

Créateur Messages
Quentin PÂRIS Anonymous


Cet installateur a été accepté par l'équipe.


Plate-formes :
Téléchargements : 13164246
Wine: System

Retours d'expérience

Code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET https://archive.org/download/ftp.microsoft.com/ftp.microsoft.com.zip/ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    # cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"



Membre Messages
justicenyaga Jeudi 5 September 2024 à 14:13
justicenyaga Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
             # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
-            $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
+            # $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
+            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
             # Fix bad file name
             mv "./download" "./$font"
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            # $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET https://archive.org/download/ftp.microsoft.com/ftp.microsoft.com.zip/ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    # cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


unaiaia Vendredi 2 Juin 2023 à 8:48
unaiaia Anonymous


tahoma32.exe link is broken, the suggested version needs to get approved! :(


Mercredi 21 Juin 2023 à 23:32
tecgyver Lundi 29 Mai 2023 à 13:34
tecgyver Anonymous


Cette mise à jour a été acceptée par l'équipe


Link to Tahoma has to be changed. Find currently working link in submitted improvement.


@@ -47,13 +47,14 @@
             sleep 0.1
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
+    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
     # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
     # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    $POL_WGET https://archive.org/download/ftp.microsoft.com/ftp.microsoft.com.zip/ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
     sleep 1
@@ -69,10 +70,10 @@
             sleep 0.1
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
+    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
+    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    # cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET https://archive.org/download/ftp.microsoft.com/ftp.microsoft.com.zip/ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')TAHOMA32.EXE"
    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    # cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Vendredi 2 Juin 2023 à 8:48
Any chance this can get approved? Installation of this package now gets stuck at tahoma32.exe and there is no way to continue or bypass that I'm aware of
Quentin PÂRIS Jeudi 10 Janvier 2019 à 21:14
Quentin PÂRIS Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
             # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
-            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
+            $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
             # Fix bad file name
             mv "./download" "./$font"
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            $POL_WGET "https://netix.dl.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/final/$font" || return 1
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


cjuniorfox Lundi 19 Novembre 2018 à 11:46
cjuniorfox Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


I was unable to download tahoma32.exe.

The link works ok, but from installer, does not work as well.

I made some code updates changing a little the source and replacing the url for a new one.



@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash       
+[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
+source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
 if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
     POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
@@ -25,8 +29,8 @@
     rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
     mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
-    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
-    cd "$FONTDIR"
+    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe tahoma32.exe"
+    cd "$FONTDIR" || exit
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
@@ -39,24 +43,28 @@
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
             # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
-            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
+            if [ "$font" = "tahoma32.exe" ]; then
+                $POL_WGET "http://dir.vietnam.online.fr/misc/tahoma32.exe" || return 1;
+            else
+                $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1;
+            fi
             # Fix bad file name
             mv "./download" "./$font"
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
             POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
             sleep 0.1
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
     # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
     # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
-    sleep 1
+    #$POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    #POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
+    #sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
@@ -68,19 +76,21 @@
             POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
             sleep 0.1
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    ##cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
-    sleep 1
+    sleep 0.5
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
     rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
     sleep 0.5
     touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
     #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
\ No newline at end of file

Nouveau code source

#!/usr/bin/env playonlinux-bash       
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe tahoma32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR" || exit

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            if [ "$font" = "tahoma32.exe" ]; then
                $POL_WGET "http://dir.vietnam.online.fr/misc/tahoma32.exe" || return 1;
                $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1;
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    #$POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    #POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    #sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    ##cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 0.5
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


cjuniorfox Vendredi 16 Novembre 2018 à 19:24
cjuniorfox Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
     mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
-    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
+    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe tahoma32.exe"
     cd "$FONTDIR"
@@ -39,7 +39,11 @@
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
             # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
-            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
+            if ["$font" = "tahoma32.exe"]; then
+                $POL_WGET "http://dir.vietnam.online.fr/misc/tahoma32.exe" || return 1;
+            else
+                $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1;
+            fi
             # Fix bad file name
             mv "./download" "./$font"
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
@@ -47,15 +51,15 @@
             sleep 0.1
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
     # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
     # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
-    sleep 1
+    #$POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    #POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
+    #sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
@@ -69,12 +73,12 @@
             sleep 0.1
-    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    ##cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
-    sleep 1
+    sleep 0.5
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe tahoma32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            if ["$font" = "tahoma32.exe"]; then
                $POL_WGET "http://dir.vietnam.online.fr/misc/tahoma32.exe" || return 1;
                $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1;
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    #$POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    #POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    #sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    #POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    ##cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 0.5
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Tutul Dimanche 4 Février 2018 à 17:26


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


Fix bad file name


@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
             # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
-            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" -o $font || return 1
+            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
+            # Fix bad file name
+            mv "./download" "./$font"
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
             POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
             sleep 0.1
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
-    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
+    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
     sleep 0.5
     touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
            # Fix bad file name
            mv "./download" "./$font"
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 50
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 4 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,EXE,done,dll,DLL,inf,txt,TXT} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Tutul Lundi 29 Janvier 2018 à 16:20


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


Change the URL for tahoma32 from winetrick github.

The old URL isn't working anymore


Btw, all font are doawnloaded with 'download' as filename. So the POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..." isn't useful.


@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
             POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
             $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
             POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
@@ -48,7 +49,8 @@
     # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
     # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            # BTW all downloaded file has 'download' as name!
            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.uevora.pt/pub/windows/Microsoft/Euro/Euro-Compatible%20Tahoma%20Font/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Terces Jeudi 14 Décembre 2017 à 0:41
Terces Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


The location of the fonts on sourceforge changed. I adapted the script to point to the new and right location.


@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
             sleep 0.1
             POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
             echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
             PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
             POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            #$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            $POL_WGET "https://sourceforge.net/projects/corefonts/files/the%20fonts/final/$font/download" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Dimanche 31 Décembre 2017 à 21:44
Thank you!
riotbr Samedi 2 Juillet 2016 à 23:31
riotbr Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls



It gets an error when downloading Tahoma32.exe. The host of Microsoft doesn't exist.


@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
     # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
     # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
-    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


petch Mardi 11 Aoüt 2015 à 18:26


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


- Remove use of deprecated $REPERTOIRE

- some more pulse bar resets to 0


@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
+if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
     POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
     $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
     $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
-    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
     echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
     These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
@@ -15,21 +15,22 @@
     You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
     but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
-    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
-    cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
+    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
-    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
-    rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
-    rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
-    rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
+    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
+    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
+    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
+    FONTDIR="$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/"
     mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
     FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
     cd "$FONTDIR"
-    PULSE=1
+    PULSE=0
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
@@ -49,10 +50,11 @@
     $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1
-    PULSE=1
+    PULSE=0
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
             sleep 0.1
@@ -76,6 +78,6 @@
     rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
     sleep 0.5
-    touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
+    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
     #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"
    cat "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 0
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


petch Dimanche 17 Mai 2015 à 16:57


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


Use same source for Tahoma font as POL_Install_tahoma2



@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
-    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" 
+    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
     $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
     $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
     $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
     These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
     cross-platform compatibility\".
     This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
     third parties.
     You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
     but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
     to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
@@ -28,56 +28,54 @@
     FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
     cd "$FONTDIR"
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-    	sleep 0.1
-    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-    	$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
-    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+            sleep 0.1
+            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
     echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
+    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
+    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-    	sleep 0.1
-    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-    	cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
-    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
-    	sleep 0.1
+            sleep 0.1
+            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
+            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+            sleep 0.1
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
     echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
-    rm *.exe
-    rm *.done
-    rm *.dll
-    rm *.inf
-    rm *.txt
+    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
     sleep 0.5
     touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
     #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
\ No newline at end of file

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
    cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Edité par petch

petch Dimanche 17 Mai 2015 à 15:41


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


Revert Tahoma download from Microsoft FTP site, alternate download seems down


@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
 if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
-    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" 
+    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
     $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
     $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
     $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
     These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
     cross-platform compatibility\".
     This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
     third parties.
     You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
     but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
     to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
     rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
@@ -28,56 +28,54 @@
     FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
     cd "$FONTDIR"
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-    	sleep 0.1
-    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-    	$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
-    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+            sleep 0.1
+            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
     echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
+    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
+    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
     # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
     for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-    	sleep 0.1
-    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-    	cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
-    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
-    	sleep 0.1
+            sleep 0.1
+            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
+            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+            sleep 0.1
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
     echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-    cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-    #cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
     POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
     sleep 1
     POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
-    rm *.exe
-    rm *.done
-    rm *.dll
-    rm *.inf
-    rm *.txt
+    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
     sleep 0.5
     touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
     #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
\ No newline at end of file

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")

    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.

    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
    cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"

    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"

    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # ccd250dd30247d68e0f8a14adf797262
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    # $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://download.microsoft.com/download/office97pro/fonts/1/w95/en-us/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm "$FONTDIR"/*.{exe,done,dll,inf,txt} &> /dev/null
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


Edité par petch

Quentin PÂRIS Mardi 8 Juillet 2014 à 20:55
Quentin PÂRIS Anonymous


Cette mise à jour n'a pas été approuvée par l'équipe.
Utilisez-la à vos risques et périls


Preparing the next version of PlayOnLinux and PlayOnMac (4.2.3)


@@ -1,82 +1,83 @@
-POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" 
-echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
-$(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
-$(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
-$(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
-echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
-These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
-cross-platform compatibility\".
-This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
-third parties.
-You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
-but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
-to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
-cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
-POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
-WebVersion=$($POL_WGET $SITE/check.txt -O-)
-rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
-rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
-rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
-mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
-FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
-cd "$FONTDIR"
-POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
-for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-	sleep 0.1
-	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
-	$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
-	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
-echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
-# $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
-$POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
-POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
-sleep 1
-POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
-for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
-	sleep 0.1
-	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
-	cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
-	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
-	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
-	sleep 0.1
-POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
-#cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
-cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
-POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
-sleep 1
-POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
-rm *.exe
-rm *.done
-rm *.dll
-rm *.inf
-rm *.txt
-sleep 0.5
-touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
-POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
\ No newline at end of file
+if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
+    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" 
+    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
+    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
+    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
+    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
+    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
+    cross-platform compatibility\".
+    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
+    third parties.
+    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
+    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
+    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
+    rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
+    rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
+    rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
+    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
+    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
+    cd "$FONTDIR"
+    PULSE=1
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
+    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
+    do
+    	sleep 0.1
+    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
+    	$POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
+    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+    done
+    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
+    $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
+    sleep 1
+    PULSE=1
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
+    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
+    do
+    	sleep 0.1
+    	POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+    	echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
+    	cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
+    	PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
+    	POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
+    	sleep 0.1
+    done
+    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
+    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
+    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
+    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
+    sleep 1
+    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
+    rm *.exe
+    rm *.done
+    rm *.dll
+    rm *.inf
+    rm *.txt
+    sleep 0.5
+    touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
+    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
\ No newline at end of file

Nouveau code source

if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed" ]; then
    POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext "Microsoft fonts aren't installed; I'll install them for you.")" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" 
    echo -e "---$(eval_gettext " Licence translated into your language ")---
    $(eval_gettext "These fonts were provided by Microsoft\n\"in the interest of cross-platform compatibility\".")
    $(eval_gettext "This is no longer the case, but they are still available from third parties.")
    $(eval_gettext "You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,\nbut you may not redistribute them in modified form,\nincluding changes to the file name or packaging format.")\n" > "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
    echo "---$(eval_gettext " Original licence ")---
    These fonts were provided by Microsoft \"in the interest of
    cross-platform compatibility\".
    This is no longer the case, but they are still available from
    third parties.
    You are free to download these fonts and use them for your own use,
    but you may not redistribute them in modified form, including changes
    to the file name or packaging format." >> "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
    cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"
    POL_SetupWindow_licence "$(eval_gettext 'Please read and accept the following:')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/licence"

    rm -r "$REPERTOIRE/fonts/" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/fonts" 2> /dev/null
    rm "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/fonts_installed" 2> /dev/null
    mkdir -p "$FONTDIR"
    FONTS_INSTALLER="andale32.exe arialb32.exe arial32.exe comic32.exe courie32.exe georgi32.exe impact32.exe times32.exe trebuc32.exe verdan32.exe webdin32.exe"
    cd "$FONTDIR"
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')$font..."
            $POL_WGET "http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/$font" || return 1
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Downloading: ')tahoma32.exe"
    # $POL_WGET ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/MSLFILES/TAHOMA32.EXE || return 1
    $POL_WGET http://residence-eon.tuxfamily.org/Wine/tahoma32.exe || return 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_pulsebar "$(eval_gettext 'Installing fonts')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"
    for font in $FONTS_INSTALLER
            sleep 0.1
            POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')$font..."
            cabextract "$font" > /dev/null
            PULSE=$(( PULSE + 8 ))
            POL_SetupWindow_pulse $PULSE
            sleep 0.1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    echo "$(eval_gettext 'Installing: ')tahoma32.exe"
    #cabextract TAHOMA32.EXE > /dev/null
    cabextract tahoma32.exe > /dev/null
    POL_SetupWindow_pulse 100
    sleep 1
    POL_SetupWindow_set_text "$(eval_gettext 'Cleaning')"
    rm *.exe
    rm *.done
    rm *.dll
    rm *.inf
    rm *.txt
    sleep 0.5
    touch "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/msfonts_installed"
    #POL_SetupWindow_message "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts have been installed successfully.')" "$(eval_gettext 'Microsoft fonts')"


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