Wurm Clock


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Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 6001
Wine: 1.7.47

Retours d'expérience


WurmClock can be used as an offline tool, i. e. when not playing Wurm Online, to keep an eye on the in-game time. It will show you at a glance if it is currently day or night before you log into the game.

The clock is updated frequently (every 10 seconds) and will usually show the current in-game time with an accuracy of ± 2 Wurm minutes. However, each time the Wurm servers are shut down due to maintenance, Wurm time will stop and be frozen until the servers are running again. WurmClock will, however, try to re-synchronize with the in-game clock as soon as possible.

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Membre Messages
lahtis Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 20:46


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Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 20:57
For some reason you removed the ending exit 0 ?
Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 21:03
If you want to check your scripts with automated tests, I can suggest:
- http://www.shellcheck.net/ for some general Bash scripting, it detects lots of common mistakes (and also not so well known mistakes that even unix veterans may not know about - very useful)
- clone https://github.com/PlayOnLinux/PlayOnLinux_Tools and use script_checker.sh from PlayOnLinux_ScriptChecker subdirectory; That one checks for common issues with PlayOnLinux scripting specifically
Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 21:21
I just documented those checkers in the Wiki, they're great tools to know about
Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 21:22
(re-added exit 0)
Vendredi 24 Juillet 2015 à 16:04
Thanks for good tips.

Edité par petch

lahtis Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 19:46


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Tested source code. It is working.

Could it be somewhere on the page descriptions of error messages. For example, if an error

POL_System_unzip failed with error 1 or error

POL_System_unzip failed with error 11 (I recall means that tmp file has not empty, there are same files).

No need to wonder why this is not working. None of these has not been any mention of the wiki.


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Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 19:57
man unzip
Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 20:04
Ok, now my review:
POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you have downloaded the zip file?" "Download?"
All user-oriented messages must support localization support:
Also, the dialog box will have no mention of the installer name, so it could be a bit confusing
POL_Browser "https://www.dropbox.com/s/afpg9u7p4rcw0vc/WurmClock202.ZIP"
We do not validate scripts using dropbox URLs, they're too volatile; Why not use the editor URL anyway?
POL_SetupWindow_browse "Please select the downloaded zip file." $TITLE
Localization support again. Also, I suspect you should use double quotes around $TITLE, that contains a space
POL_Shortcut_Document "Wurm Clock help" "WurmClock.pdf"
First argument of POL_Shortcut_Document is the name of the shortcut to attach the documentation to.
lahtis Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 16:47


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Mercredi 22 Juillet 2015 à 19:12
cp localInstallerPath ./
Test your scripts before submitting them
lahtis Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 16:32


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except files moving not working.


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lahtis Dimanche 12 Juillet 2015 à 19:11


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Sourcecode :)


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Lundi 13 Juillet 2015 à 18:36
Hi lahtis,
My script review:
POL_Browser "http://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/61451-wurmclock-desktop-app-showing-current-wurm-time-and-date/"
In general in script we asked the user before running POL_Browser, in case (s)he already has the program archive
POL_System_TmpCreate "$PREFIX"
done twice
POL_SetupWindow_browse "Please select the zip file." "$TITLE"
All user-oriented messages must support localization mechanisms (http://wiki.playonlinux.com/index.php/Scripting_-_Chapter_10:_Script_Translation)
unzip "$APP_ANSWER"
You could use POL_System_unzip instead; The added benefit is that if unarchiving fails (for whatever reason) the user will be notified
POL_SetupWindow_wait "$(eval_gettext 'Please wait while we extract $TITLE game data.')" "$TITLE"
At that point the files are already unarchived, so I don't see the point of this message. At best it should happen before unzip, and better yet POL_System_unzip could display a custom wait message while unarchiving
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/WurmClock/"
Don't hardcode /Program Files/, Wine localizes this path, just like Windows does; use $PROGRAMFILES instead
mv "$POL_System_TmpDir/WurmClock.exe" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/WurmClock/WurmClock.exe"
What about unarchiving in the final directory instead?
Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 13:25
The file is compressed because the installation program does not in the package. Only carry out the exe file and pdf guides.
Mercredi 15 Juillet 2015 à 13:29
Im fix the errors this script. Thanks good review.

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