Call of Duty: World at War


Créateur Messages
Danny-POL Anonymous


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Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 4572
Wine: 3.0.3

Retours d'expérience


First-person shooter video game (2008). Wikipedia.

To fix several issues with Wine, patching the game to v1.4 minimum is recommended (mainly for the sound).  . PCGamingWiki

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Dadu042 Dimanche 21 Juin 2020 à 9:46


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Edité par Dadu042

Dadu042 Mercredi 29 Janvier 2020 à 11:09


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Dadu042 Dimanche 2 Juin 2019 à 14:20


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Danny-POL Lundi 1 Juin 2015 à 5:46
Danny-POL Anonymous


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Lundi 1 Juin 2015 à 5:57
inside of wine config, it says its using alsa, and it dont have any sound, inside of the game it says no mixer is installed, please configure your default mixer. when I change it to wine version 1.3.23 the graphics is horrible but the sound works sometimes. and inside of wine config it says it has winealsa.drv, and the game has sound, but graphics is horrible, the drive keeps corrupting anything I try. I will try again working on it later, but this is all I got at this time. play it with the radio turned up =D.
Mercredi 3 Juin 2015 à 17:44
Might want to look into this:

You don't have to add a note about the crack. We just mark it in with a flag that only holds games that require cracks, which gives the user a disclaimer. That can be removed. You should really try a WAY newer version of Wine. Like, the newest on (1.7.40). That version is very old, and 1.3 is far, far older. You are also declaring too many variables that just bleed into each other:



POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"


would be better written as:


POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"

POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

As standard practice, you also want to declare all variables at the top of the script, not in the code itself, unless it is a local variable inside of a function or conditional statement. Global variables should always be declared at the top when possible. It makes it easier to maintain.

I also do not see the GetSetupImages statement, and I think it is is missing some other things, but I may just be missing something. Look at a few other well-maintained scripts and see how they are declaring variables and where, as well as which statements are used and where. It will make your code cleaner and just better in general. :)
Mercredi 3 Juin 2015 à 17:49
In the future, if a script does not work, you shouldn't submit it for approval. You would be better off posting the Manual Install forums until you can get the script working, then submit it for approval here.

I marked the script as needing a crack, so that is taken care of. I also removed the install notes that was in the description. It should be a description of the program being installed, not reasons why it doesn't work. lol. ;)
Mercredi 3 Juin 2015 à 17:55
One more thing; this is the place to go if you want to know if and how something works through Wine, and therefor through POL. Looks like this game has a gold rating, which is what I figured. It shouldn't need too much to get working:

Hope this helps. Sorry for the back to back posts.
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 9:51
Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but it seems fitting here, the games I have been updating are old games, they are not brand new off the shelf games. They should already be done, and updated. Cod 4 mw was not updated since 2009, before I joined this project. So either your all lazy, or people just finds POL a joke? I however think POL is needed. automation = compatibility for general users. Thanks for the tips though, I will implement your techniques in next scriots
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 9:55
I think I have figured it out, audio wise been researching. Installing or enabling winealsa.drv. Have not tested it out yet. And the reason for my last comment, is to not talk down on people that's actually taking their time to improve your scripts. Reason for using the version of wine I did, because others crashed. I will try the version you posted on here.
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 10:05
If every version of wine worked, wine would not have multiple versions to choose from, they would just have "The Version"
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 10:10
This script I posted here works better then 99% of the scripts I have tried that you have up that's out dated. Just because it has something simple as figuring out how to install sound. I am a truck driver so I can only work on scripts when I was home. I was hoping someone else would see it and know a quick fix. But I think I got it on my own. Wine cfg and enabling winealsa.drv because some versions of wine has different things disabled. Not sure why, but they must have their reasons.
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 10:45

You are totally right. A large part of the script are outdated and we are working hard to try to maintain them. They are hundred of scripts so believe me, it is not easy task. The tips we are giving to you are precisely just coming from errors we've made in the past that led us to these kind of problems. Don't be offended.

So no we are not lazy. Sometimes, your guys tend to forget that we are doing all that in our spare time. And we do not own those 500+ games that we would need to test every two week. If you want to help us, we really appreciate.

Things will be a lot improved in POLv5 also.
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 13:36
I'm not offended, it just seemed like I was being talked down to like I am an idiot, thank you for your response, I have many games and I would like to help make scripts. I will change the way I do things, so the coding looks and works better. I think the pol is a great idea. It is automation for the wine environment, Wine is easier to write script for. And find help for. But with the front end of pol, it can bring linux out of the Stone Age. And even general new users can install games and programs easily. I just found out about playonlinux fairly recently. I was however very disapointed when I went to install my games. I almost installed virtualbox and installed windows just to play my games. I decided to help with the playonlinux. I have many games, just doing my call of duty titles first. I will try the version of wine you suggested. But the game either crashed or did not even load. That is the only version of wine I found to work with this title.
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 14:09
Well I'm pretty sure that the intention was not to talk you down. Sorry if you have been offended. In any case, feel free to send scripts here, we're going to review them :) Many thanks!
Jeudi 4 Juin 2015 à 18:03
Lol. Yeah. I was absolutely not talking down to you. I don't know how you inferred that. I was only trying to help. I

I went back through and read everything that I said to you and it was all advice and help. Again, I was really only trying to help you do what you are trying to do, but better. How is an experienced hand giving advice talking down? 

 So either your all lazy, or people just finds POL a joke?

Myself and others dedicate hours and hours and hours of our free time to this project, don't get paid, but still have a desire to see the project move forward... No one is lazy here. :) I'll leave it at that. 


Edité par Dadu042

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