. Now the program doesn't show up until you tick "no-cd needed" in POL. I'm sorry. I'm new to POL scripting. Is there a way to change this property now?
(And same goes for my other script https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-2716-CassyLab_2.html)
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 17:23
I fixed that already when I noticed it, so it should be fine now (maybe after a list refresh)
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 17:38
I already noticed that. See the comment on the post below ( www.playonlinux.com/de/app-2717-Origin_from_OriginLab.html#expander_rep_4887 )
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 17:42
Well ok, anchors don't seem to work well on this site, just scroll down a bit. ;-)
Samedi 24 Novembre 2018 à 9:07
[url=http://www.google.com] google[/url]
Scindix Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 12:54


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Improvements suggested by petch.


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Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 13:58
I removed the "no-cd patch needed" flag
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 15:59
Thank you.
Also I'm not sure about the name. I wrote "from OriginLab" to distinct it from EA's Origin that is far more known and could lead to confusion for gamers. However the actual name is just "Origin". I looked over at how the guys from codeweavers handle this and they just put version numbers behind it ( https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search/?name=origin&browse=&app_desc=&company=originlab&rating=&date_start=&date_end=&search=app ). Should we do this to? (i.e. Origin 2015/2016)
I have no knowledge however if this script works for older versions of Origin as I don't have a copy other than 2015/2016. But I guess they should also work fine with it.
Just saying... Do how you think it is the best.

Edité par petch

Scindix Mercredi 20 Janvier 2016 à 11:46


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Initial commit. Everything I tested worked with it. Confirmed to work with Linux (latest Arch Linux) and MacOS (unknown version, wasn't my Mac)


Empty document
Autocorrelation function with gauss fit
characteristic curve of a Laser diode (linear fit)

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Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 4:52
TITLE="Origin Pro"

$TITLE has to match script name in the repository exactly

POL_Wine start /unix "$APP_ANSWER"
# Wine returns immediately. So we have to wait for the user to confirm that the installation is over.
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Please wait while $TITLE is installed.') $(eval_gettext 'Click next when the installer has finished.')" "$TITLE"

Same as in your other script, start /unix is a bad idea in general

cd ./../../
exeName="$(ls -R | grep ^Origin[0-9]*\.exe$)"
# Create a shortcut, show the user a message that everything went successfully and exit
POL_Shortcut "$exeName" "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut supports fnmatch patterns, so POL_Shortcut "Origin[0-9]*.exe" "$TITLE" should be sufficient
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 11:44
With POL_Shortcut "Origin[0-9]*.exe" "$TITLE" PlayOnLinux finds "CrashSender1402.exe" in "[...]/Origin2015/32bit"
An asterisk in fnmatch means match anything. However in this case I need "match any sequence of characters from the expression before". The above fnmatch pattern matches "Origin2" because of "Origin[0-9]", "015/32bit/CrashSender1402." because of "*" and "exe" because of "exe".
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that fnmatch is not capable of matching this pattern.
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 11:58
Errr what a wicked case, yes * in fnmatch (or more precisely in find's -ipath option) matches /s too, so in such case may match unexpected files. Starting with PoL 4.2.9 in case of ambiguity POL_Shortcut will prefer shorter matches hence pick one of the shallowest files, but one may not depend on that yet.
What about Origin[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].exe? Or also matching the parent directory name? (even if from what I understand we'll have the same problem matching its name)
I'd still prefer a solution that only uses POL_Shortcut, if possible.
Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 à 12:51
To be exact I want to match Origin93.exe (the latest version). I'm not sure but I think that older versions may only have one digit (like Origin8.exe) and (near) future versions will definitely have 3 digits (e.g. Origin101.exe)
Origin[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].exe won't work because [0-9] matches EXACTLY one number. So in that case "Origin" has to have 4 preceding number digits
Matching the path works for versions 93 and 92 via Origin[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/Origin*.exe
I'm not sure about older versions as I don't have a copy of them (or any future versions for that matter). But I think I take the risk and go for the last one

Edité par Scindix

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