Diablo II


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Quentin PÂRIS Anonymous


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Téléchargements : 359501
Wine: 4.5

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Chralu Dimanche 28 Avril 2019 à 12:51
Chralu Anonymous


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Here are some improvments :

  • Use Wine 4.5 (to get rid of FreeFont / libz compatibility issues)
  • Install Patch 1.13d



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Dimanche 17 Novembre 2019 à 19:36
Lonar Lundi 5 Novembre 2018 à 6:10
Lonar Anonymous


Feeling nostalgic I thought I would pull out my old Diablo 2 disks and get this classic up and running.  being a supported install I thought it was going to be a piece of cake, but I have run into a problem.  As you go through the diablo installer it tells you start with the install disk, then the play disk, then the cinematics disk, and then back to the install disk.  The play on linux installer worked great through the first three stages, but when the diablo installer asks for the install disk to be reinserted the PoL window did not have another dialog to swap disks again.  My install gets stuck every time at this point with no way passed it that I can see.  perhaps I am missing something, but I can't get the install finalized.


xlours Mardi 2 Janvier 2018 à 14:21
xlours Anonymous



une simple installation (Installer un programme non listé) en choisissant le wine 2.20 (sur mon UBUNTU 16.04, 32bit), windows XP et POL_Install_d3dx9 m'a permis de jouer sans problème à partir des CD originaux.



ZeNity_ Dimanche 2 Octobre 2016 à 15:11


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Here is an update supporting the Best Seller Series edition. See the changelog for a detailled list of changes.



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Irhamel Mercredi 13 Juillet 2016 à 19:01
Irhamel Anonymous


Hey guys! I'm attempting to install Diablo II and LOD (ofc first need diablo 2) from the battle.net online installer (as i lost my cds), and it errors on me.


Error in POL_Shortcut
Binary not found: Diablo II.exe
Have you installed the program to the default location?


 jl ? ~ ? Downloads ? D2-1.14b-Installer-enUS ? pwd
 jl ? ~ ? Downloads ? D2-1.14b-Installer-enUS ? ls
DirectX  Installer.app  Installer.exe  Installer Tome.mpq
 jl ? ~ ? Downloads ? D2-1.14b-Installer-enUS ? 


thats what i have.


Im using ubuntu 16.04


Dimanche 11 September 2016 à 19:28
I have the same problem. Is there a solution yet to get it working?
Sethan Samedi 9 Avril 2016 à 1:11
Sethan Anonymous



Blizzard rolled out a new update for Diablo 2 back in March 2016, and it does not work with POL. I downloaded the game client from Battle.net, and during the installation it would prompt "Wine program crash. Internal errors - invalid parameters received" and "Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: Diablo II.exe Have you installed the program to the default location?"

Please help.


sethmisk Vendredi 11 Mars 2016 à 19:29
sethmisk Anonymous


I'm trying to install Diablo II on my MacBook (running OS X 10.11.3 El Capitan) and it's giving me an error message (screencap: http://i.imgur.com/7TW0P1P.png?1). I just installed PlayOnMac today, I have XQuartz, and I've looked through the "First Use" page on the wiki and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


The error message asks if I've installed the program in the default location. Is "the program" referring to PlayOnMac, or to the program I'm trying to install? And what's "the default location"? PlayOnMac is in my applications folder, and I let it set up the virtual drive with the default settings. The Diablo .exe file that I downladed from Blizzard is in my downloads folder; is it supposed to be someplace else? Are there some more detailed instructions for this somewhere that I've overlooked?

Thanks in advance.


barbaramora Mercredi 10 Février 2016 à 22:24


I have been unable to install D2 in my Macbook. I have the installation cds, but my mac doesn't have a CD drive. I also tried downloading the installer available in battle.net, but it doesn't work either. How do I proceed?


Cloddes93 Dimanche 28 Juin 2015 à 23:21
Cloddes93 Anonymous


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Found a problem with the Diablo II 3 CD version with Lord of Destruction included (on another cd). The installer can't find the cd 2 as there is no "music.mpq", instead there is "Installer Tome 2.mpq". I suppose the same thing would happen with CD3 as there is "Installer Tome 3.mpq" instead of "playd2.mpq"


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Pichnouf Jeudi 18 Juin 2015 à 19:44
Pichnouf Anonymous


Greetings Playonlinux team!


I'm running Xubuntu 15.04 64bits.

Just installed Playonlinux.

Tried to install Diablo 2 with the PoL assistant (true CD-Roms, full install).

The CDs must be inserted in this order: CD1, CD2, CD3 and CD1 again to complete install.

At the end of CD3 step (installing cinematics), the PoL assistant didn't ask me to insert CD1 again. It just says "Please wait for D2 install", doing nothing else. The complete install of D2 is a no-go.

I tried this 2 times, same results.  I'll try the multiplayer install now see if it works, but I'd really like to have D2 fully installed for easier CD management.



Jeudi 18 Juin 2015 à 19:50
You might want to try to copy the discs to a folder on your computer and point the POL installer to there. That is a common workaround for this type of glitch. :)
Vendredi 19 Juin 2015 à 18:57
Why yes! Well thank you Ronin for the quick answer! Yesterday, I finally managed to install D2 and D2 LoD using only Wine (the version that comes with **buntu 15.04) and it worked just fine. But hey, I want PoL to manage all my games so I'll try your workaround and see what happens. Might be good for a laugh! Have a good one! P.
blacknight Mercredi 22 Octobre 2014 à 21:50
blacknight Anonymous


I had Diablo2 working with mavericks and now that i have yosemite it ddoes not work, and downloading the latest upgrade also does not work. Can't find a place in the forum with any assistance resolving this issue. Any help would be appreciated


Mercredi 22 Octobre 2014 à 23:28
Reinstall XQuartz
Jeudi 23 Octobre 2014 à 3:00
thank you - that worked for downloading and installing the game. Get an error message now Unhandled Exception Access Violation (c0000005)
Jeudi 23 Octobre 2014 à 3:26
getting info on what is supposed to be 4.2 play on mac says it's 4.1. Maybe the error?
Vendredi 24 Octobre 2014 à 2:42
Any help on this?
Invictus90 Vendredi 26 September 2014 à 17:00
Invictus90 Anonymous


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The program needed to find one more CD Change back to the Install Disc.

I also added a few more message boxes that consist of the names of these cds.

It is just as easy to navigate through before.


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Mardi 8 Mars 2016 à 11:45
Same problem since a long time - I can confirm there is definately a problem with BestSeller Series last CD change, same as described here. I am sure this update would help, but if I click 'try this update' nothing happens, adress not found...how does it work?! Do I need to enter the differences by hand somehow, or is there a way to do so? Can anyone pls give me a working installer or/and fix it in PlayonLinux, please??
Lundi 11 Avril 2016 à 20:59
Will it ever be fe fixed??? Cant be so hard, whats going on here that titles like this does not work??????!!!
cford96 Dimanche 17 Aoüt 2014 à 0:37
cford96 Anonymous


This program runs very well. I had to install an app to change the resolution to match my screen for the game. Besides that I have almost no complaints, the one big issue I have is that I can't install the Lord of Destruction expansion. I'm not sure if I'm doing it incorrectly, or if it isn't possible. Any feedback on that issue would be apprecited.


Vendredi 26 September 2014 à 17:05
Hi, I've added an improvement script to the Diablo II - Lord of Destruction. It works for me, Hopefully it fixes your issue.

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