GOG.com - Risen 2: Dark Waters


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Hoshpak Anonymous


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Retours d'expérience


Risen 2: Dark Waters is a single-player fantasy-themed action role-playing game and the sequel to Risen by Piranha Bytes. It is published by Deep Silver. Risen 2: Dark Waters is a pirate themed game, but it transfers the classic Caribbean pirate themes to a fantasy world where monsters, ancient gods, and voodoo magic exist. Wikipedia.

The installer will install the main game and will also optionally install the Gold edition upgrade offered on Gog.com as a separate file.


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Membre Messages
Dadu042 Mercredi 18 Mars 2020 à 21:03


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Hoshpak Lundi 9 Mars 2015 à 23:05
Hoshpak Anonymous


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correct function name "POL_Debug_Init"


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Hoshpak Samedi 23 Aoüt 2014 à 10:46
Hoshpak Anonymous


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Jeudi 4 September 2014 à 13:17
Works perfectly. I tried running Risen 2 on 2 different Windows systems and the game kept crashing BSOD every 15 minutes. I installed via PlayOnLinux and the install was very smooth, no issues at all and I really appreciated the ability to install the Gold Version as well as part of the process. Game saves/loads/settings all work. Initial Piranha Bytes movie opening does not show though there is sound. The only bug is mouse movement. The player locks when rotating right or left. You have to move your mouse in t he opposite direction to unlock the movement. I also found looking up will also lock. The player will be locked in a straight-ahead position, but tapping the left ALT key a couple of times will unlock that so you can look up (haven't tried the Right ALT key, so that may work too). The game is very playable so thank you!
Samedi 6 September 2014 à 12:58
Thanks for your feedback. The mouse movement issues you encountered are caused by a bug in wine which you can find here: https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33479 . I already tried to run the game with earlier versions or patch and recompile wine myself, but none of that solved the problem for me. I hope the developers will find a solution for this soon, especially since Risen 1 + 2 are not the only games affected by this.
Hoshpak Mercredi 20 Aoüt 2014 à 23:15
Hoshpak Anonymous


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Jeudi 21 Aoüt 2014 à 0:00
Please use eval_gettext for any messages

POL_SetupWindow_question "$(eval_gettext 'Do you want to install the Gold Edition Upgrade now? This will only be possible if you purchased the Gold Edition, you can still install it later if you want.')" "$TITLE"
Samedi 23 Aoüt 2014 à 10:48
Thanks for pointing that out. I submitted an update to change this line.
Samedi 23 Aoüt 2014 à 10:49
Thanks for pointing that out. I submitted an update to change this line.

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