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Wine: System

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When Wine creates a prefix ("virtual drive"), it uses symlinks to make several user special paths (My Documents, My Pictures, etc.) point to closest equivalent Linux directory.

This is fine to allow Windows applications to manipulate user files seamlessly, but can also be annoying (game saves "escaping" the game virtual drive, and littering your Linux directories with files and directories.

This function replace all the virtual drive's symlinks with symlinks to a directory of your choice.

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Gosu Mercredi 23 Juillet 2014 à 10:30


Does this Script still work?

It does not seem to be possible to install it via the POL GUI.
I don't really want to mess with my current setting, so can anyone say if this still works?


Mercredi 23 Juillet 2014 à 10:45
Sub-Question: does this move already existing directories?
Mercredi 23 Juillet 2014 à 13:33
It still works for me from the PoL GUI
And I don't understand what "existing directories" you're talking of; Before the script runs all what exists are symlinks to standard Linux directories, you don't want them to be moved inside Wine virtual drives do you? And the script has no way to tell apart what content was created by Wine from other content

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