GOG.com - A New Beginning: Final Cut


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Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 8002
Wine: 1.6.2

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English: Adventure game, global ecological disaster happened, and a solar activity peak is about to destroy most lifeforms. The only solution: go back in the past...
(notice: while version installs nicely, returns several runtime errors, with no known workaround for now. This breaks game installation, so keep your older installer!)

GOG now has installers for Mac

Français : Jeu d'aventure, la catastrophe écologique planétaire a eut lieu, et une saute d'activité solaire s'apprête à détruire la plupart des formes de vie. La seule solution : retourner dans le passé...
(remarque : alors que la version s'installe proprement, la version affiche plusieurs erreurs à l'exécution, sans contournement connu. Le jeu ne s'installe plus correctement, gardez votre ancien installeur !)

GOG propose maintenant des installeurs pour Mac


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Membre Messages
Fangorn Lundi 8 Décembre 2014 à 0:54
Fangorn Anonymous


Cette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe


I tried it on Linux Mint 17 "Qiana" (Ubuntu 14.04 based), at the end of game instalation I got runtime error 216, installation failed. In debug log I saw error "err:wgl:has_opengl Failed to load libGL: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libxcb-dri3.so.0: undefined symbol: xcb_send_fd err:wgl:has_opengl OpenGL support is disabled." That  looks like fixed bug #3814 on PlayOnLinux. After changing wine version in script, I reinstall game without errors.



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Lundi 8 Décembre 2014 à 22:10
For me it worked fine with their installer version, but with I just got lots of Runtime errors and the game failed to install... What version did you use?
Dimanche 14 Décembre 2014 à 14:09
Well, downloaded first installation naming "setup_a_new_beginning_final_cut_2.1.0.6.exe". So, version, I suppose. But I`ve "Runtime error 216 at 7D96818C" with it.
Dimanche 14 Décembre 2014 à 14:24 worked fine for me with your updated script, that's what I meant. Ok, so you haven't tried with the latest available version, I'd really like to know if you get the same results as I do...
Dimanche 14 Décembre 2014 à 20:50
Ok, I tested it with new installer v2.2.0.7. At first original script, then changed Wine version to stable 1.6.2 (Mint system version) and latest 1.7.33 (installed in PoL), and after selecting language of installation, before every next window, I got "Runtime error (at 194:157) Could not call proc" (here uploaded screenshot of error message http://tinypic.com/r/2s9r9c9/8). So, I don`t waited and canceled installation.
Dimanche 14 Décembre 2014 à 21:09
Ok, so sadly it's not just me, they're starting to release installers that do not work well under Wine, with no known workaround...
Dimanche 14 Décembre 2014 à 22:20
Ok, I validated your changes, but also added a warning in the description...
Mardi 16 Décembre 2014 à 15:32
Yesterday I tried to test it without /nogui key & Wine 1.7.6 (marked in Wine AppDB as Platinum). No Runtime errors still slow installation and dot4net install error, after that game was work as should. BUT! Today I tested GOG installer on Windows with /nogui key and had the same "Runtime Error (at 194:57) Could not call proc". So, I think it`s GOG`s (or Inno Setup) /nogui installation bug. I`ll post there bug report.
Vendredi 19 Décembre 2014 à 17:58
Support answered me on bugreport: "I've asked our Programmers and due to the changes made to the installer the /nogui parameter is currently not supported. It might be reintroduced at a later date." Well, it is really sad.

Edité par petch

murlock Dimanche 19 Octobre 2014 à 22:17


Works also with A New Beginning: Final Cut from http://gamersgate.com/

Just select Run a setup.exe and install it in C:\GOG Games\A New Beginning - Final Cut


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