Planet Pokemon


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This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 10494
Wine: 3.0.3

Retours d'expérience


Warning: this game (launched in 2014) was shutdown in 2017 (ref: ).

Planet Pokémon was a massively MMO RPG game inspired by the original games and the anime under development by Hogkey Games for Windows and Linux OS. The game is fan-made by fans for fans which shares no connection to the real instalments of the Pokémon series developed by Game Freak. 

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Dadu042 Vendredi 23 Octobre 2020 à 15:36


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endurer87 Dimanche 3 Décembre 2017 à 16:37
endurer87 Anonymous


this game is awsom


Mardi 24 Décembre 2019 à 16:19
But dead, I add it in the intro.
STFLightning Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 19:39


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STFLightning Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 16:45


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Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 16:50
Even with the fixes from petch (thanks!) this script still fails due to an undeclared $TITLE variable even though it's there as TITLE="Planet Pokémon"
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 16:50
Can anyone help me with that?
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 18:40
- Ah yes, POL_Debug_Init requires $TITLE to be define (that's how it makes the link with the bug tracker page). Simple way to fix and forget those statements/variables dependencies is to define the variables near the very top of the script, let's say just after the source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" line

- if [$INSTALL_METHOD = "Download from"]
Still some already mentionned problems in this line, spaces and $INSTALL_METHOD values

- temporaryDirectory = $POL_System_TmpDir
Still some spaces-around-equal problems

- POL_System_unzip "Planet Pokemon (Windows).zip"
mv "./Planet Pokemon (Windows)" "./planetpokemon"
mv ./planetpokemon/* $PROGRAMFILES
$PROGRAMFILES just stands for the localized version of "Program Files", so it's usually used as "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/..." instead
Also you can replace the two mvs with one as
mv "Planet Pokemon (Windows)"/* "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/"
Just don't double quote the star symbol as it would stop working
STFLightning Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:10


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Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:12
I don't understand why this code fails at $TITLE undeclared when it is declared at the start. Could someone please explain this to me? I have never playonmac/linux scripted before but I am no novice to Bash.
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:24
Oops, missed that entry, see below, spaces around '=' in assignments are not allowed in Bash
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:53
Ok full review, if it can help you:
You can add POL_SetupWindow_SetID 2368 to add a link to this very page in the installation wizard, that's not required but a nice touch

- spaces not allowed around = in assignments in Bash (since it supports "var=value program args" syntax for variables local to one program spawning, space has to be considered a separator in the syntax)

- PREFIX = "PlanetPokemon
unclosed double quotes, caution!

- POL_SetupWindow_message "This will install the Planet Pokémon online game onto your computer" $TITLE
Beside being redundant with the POL_SetupWindow_presentation statement just above, all user-oriented messages need support for localization, see
That comment applies to most POL_SetupWindow_wait statements in your script, maybe they help you in debugging the script, but I don't really see the benefit to the user during installation, they're mostly redundant (and unexpected).

- installMethod = $INSTALL_METHOD
Only POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod statement sets $INSTALL_METHOD variable, you can use it directly

- POL_System_SetArch "x86"
Unnecessary statement (that's the default), but it's also too late if used after POL_Wine_PrefixCreate: you cannot change the architecture once the virtual drive has been created

- if ["installMethod" = "Download from"]
$INSTALL_METHOD values are the ones listed after POL_SetupWindow_InstallMethod: "LOCAL", or "DOWNLOAD"
Also, I this spaces inside [] are part of the syntax, so that's actually not Bash correct code

- lots of duplicate code between the two install methods, better factorize it

- unzip "Planet Pokemon (Windows).zip"
Starting with PlayOnLinux/Mac 4.1.4 you can use POL_System_unzip instead, with the added benefit that the script will stop if the unarchiving fails (right now you're not testing its result).
unzip also supports -d to set unarchiving target directory, so you don't have to move the files after archiving; You can also set the current directory before unarchiving for a similar effect, if you specify the full path to the archive.

- mv ./planetpokemon/* ~/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/$PREFIX/Program Files/*
use $WINEPREFIX relative paths, or it will only work with PlayOnMac
Also, never use "Program Files" as it depends on locale (use $PROGRAMFILES instead). Space in path will also break the mv command, use double quotes; And star at the end of target path does not make sense either, target is just a directory.

- POL_SetupWindow_message "$TITLE has been successfully installed." "Window title"
Such final message is deprecated, as it will display even if the installation somehow failed. Just remove it.
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:56
Documentation is available from, it may also be more convenient to ask questions about scripts technical points and style in
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 16:47
Thanks petch I fixed everything you listed, could you please give the new update a look over to make sure I didn't make any mistakes?
STFLightning Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:03


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Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:22
title = "Planet Pokémon"
prefix = "PlanetPokemon
that's not Bash syntax (spaces around = are not allowed), did you test your script?
lahtis Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 10:41


Here seems to be a lot of new friends who do not know how to use the site. Read the instructions and please add the source code in page.


Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 13:17
Yes and no, while many miss the workflow to submit install scripts (that's not obvious at first, cf, a recurrent idea among the team is that the repository could also be used to request for install scripts, so having entries without script may make perfect sense. Making it more effective could require some more work, but it's usable as such already...
Dimanche 28 Décembre 2014 à 15:04
Thanks for pointing this out, I had made a script but it had not appeared, I have added the script again so it should work fine

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