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Créateur Messages


Cet installateur a été accepté par l'équipe.


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 133331
Wine: 3.0.3

Retours d'expérience


osu! is a free-to-play rhytm game. The game features several gamemodes based on other rhytm games such as Elite Beat Agents, Taiko no Tatsujin and Beatmania, with online leaderboards, multiplayer and various features.

Wikipedia. AppDB.winehq.org 

Captures d'écran


Code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : see changelog
# Wine version used : 1.9.1, 3.0.3
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

# [boat] (2013-10-06)
#   First script.
# [Dadu042] (2019-10-30)
#   Wine 1.9.1 -> 3.0.3
#   POL 4.2.12 minimum

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Create a dummy file to prevent update loop
touch discord-rpc.dll

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"



Membre Messages
ZAFX Dimanche 25 September 2022 à 11:28
ZAFX Anonymous


hello, the game runs perfect BUT when i close the game its impossible to launch the game again, so when i accidentadly close the game i have to install the whole game again, there is a solution for this?, theres probably something that im doing wrong and its my fault bc this is abandoned, also there are some errors when i install the game and maybe thats the problem, and also the game keeps installing but it never finishes the installing, maybe in a few hours the game installs and that solves all my problems with this game but its been 3 hours and the game keeps installing, despite all, it works PERFECT when i can play it!


Dadu042 Mercredi 30 Octobre 2019 à 18:15


Cette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe


@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
 # Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
-# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
-# Wine version used : 1.9.1
+# Last revision : see changelog
+# Wine version used : 1.9.1, 3.0.3
 # Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
 # Author : boat
+# [boat] (2013-10-06)
+#   First script.
+# [Dadu042] (2019-10-30)
+#   Wine 1.9.1 -> 3.0.3
+#   POL 4.2.12 minimum
 [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
@@ -25,6 +32,8 @@
 # Setup presentation window
 POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
+POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"
 # Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
 POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
 POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : see changelog
# Wine version used : 1.9.1, 3.0.3
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

# [boat] (2013-10-06)
#   First script.
# [Dadu042] (2019-10-30)
#   Wine 1.9.1 -> 3.0.3
#   POL 4.2.12 minimum

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

POL_RequiredVersion "4.2.12" || POL_Debug_Fatal "$APPLICATION_TITLE $VERSION is required to install $TITLE"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Create a dummy file to prevent update loop
touch discord-rpc.dll

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


creeperskinmaker Mercredi 25 September 2019 à 22:24
creeperskinmaker Anonymous


installion works intill .NET Framework 3.0 sp1 fix1 then the error window pops up stating

Error in POL_Wine
Wine seems to have crashed

If your program is running, just ignore this message

when clicking next, everthing installs intill .NET Framework 3.5


Nightdavisao Dimanche 30 September 2018 à 21:39
Nightdavisao Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


There is a updated osu! installer working, please give a feedback.

GitHub page: https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux


@@ -1,82 +1,55 @@
-# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
-# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
-# Wine version used : 1.9.1
-# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
-# Author : boat
+# Date : (2018-09-30)
+# Wine version used : 3.10
+# Distribution used to test : Linux Mint 19 Tara 
+# Author : Nightdavisao
 [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
 # Download images for installation script
 POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
 # Initialize the script, debugging
 POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856
 # Setup presentation window
 POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
 # Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
 POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
 POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"
+# Install .NET Framework 4.0 and core fonts
+POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet40
+POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
+# Download the required fonts to Japanese characters
+cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
+POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/blob/master/osu_on_linux/japanese_fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
+POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/blob/master/osu_on_linux/japanese_fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
-# Install .NET Framework 4.5
-POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
-POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus
-# Create and select the required directory for the updater
+# Now create "osu!" folder in Programs Files and download the osu! icon and set the current directory to "osu!" folder
 mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
+POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/raw/master/osu_on_linux/icon/osu!.png"
-# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
-POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
-mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"
-# Run the updater
-POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"
+# Download the updater and open it
+POL_Download "https://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
 POL_Wine osu!install.exe
 # Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
 POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
 POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"
-# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
-POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"
-if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
-    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
-# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
-POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
-This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"
-if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
-    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"
-# Ask if the user wants to register an account
-POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"
-if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
-    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"
\ No newline at end of file

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2018-09-30)
# Wine version used : 3.10
# Distribution used to test : Linux Mint 19 Tara 
# Author : Nightdavisao
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856
# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"
# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"
# Install .NET Framework 4.0 and core fonts
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet40
POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
# Download the required fonts to Japanese characters
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/blob/master/osu_on_linux/japanese_fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/blob/master/osu_on_linux/japanese_fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Now create "osu!" folder in Programs Files and download the osu! icon and set the current directory to "osu!" folder
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
POL_Download "https://github.com/Nightdavisao/osu_on_linux/raw/master/osu_on_linux/icon/osu!.png"

# Download the updater and open it
POL_Download "https://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
POL_Wine osu!install.exe
# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"
POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"



VegaZS Dimanche 31 Décembre 2017 à 18:22
VegaZS Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
 mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
+# Create a dummy file to prevent update loop
+touch discord-rpc.dll
 # Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
 POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
@@ -58,8 +61,8 @@
 if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
     cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
+    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
+    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
 # Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
# Wine version used : 1.9.1
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Create a dummy file to prevent update loop
touch discord-rpc.dll

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/edubkendo/.dotfiles/master/.fonts/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


Mardi 19 Juin 2018 à 16:45
I do not have a button that redirects to playonlinux. what to do?
Mardi 19 Juin 2018 à 17:37
for communication please use e-mail nety123456789@gmail.com
Andrei Bereta Lundi 14 Aoüt 2017 à 3:42
Andrei Bereta Anonymous


Can't download net framework 3.0 and japanese font, but works fine


yohonet Dimanche 23 Juillet 2017 à 21:07
yohonet Anonymous


Can't download dot net 3 from URL http://uni-smr.ac.ru/archive/win/MS%20.NET%20Framework/3.0/dotnetfx3.exe




SilicaAndPina Vendredi 5 Mai 2017 à 2:43
SilicaAndPina Anonymous


Just received this message telling me to report this

it doesnt seem to effect gameplay though




MordorDie Vendredi 31 Mars 2017 à 13:28
MordorDie Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


upd. Fixed link fonts!


@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
     cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
+    POL_Download "" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
+    POL_Download "" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
 # Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
# Wine version used : 1.9.1
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


MordorDie Vendredi 31 Mars 2017 à 13:15
MordorDie Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
     cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
-    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"
+    POL_Download "" "30a18f9118a22885a4104421f443c116"
+    POL_Download "" "053bd3a73bd55bd39dc78dae64d5527a"
 # Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
# Wine version used : 1.9.1
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "" "30a18f9118a22885a4104421f443c116"
    POL_Download "" "053bd3a73bd55bd39dc78dae64d5527a"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


Koutaro Vendredi 4 Novembre 2016 à 2:31
Koutaro Anonymous


El juego funciona perfectamente, aun que detesto que cuando elimino muchas canciones al final acaba por congelarse


Ketchup901 Samedi 30 Juillet 2016 à 17:12
Ketchup901 Anonymous


It runs fine and at a good framerate, but the sound is very bad and crackles horribly. How can I fix this?

I'm on Arch 64-bit.


Jeudi 6 Octobre 2016 à 10:28
export PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 to ./bashrc or similar and relog. You can go higher - find your softspot.
Nazmifr Mercredi 20 Juillet 2016 à 18:55
Nazmifr Anonymous


Installed well but wine says that it crashed sometimes, and the program should only (in my opinion) be run after a reboot, if I remember right it did not work the first time but after I did a reboot it worked (and still works) fine !


Thanks for the work


agentcobra Jeudi 5 Mai 2016 à 12:50
agentcobra Anonymous


Le jeux fontionne chez moi, mais j'ai l'air d'avoir un décalage entre le son et l'image


Jailson kun Dimanche 6 Mars 2016 à 17:56
Jailson kun Anonymous


O jogo funcionou bem, consegui acessar minha conta e baixar os beatmaps, mas durante o jogo ele deu erro e durante a depuração apareceu o seguinte erro critico


super duper error on delegate System.ArgumentException: The device does not support creating a render target of the given format.
Parameter name: format
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 numberLevels, SurfaceFormat format, MultiSampleType multiSampleType, Int32 mul   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.RenderTarget2D..ctor(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 numberLevels, SurfaceFormat format)
   at #zk.#Fk.#fbb(Color , Color , Color , Color , Single )
   at #zk.#Fk.#fbb(Color , Color , Color )
   at #zk.#Fk.#7ab(Color , Color )
   at #zk.#Ek.#3ab()
   at #zk.#Ek.#6ab()
   at #zk.#Ek.Initialize(GraphicsDevice , ContentManager )
   at #Uj.#lq.#qEb()
   at #Uj.#lq.#g.#5q.#nNb()
   at #cc.#bc.#5v()
err:d3d:context_restore_gl_context Failed to restore GL context 0x11000 on device context 0x3003d, last error 0x7d0.


ShadowSageMike Lundi 18 Janvier 2016 à 15:20
ShadowSageMike Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


I updated the script to use .NET 4.5 because thats what osu! requires now.


@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 # Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
-# Last revision : (2014-06-01 01-17)
-# Wine version used : 1.7.3
-# Distribution used to test : Linux Mint 15
+# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
+# Wine version used : 1.9.1
+# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
 # Author : boat
 [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@
 POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
 POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"
-# Install .NET Framework 2.0
-POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet20
+# Install .NET Framework 4.5
+POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
+POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus
 # Create and select the required directory for the updater
 mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 # Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
-POL_Download "http://osu.ppy.sh/release/osume.exe"
-POL_Download "http://files.playonlinux.com/osu%21.user.cfg" "9c11104e1bd7db6a600fb1b18e535ed3"
+POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
 mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"
 # Run the updater
-POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the updater. When the updater is finished, close it down. Do not start osu! yet.')" "$TITLE"
+POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"
-POL_Wine osume.exe
+POL_Wine osu!install.exe
 # Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
 POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : (2016-01-18 09-19)
# Wine version used : 1.9.1
# Distribution used to test : Debian Stretch (Testing)
# Author : boat

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 4.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet45
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


Edité par petch

astronautlevel Jeudi 17 Décembre 2015 à 21:52
astronautlevel Anonymous


Script is outdated and no longer works.


marcostudios Lundi 22 Juin 2015 à 20:40


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
-# Last revision : (2014-06-01 01-17)
+# Last revision : (2015-06-22 20-38)
 # Wine version used : 1.7.3
-# Distribution used to test : Linux Mint 15
+# Distribution used to test : Fedora Workstation 22
 # Author : boat
 [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
@@ -29,23 +29,23 @@
 POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
 POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"
-# Install .NET Framework 2.0
-POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet20
+# Install .NET Framework 3.5
+POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet35
+POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus
 # Create and select the required directory for the updater
 mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"
 # Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
-POL_Download "http://osu.ppy.sh/release/osume.exe"
-POL_Download "http://files.playonlinux.com/osu%21.user.cfg" "9c11104e1bd7db6a600fb1b18e535ed3"
+POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"
 mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"
 # Run the updater
-POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the updater. When the updater is finished, close it down. Do not start osu! yet.')" "$TITLE"
+POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"
-POL_Wine osume.exe
+POL_Wine osu!install.exe
 # Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
 POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

Nouveau code source

# Date : (2013-10-06 14-11)
# Last revision : (2015-06-22 20-38)
# Wine version used : 1.7.3
# Distribution used to test : Fedora Workstation 22
# Author : boat

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# Download images for installation script
POL_GetSetupImages "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/top.jpg" "http://files.playonlinux.com/resources/setups/$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

# Initialize the script, debugging
POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1856

# Setup presentation window
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "$EDITOR" "$GAME_URL" "$AUTHOR" "$PREFIX"

# Begin setting up the Wine Prefix
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINEVERSION"

# Install .NET Framework 3.5
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet35
POL_Call POL_Install_gdiplus

# Create and select the required directory for the updater
mkdir "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/osu!"

# Download the updater and config file (the config file is required for osu! to launch properly)
POL_Download "http://m1.ppy.sh/r/osu!install.exe"

mv "osu%21.user.cfg" "osu!.$USER.cfg"

# Run the updater
POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Press next to start the installer.')" "$TITLE"

POL_Wine osu!install.exe

# Wait for the updater to finish in order to create a shortcut of the executable
POL_Wine_WaitExit "$TITLE"

POL_Shortcut "osu!.exe" "osu!" "osu!.png"

# Download the fonts required for Japanese characters support
POL_SetupWindow_question "Install additional fonts for Japanese characters support?" "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/Fonts"
    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msgothic.ttc" "1f162793323e204a0d598a9aa4241443"
    POL_Download "http://www.boaty.org/POL/msmincho.ttc" "ea3f8835f67b492a0740ac34e1e807f8"

# Ask if the user wants to enable StrictDrawOrdering
POL_SetupWindow_question "Would you like to enable StrictDrawOrdering?
This is known to fix visual errors for users with AMD graphics cards and is generally recommended." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Wine_Direct3D "StrictDrawOrdering" "enabled"

# Ask if the user wants to register an account
POL_SetupWindow_question "It is recommended that you register for an account and download some beatmaps before you start playing. Pressing yes will take you to the registration page, pressing no will finish the installation." "$TITLE"

if [ "$APP_ANSWER" = "TRUE" ]
    POL_Browser "https://osu.ppy.sh/p/register"


Mardi 23 Juin 2015 à 1:07
I think that the exclamation mark need to be quoted or escaped
Lundi 29 Juin 2015 à 23:00
i tried using the quote (' ') but it doesn't start the installer. Am i doing something wrong? Also sorry for the delay of the response :(
Dimanche 5 Juillet 2015 à 1:48
The install works with this script, (and still works with some minor modifications I made) But when Osu! starts, it tries to apply a bunch of updates and then restarts itself and re-downloads the updates again. (also, I think the default install location changed recently) The updater uses close to 99% CPU time while trying to update too.
Dimanche 19 Juillet 2015 à 19:33
It may in some miraculous way install but since osume is obsolete and the installpath was changed the script should not give you a working install since both the game and installer relies on these things being correct. I don't have the time, interest or need to keep this up to date so somebody to take the initiative to rework/make a new installer is needed.
Dimanche 4 Octobre 2015 à 23:46
It's easy to make a new installer if we use inno setup, and i think installer which are made with inno setups should works with wine.
I could do it if nobody wants to do it.
Dimanche 4 Octobre 2015 à 23:47
But do you think the game will works even if the installation sucess with the installer made with inoo setup ?
Samedi 17 Octobre 2015 à 16:18
If you can write a working installer, go for it. I'd like to have this game working again.
Account deleted Jeudi 30 Avril 2015 à 17:37
Account deleted Anonymous


I had a little bug, i couldn't add a bitmap with just a click.

I tried to reinstall but when the script want to launch the installer POL show "POL error". I had look the script and i have found where it crash, here : POL_Wine osume.exe

I'm on archlinux 64 bits with openbox, and cairo-compmgr.



Jeudi 30 Avril 2015 à 18:36
Sorry for the spam i had refresh the website sorry :'(
Jeudi 30 Avril 2015 à 18:36
By the way i have found the bug, this link just don't work : http://osu.ppy.sh/release/osume.exe
Jeudi 30 Avril 2015 à 19:06
You should contact the script author (boat), I think this URL links to a server he owns
Jeudi 30 Avril 2015 à 19:08
Ah no, not this URL, I was thinking of the http://www.boaty.org/ links somewhat down the script, that are also missing
Samedi 2 Mai 2015 à 1:23
osume.exe doesn't work either so the script needs a complete rework (which I'll get to eventually).
Dimanche 24 Mai 2015 à 0:02
If you're doing a re-work, can you get the cutting edge version working too?
Dimanche 24 Mai 2015 à 0:03
It needs .NET 4.0 at least, but I couldn't get that to work before I broke my install.
Dimanche 14 Juin 2015 à 2:27
Any idea when this will be working again? I can no longer play, as I have been unable to find a way to successfully install Osu. Every method I've managed to find hasn't worked and my machine being 64 bit seems to be the issue. Osu worked almost flawlessly for me, prior to moving machines and I'd greatly appreciate it, if you were able to get this working again.
Mercredi 17 Juin 2015 à 16:37
We need full computer specs and debug logs to troubleshoot your issue.
SkiFire13 Lundi 30 Mars 2015 à 16:02
SkiFire13 Anonymous


Only three problems.

When I install it the installer say me to login, but it doesn't work. I have to login after I installed it.

When I open it I have an error message about skin.ini, but everything work well

I can't use OpenGL, only DirectX

My system:

CPU: AMD FX-8350

GPU: nvidia GTX 780 (driver 331.113-0ubuntu0.0.4)

Linux Mint 17.1

PlayOnLinux 4.2.6


lostinspacetime Samedi 21 Février 2015 à 14:02
lostinspacetime Anonymous


Installing worked and game seems to work perfectly an 120FPS but there is a constand random input lag for mouse and keyboard. At first it was hard to notice, but in comparison with Windows it's very obvious. However, even without comparing, once a minute or so, the input lag gets really big.

I'm using Playonlinux 4.2.5  with Wine 1.7.3. My System: Ubuntu 14.10, nVidia  GTX 750 Ti with 346.35 driver, AMD PhenomII x4 @3,5GHz, 12GB RAM.


Jeudi 26 Mars 2015 à 15:30
When it comes to performance it's going to be hit or miss based on driver support for your hardware. I've yet to find any prerequisite that improves performance other than gdi+ which doesn't do much but fix a mostly cosmetic issue with the player in the top right corner.
Jeudi 26 Mars 2015 à 15:32
Didn't realize enter posts the message, "oops".
Until the game is cross-platform it'll likely always run badly on Linux.
Perhaps try a couple of open source drivers or whatever is available for your GPU.
Jeudi 26 Mars 2015 à 18:25
If you are going to try open source drivers, only try the ones for the AMD card. The open source Nvidia drivers will give less performance. Of course, comparing it to Windows, it is different. hahahaha. It was written for Windows... I don't know why people use that as a comparison, because it isn't a good one. ;)
anyb Vendredi 20 Février 2015 à 12:09
anyb Anonymous


Tested on latest Debian/Jessie today with Wine 1.6.2. All game modes are working well in borderless-fullscreen with a mouse. Haven't tested non-US fonts yet.


Xopez Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 0:31
Xopez Anonymous


a few months ago the software runned well. Now I want to install it again, but after downloading osume.exe it won't start the updater. it only says "Error in POL_Wine"

Here is the Log of the script

declare -x GTK_MODULES="overlay-scrollbar:unity-gtk-module"
declare -x HOME="/home/sascha"
declare -x IGNORE_ICON_DIR="false"
declare -x IM_CONFIG_PHASE="1"
declare -x INSTANCE=""
declare -x JOB="dbus"
declare -x LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"
declare -x LANGUAGE="de_DE"
declare -x LD_32_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=""
declare -x LD_PATH_ORIGIN=""
declare -x LOGNAME="sascha"
declare -x MACHTYPE="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
declare -x MANDATORY_PATH="/usr/share/gconf/ubuntu.mandatory.path"
declare -x MD5_COMMAND="md5sum"
declare -x MONO_SITE="http://www.playonmac.com/wine/mono"
declare -x OLDPWD="/home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/setups/osu"
declare -x OS_NAME="linux"
declare -x OpenGL32="1"
declare -x OpenGL64="1"
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"
declare -x PATH_ORIGIN="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"
declare -x PLAYONLINUX="/usr/share/playonlinux"
declare -x POL_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_COOKIE="H1kUZuTE9SSPpO3s6xfJ"
declare -x POL_CURL="curl"
declare -x POL_DNS="playonlinux.com"
declare -x POL_HOST=""
declare -x POL_ID="45867847"
declare -x POL_LANG="de"
declare -x POL_OS="Linux"
declare -x POL_PORT="30001"
declare -x POL_PYTHON="python"
declare -x POL_SetupWindow_ID="17894"
declare -x POL_TERM="xterm"
declare -x POL_UPTODATE="TRUE"
declare -x POL_USER_ARCH="x86"
declare -x POL_USER_ROOT="/home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x POL_WGET="wget --prefer-family=IPv4 -q"
declare -x PWD="/usr/share/playonlinux/python"
declare -x QT4_IM_MODULE="xim"
declare -x QT_IM_MODULE="ibus"
declare -x QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="appmenu-qt5"
declare -x REPERTOIRE="/home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/"
declare -x SCRIPTID="osu"
declare -x SED="sed"
declare -x SELINUX_INIT="YES"
declare -x SESSION="ubuntu"
declare -x SESSIONTYPE="gnome-session"
declare -x SESSION_MANAGER="local/sascha-imedia-S1800:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1735,unix/sascha-imedia-S1800:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1735"
declare -x SETUPWINDOW_INIT="true"
declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
declare -x SHLVL="4"
declare -x SITE="http://repository.playonlinux.com"
declare -x SSH_AGENT_LAUNCHER="upstart"
declare -x SSH_AGENT_PID="1674"
declare -x SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/1000/keyring-hg8HBu/ssh"
declare -x TEXTDOMAIN="pol"
declare -x TEXTDOMAINDIR="/usr/share/playonlinux/lang/locale/"
declare -x TITLE="osu"
declare -x TITRE="PlayOnLinux"
declare -x UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="0"
declare -x UPSTART_SESSION="unix:abstract=/com/ubuntu/upstart-session/1000/1617"
declare -x USER="sascha"
declare -x VERSION="4.2.4"
declare -x WGETRC="/home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//configurations/wgetrc"
declare -x WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d"
declare -x WINEPREFIX="/home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//wineprefix/default"
declare -x WINE_SITE="http://www.playonmac.com/wine/binaries"
declare -x WorkingDirectory="/home/sascha"
declare -x XAUTHORITY="/home/sascha/.Xauthority"
declare -x XDG_CONFIG_DIRS="/etc/xdg/xdg-ubuntu:/usr/share/upstart/xdg:/etc/xdg"
declare -x XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="Unity"
declare -x XDG_DATA_DIRS="/usr/share/ubuntu:/usr/share/gnome:/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/"
declare -x XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR="/var/lib/lightdm-data/sascha"
declare -x XDG_MENU_PREFIX="gnome-"
declare -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000"
declare -x XDG_SEAT="seat0"
declare -x XDG_SEAT_PATH="/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_ID="c2"
declare -x XDG_SESSION_PATH="/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0"
declare -x XDG_VTNR="7"
declare -x XMODIFIERS="@im=ibus"

08/02/14 00:27:52 - [POL_Wine_SelectPrefix] Message: Selecting prefix: osu_on_linux
08/02/14 00:27:52 - [POL_System_SetArch] Message: POL_ARCH set to x86
08/02/14 00:27:52 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Setting POL_WINEVERSION to 1.7.3
08/02/14 00:27:52 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Creating prefix (1.7.3)...
08/02/14 00:27:52 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Prefix already exists
08/02/14 00:27:54 - [POL_SetupWindow_menu] Message: menu answer: Lösche (Inhalte des virtuellen Laufwerk gehen verloren)
08/02/14 00:27:54 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Erase Prefix
08/02/14 00:27:54 - [POL_Wine_PrefixCreate] Message: Using wine 1.7.3
08/02/14 00:27:54 - [POL_Wine_InstallVersion] Message: Installing wine version path: 1.7.3, x86
08/02/14 00:27:55 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: ARCH x86
08/02/14 00:27:55 - [POL_Config_PrefixWrite] Message: Prefix config write: VERSION 1.7.3
08/02/14 00:27:55 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 --version (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
08/02/14 00:27:55 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See http://www.playonmac.com/fr/page-26-Winemenubuilder.html
08/02/14 00:27:55 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:06 - [POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES] Message: Getting Program Files name
08/02/14 00:28:06 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
08/02/14 00:28:06 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See http://www.playonmac.com/fr/page-26-Winemenubuilder.html
C:\Program Files
08/02/14 00:28:06 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:09 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_dotnet20
08/02/14 00:28:09 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_dotnet20 -----
08/02/14 00:28:09 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_dotnet20
08/02/14 00:28:09 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
08/02/14 00:28:09 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
08/02/14 00:28:10 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 uninstaller --remove {E45D8920-A758-4088-B6C6-31DBB276992E} (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:10 - [POL_Wine] Message: Notice: PlayOnLinux deliberately disables winemenubuilder. See http://www.playonmac.com/fr/page-26-Winemenubuilder.html
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [Set_OS] Message: Setting Windows OS to win2k
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 regedit dotnet20_fix.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource http://files.playonlinux.com/l_intl.nls
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Downloading resource http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/6/7/567758a3-759e-473e-bf8f-52154438565a/dotnetfx.exe
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Download_Resource] Message: Resource already present
08/02/14 00:28:11 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Install_corefonts
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Install_corefonts -----
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Install_corefonts
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Call] Message: Calling POL_Internal_InstallFonts
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_GPG_auth_script] Message: Checking signature of POL_Internal_InstallFonts
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_GPG_install_key] Message: Importing PlayOnLinux public key
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Source] Message: POL GPG : Good signature
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [source] Message: Installing microsoft fonts
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_corefonts -----
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 dotnetfx.exe /q /c:install.exe /q (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\dotnetfx.exe"
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 2
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [Set_OS] Message: Setting Windows OS to winxp sp3
08/02/14 00:28:12 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/setos.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 regedit Default_OS_Version.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Wine] Message: Wine return: 0
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Call] Message: ----- Ending function POL_Install_dotnet20 -----
08/02/14 00:28:13 - [POL_Download] Message: Downloading http://osu.ppy.sh/release/osume.exe
08/02/14 00:28:16 - [POL_Download] Warning: POL_Download - MD5 is missing!
08/02/14 00:28:16 - [POL_Download] Message: Downloading http://files.playonlinux.com/osu%21.user.cfg
08/02/14 00:28:17 - [POL_Download] Message: Download MD5 matches
08/02/14 00:28:25 - [POL_System_CheckFS] Message: Checking filesystem for osume.exe
08/02/14 00:28:25 - [POL_Wine] Message: Running wine-1.7.3 osume.exe (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/osu_on_linux/drive_c/Program Files/osu!)
wine: Install Mono for Windows to run .NET applications.
08/02/14 00:28:26 - [POL_Wine] Error: Wine scheint abgestürzt zu sein\n\nWenn Ihr Programm weiter läuft, ignorieren Sie diese Nachricht

and the log of the drive

[08/02/14 00:27:55] - Running wine-1.7.3 --version (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)

PlayOnLinux logfile
Date: 08/02/14 00:27:55

> PlayOnLinux Version
> uname -a
  Linux sascha-imedia-S1800 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version
> Distribution
  Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
    GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2, GL_NV_path_rendering,
    GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2, GL_NV_path_rendering,
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
  OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GT 320/PCIe/SSE2
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)
  32bits direct rendering is enabled
  64bits direct rendering is enabled

[08/02/14 00:28:06] - Running wine-1.7.3 cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
C:\Program Files
[08/02/14 00:28:09] - ----- Starting function POL_Install_dotnet20 -----
[08/02/14 00:28:10] - Running wine-1.7.3 uninstaller --remove {E45D8920-A758-4088-B6C6-31DBB276992E} (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
[08/02/14 00:28:11] - Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/02/14 00:28:11] - Content of /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/02/14 00:28:11] - Running wine-1.7.3 regedit dotnet20_fix.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/02/14 00:28:11] - Content of dotnet20_fix.reg
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows 2000"
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - ----- Starting function POL_Install_corefonts -----
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_corefonts -----
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - Running wine-1.7.3 dotnetfx.exe /q /c:install.exe /q (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\dotnetfx.exe"
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/02/14 00:28:12] - Content of /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/02/14 00:28:13] - Running wine-1.7.3 regedit /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/setos.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/02/14 00:28:13] - Content of /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/setos.reg

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CSDVersion"="Service Pack 3"
[08/02/14 00:28:13] - Running wine-1.7.3 regedit Default_OS_Version.reg (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/02/14 00:28:13] - Content of Default_OS_Version.reg
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"
"CSDVersion"="Service Pack 3"
[08/02/14 00:28:13] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_dotnet20 -----
[08/02/14 00:28:25] - Running wine-1.7.3 osume.exe (Working directory : /home/sascha/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/osu_on_linux/drive_c/Program Files/osu!)
wine: Install Mono for Windows to run .NET applications.



Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 0:32
ok i fixed it.
Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 0:33
i saw in the end of the file that i need mono, my mistake :)
Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 0:39
first of all sorry for my spam, installing mono-complete or mono-devel doesn't fixed it, hope you can help
Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 12:09
This happens to me also. I cannot fix this.
Samedi 2 Aoüt 2014 à 19:19
Looks like a regression since 4.2.3 that broke the installation of dotnet20 package, I pushed a fix in the development branch of PlayOnLinux
popman Dimanche 8 Juin 2014 à 14:09
popman Anonymous


The application runs prefectly, but I changed the wine version to system to make asian chatacters work (beforehand, they showed up as blank squares)

I'd like a shortcut for my launcher with the real icon through. (if you can even do that with an installer script)


Jeudi 3 Juillet 2014 à 10:44
When testing the installer added the shortcut icon to the launcher, does it not for you? I would also appreciate if you would specify under which wine version it worked for you, however I personally have not had any issues with 1.7.3.
Jeudi 3 Juillet 2014 à 18:45
I don't get a launcher icon
Jeudi 3 Juillet 2014 à 18:47
I had trouble with asian characters on the wine 1.7.3. Changing to the system version fixed it. The icon in the unity launcher is the standard wine one also.
Jeudi 4 September 2014 à 16:53
osu crashes the second i run it heres what i got from the details from osu
Jeudi 4 September 2014 à 16:56
EDIT : It would be good if you could read your log before posting it like that:
err:wincodecs:PngEncoder_CreateInstance Failed writing PNG because unable to find libpng12.so.0. (Install libpng)


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